help with installing No DVD patch and running Carnival (カーニバル)

nino haruhara

New member
Trusted Member
Mar 6, 2021
i deleted daemon tools last night and for some reason i couldn't run carnival anymore so i deleted it and tried to reinstall it but i can't get it to run like it did before, even after I install the no dvd patch i still get the popup telling me to run the game from the cd. I'm not sure if it has something to do with me not installing the patch correctly or if it's something else but everything I tried so far has failed. I downloaded it awhile ago so i don't remember the specifics but i do know that i was easily able to get it running properly when i first installed it.
here's what i tried:
after mounting the Blue and Orange isos, i moved the orange folder into my C: drive and moved the No DVD patch into it, once i installed the patch i tried running it (carnival.exe) but i got a popup, when i try running CarRun it shows the installation menu but when i actually try installing it, i get a popup telling me to insert the blue disc.
i could be wrong but I think i installed the other patch (the one named carnival_patch, not the dvd one) after i got it running the first time so i don't think that has anything to do with my problem

I'm not sure what else to do. i used ccleaner to remove any residual files from the first carnival but that didn't help.
this is the one i downloaded:][s-m-l]-carnival-nodvd-patch-[911mb]-23752/
1. Download & Run imgdriveportable_x64.exe and install Driver

2. Drag and Drop CARNIVAL_ORANGE.cue onto the drive inside IMGDrivePortable

3. Now you open This PC folder where your harddrives are located and double click on the drive which IMGDrivePortable created and where you put the cue file onto.

4. This window opens, click on install.

5. Create a new folder on desktop where you want the game to be installed then select this folder so its blue marked then continue.

6. Go back to IMGDrivePortable and right click the drive and click unmount. Then you drag and drop CARNIVAL_BLUE.cue onto this same drive. Press OK.

Then you do the same with the orange disc, unmount and drag and drop CARNIVAL_ORANGE.cue onto drive then press OK.

7. Another popup appears press OK and it should look like this.

8. Unmount the drive now in IMGDrivePortable. Now you can install the patch carnival_patch.exe from the folder [Official Fix Patch] 公式修正パッチ (carnival_patch) by double clicking it. Select the folder where you installed the game to.

9. Move the file from folder "[NoDVD Patch] CARNIVAL" "[NoCD Patch] [S.M.L] CARNIVAL.EXE" into the game folder and run it, then press OK.

10. Now we can start the game by running carexec.exe from game folder. If you dont have sound when you start it for first time, restart it then sound should be there.


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