Hey everybody :)

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New member
Jan 25, 2015
Hey there!

I'm just your usual anime/japan fangirl from Hungary, already being in a small Hungarian forum community. So I was just thinking that it would be nice to make some anime friends outside the country too :) I'm a student, studying history and Japanese atm, and would like to ask you to forgive me for my mistakes, I'm not fluent in English, after all ^^

Beside anime, I usually watch jdrama/jmovie as well, and the last year became quiet a seiyuu fan too, so I'm giving a try to otome games these days :D

Don't really know what else to say, so here is my MAL, in case you would wonder about what I'm watching.

I hope we'll get along well.
Well, welcome to ASF Skyes!

Have a lot fun with the stuff of here, and enjoy your free time with us as well...^_^!!!

Edit: Don't worry about your English skills, because none of the world is perfect, okay? - Where then yours is so far fine/enough!

Edit2: Isten hozott téged ide, jó látni egy társat innentől...!!!:goodtea:
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