
~Pyon Pyon~
Elite Member
Nov 3, 2010
Itsuka Tenma no Kuro Usagi


Taito has been really sleepy lately, and keeps dreaming of a female vampire who says she has given him her "poison." Sometimes he even thinks he hears her voice when he's awake. But after surviving an accident that should have killed him, Taito's world changes drastically and he realizes that his dreams are more real than he thought.

Seiyuu cast: Megumi Takamoto, Shinnosuke Tachibana, Aya Gōda, Chika Horikawa, Iori Nomizu, Jun Fukuyama, Mina, Yuuichi Nakamura

Director: Takashi Yamamoto
Series Composition: Shigeru Morita
Original creator: Takaya Kagami
Original Character Design: Yuu Kamiya
Animation Production: ZEXCS

Credits to ANN for information. And myself. :)
Well, well, well. This season is definitely testing my patience with all the lolis and hinyuu-charas.
Cant say a lot for now for that 'test', I am still watching those, with this included.

Creator of Denyuden, Takaya Kagami returns with another novel animation in the form of this show. Have I mentioned I am a big fan of his works? Same with Denyuden, ZEXCS will helm the production, something I really not a favorite for, but they will pull off the 'WTF' scenes and action decently I guess.

First episode premise was sorta good. Protaganist is quite likeable, nice guy-feel with a very laid back attitude, and does not hesistate to hit on (dont know if he realises) his classmate and good friend, Haruka. Obviously, star of the show isnt her, as we await the promise from 9 years ago between Himea and Taito. Definitely will continue watching this, after the end of the episode, which made feel like 'NO!', sorta like a life-drama scene. Anycase, everything from the show has bought me over, hoping that 1 cour allows me to take away a lot of good moments.

Now now ZEXCS, why dont you stop the censoring? I mean, put the light shades away. You censore a group for less than 3 seconds, then happily showcased 1 girl's for more than 10 seconds. Come' on! If you gonna show, show it!
You must change taste, the rori era, it is now.
Just get used to it!
Nothing is impossible if you give it a go.
As a person who read the source, I feel the story got cut out alot so far so to fit 1 volume in 2 episodes.
By Kadokawa Taiwan, that being said, this is the first Anime to ever be advertised in english by the home group.
yeah i saw the pv before.

haha, so you read the novels in chinese? o.o
The truck scene reminded me of Kore Wa Zombie Desu ka?

Saitohimea is... kind of odd and dramatic but cute at the same time? But God, that hair is lovely. *Intense want* >_< Mirai is a pretty stereotypical character, but her chemistry with Gekkou is what makes her interesting. Plus, I've heard that the manga/novels get really interesting later on, so I'm definitely hanging around to see what happens.

The ED sounds really pretty. Kind of disappointed in the OP because Once isn't as good as Kyuuai Real is (it doesn't sound as epic). But they both fit the show equally well, so it's alright, I guess.
this is making me wanna read the novels, especially after fire mentioned it.
where to get the novels here?

good episode here. himea is officially revealed as a vampire in this episode, and it seems she can grant more than 1 power to taito.

good fight scenes this weeks, as expected of zexcs, though its not always high quality. its nice to see that himea and taito's story, and why his memories were erased. result of an attack by gekkou's younger twin brother hinata, voiced by Fukuyama (yeah!), hinata is an apparent bad-ass who is after himea. from what it seems, he wants himea to grant him powers too, though i strongly believe that he is bad ass enough, evidently as he could handle all 4 members without any trouble.

taito's new ability which completely destroys his body was powerful, though i really dun like how the thing will be 'recycled' in the future episodes where he will most likely gamble on his 6 deaths limit in every 15 minutes.

gekkou's a genius, remember that. all other people are thrash to him. thats some elitist view of the world.

well, theres much to expect from this, especially when the creator is the one who behind denyuden too. loved denyuden and strongly liking this too. thumbs up for himea as the third loli-hinyuu i am excepting this season, she's kira kira. ~
Breakneck pacing.

Too fast... just way too fast. I know there's these guys who're fighting each other, and before I can make sense as to why they're fighting in the first place, next thing you know they band together to fight another guy who just came out of nowhere.

Not to mention lots of unexplained questions like how main guy didn't die. the story was forced at far too quick a pace for me to connect with them emotionally, hoping that it will be executed better later.

