These are another set of clothing adapted from the second HS DLC.

From the leather armor comes 2 bustiers. From the Marion Magical Outfit there is variation without the jacket and a cropped version as well.
They are standalone so they wouldn't replace anything. They are recolorable as well.
All are made for SBX2.5 uncensor.
There are clipping issues with large breasts. Bras can be used with the two bustiers but there will be clipping issues as well.
The first bustier will only accept small changes in color.
The long Marion's top will only work correctly with some pants and skirts.
Extract and copy into your main Honey Select main directory.
IDs used: (Tops[F]) 205940-205943
Download V1.0: https://mega.nz/#!Q4dWSarb!T2nR-X2ZrenQOZ7XXCsHYjY4tt8T1eLStKO-cq2-YGk
Have fun with them.
These are another set of clothing adapted from the second HS DLC.

From the leather armor comes 2 bustiers. From the Marion Magical Outfit there is variation without the jacket and a cropped version as well.
They are standalone so they wouldn't replace anything. They are recolorable as well.
All are made for SBX2.5 uncensor.
There are clipping issues with large breasts. Bras can be used with the two bustiers but there will be clipping issues as well.
The first bustier will only accept small changes in color.
The long Marion's top will only work correctly with some pants and skirts.
Extract and copy into your main Honey Select main directory.
IDs used: (Tops[F]) 205940-205943
Delete file bmhs_cf_tops_B7.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\chara\Belgar17_Mods
Delete file belgar17_hstp_B7.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\list\charaCustom
Delete file belgar17_hstp_B7.unity3d from directory HoneySelect\abdata\list\charaCustom
Have fun with them.