- Oct 31, 2010
- 14,522
- 627
The Burning Legion have not forgotten our defiance thousands of years ago, and now they have returned! Stronger and more determined, they will not stop until they have destroyed all life on Azeroth. Heed the calling of your King, champions! For our world stand on the brink of destruction once more, we must band together and slay each and every demon that threaten Azeroth! We are the shield and sword of Azeroth, and together we will strike down the Burning Legion, but remember this: should we fail, all worlds will burn! For we are the last bastion against the Burning Legion, we must face this dark times together, for no one is able to face the Legion alone. FOR AZEROTH!

Role-playing aside, Legion shaping up to be a solid expansion, I thought it might be a decent time for me to see whether or not I can find some people lurking here that also play World of Warcraft. It would be nice to find and share what you enjoy (or have enjoyed), be it Legion or any previous expansion, any great memories, moments you have had with your friends, adventures you had in the past, everything would be great to share, screenshot(s) very welcome! But make sure if you have more than a few that you put a spoiler tag around it so you don't end up making people scroll a lot!