seconded koinkun, smoking habits differ from each person
i'm an active smoker, smoked at least 1 - 2 pack of cigarettes a day (well, hey, they sold a pack of m*rlboro for 1,2$ here @_@), and fully known the consequences
at my level, it'll be pretty hard to leave it. i haven't smoked for four days due to a thing or two and felt heavy depression and very frustated. dunno why
i suggest if you're still at 3 - 5 cigar a day, at least keep it at that pace. and try to reduce it little by little. find yourself something to 'amuse' whenever you get the urge. at least keep yourself occupied. that way it'll reduce the 'urge' to smoke. but if you want to quit completely, it'll be hard (well, not THAT hard, but you'll need a lot of will power :D). just try to reduce it little by little, one cigar at a time. completely throw your smoke and quit smokin at a time will NOT solve your problem, it'll torment you. seriously. rather than 'stopping' the urge, try to 'weaken' the urge till it's harmless and fades away :D
well, hope it helps :D