These are a few original game's bangs I altered for my use which I'm sharing in case some people find them useful.

There are 5 bangs, all are altered versions from the game's. The first 4 are reversed and the 5th is a shorted version. They are standalone so they wouldn't replace anything.
Extract and copy into your main Honey Select main directory. Note that a new directory, Belgar17_Mods, will be created inside HoneySelect\abdata\Chara\ it it doesn't exist.
IDs used: (HairFront[F]) 203138-203142
Download: https://mega.nz/#!ZhkFxIxJ!Su8EkyVq06Ueg5QE7QeIKPDIxndBSWwRLKErWO8ordc
These are a few original game's bangs I altered for my use which I'm sharing in case some people find them useful.

There are 5 bangs, all are altered versions from the game's. The first 4 are reversed and the 5th is a shorted version. They are standalone so they wouldn't replace anything.
Extract and copy into your main Honey Select main directory. Note that a new directory, Belgar17_Mods, will be created inside HoneySelect\abdata\Chara\ it it doesn't exist.
IDs used: (HairFront[F]) 203138-203142
Delete file bmhs_cf_hair_A9.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\chara\Belgar17_Mods
Delete file bmhs_cf_hair_A3-(HairFront[F])-IDs 203138-203142.txt from directory HoneySelect\abdata\chara\Belgar17_Mods
Delete file belgar17_hshb_A9.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\list\charaCustom
Delete file bmhs_cf_hair_A3-(HairFront[F])-IDs 203138-203142.txt from directory HoneySelect\abdata\chara\Belgar17_Mods
Delete file belgar17_hshb_A9.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\list\charaCustom
Download: https://mega.nz/#!ZhkFxIxJ!Su8EkyVq06Ueg5QE7QeIKPDIxndBSWwRLKErWO8ordc