That said though, I still enjoyed it. The animation, character design, personalities, music and voices are really doing it for me. I approved of one girl for one boy (i know there is Haruka, but it is so obvious who is OTP), just hoping that it don't get too haremy. Himea just hits all the right spots for me, and I have a thing for the destined/fated girl and this type of stories ww. And lelouch here? FCK YES!

I seriously laughed at 22:34 of the episode 2 "This is beginning of a pain-in-the-ass story...".
Much better episode, the pace was nice. I feel kinda sorry for Haruka, such a nice girl who missed her chance to make more direct assaults before Himea showed up.

Taito was in some deep shit when both girls offered him lunch. But he took the bento and went with Himea, good thinking. Good to find out more about Gekkou's past, and it was pretty obvious Hinata wasn't dead.

Himea getting jealous and stuff was pretty funny. It just made me love her even more.And why did they change the ED?! Last episode's ED was awesome.. this one just sucks.

And the bugs are eww.
''Will Taito sleep with Himea? Find out folks in the next episode of our super saucy tentacle hentai, Itsuka Tenma no-'' ah, you get the point.

Anyway, I read the LN and I will be joining in the bandwagon in asking WHY ZEXCS, why you do this? WHY YOU CRAMP WHOLE VOLUME INTO 2 EPISODES? This is quite a bad adaptation leaving out so much details, copy pasting some parts of the LN randomly compared to the LN which is so much superior imo. I wholeheartedly recommend the LN and manga to others.

Anyone else finds this anime to be a bit claustrophobic, is that the right word? Anyway, what a depressing atmosphere and world they live in. They can't go to a bathroom without bloody rain falling as soon as you turn your back or someone coming to posses you. To me this all feels rushed like they will end it in the next episode. The straight line that connects the storytelling and action is so mixed up that I have a feeling that developers themselves don't know in what order to put when. The show is nice, but they the way it's developing is just kinda >_>.
i had heard about the craming by zexcs.

animu hasnt been developing nicely as i initially hoped, everything simply crumbled after episode 2 to me. But i stick with this.
however, certain points of note for myself:

1. there hasnt been any really likeable-enjoyable character to me. saitohimea is plain weird to me, taito is a stuck-up loser, and the rest havent been fun. much to my dismay, the probable 'fun' ones are most likely the kurenai twins.

2. saitohimea is hiding way too much stuff for her own and everyone's good. she claims she love taito too much, i will hold on to my doubts about her for now.

wanna find the LN, shoulda ask fire.
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They cut too much stuffs making it confusing, sorta like denyuden later parts which is also rushed and cut. And i got some info on that they are going to to wrap this up in one cour with original material (not sure though), better treat this as diff version compare to the LNs ;).
More questions!

Think I can simplify my thoughts by saying Himea has a lot of issues. To be fair going all that time with torture and being sealed away will do that, but still she has a lot of issues. I mean it seems she created one personality out of loneliness, but that wasn't good enough so she took things further with that Bliss spell. Really seems like she created a lot of problems via her magic thanks to her extreme loneliness and suffering. Who knows what other problems are going to pop up.

Gekkou might have a bad attitude, but does have a lot of things to deal with. I mean geeze you have Himea causing problems, the Tenma, his brother who somehow survived (of course they never really explained how Taito survived that extra death in the second episode), and a hyper girl that he has a contract with .

Suppose it makes sense that Haruka couldn't just be a normal childhood friend. No one can be remotely close to the cast without being strange in some fashion.

Really like the relationship between Taito and Himea even the dialogue might feel cheesy sometimes, need some ero Himea mode though :P.
Ok....this ep was rather random.

The Entolios appeared out of nowhere and wasn't Kurosu always in the school grounds, being the council's direct superior and all? Mentioning the struggle between Temperon Crowley, the Church and the Military now without further explanation just further confuses things.

At least Izumi remained faithful to her original version. The date was fun to see. Don't know what to think about Himea molesting furnitures :s. At least the moment with Himea and Taito is nice.

On the plus side though, the ED is nice and I suppose as a slice of life ep, it was rather ok....and seeing Gekkou fail at the UFO catcher was win as well.

I'll also never tire of those cute illustrations at the end. So huggable.
Lol'd every time Taito went and died. He's so full of lulz when he does that.
And I figured out the secret to Himea's wonderful hair. It's full of love, that's what it is.

Well, it's still entertaining, at least despite the poor adaptation.

Holy Grounds in general are uncommon but not unique, and are used to connect to other dimensions, worlds, and space. Normally, a user just needs to know the methods of operating a Holy Ground and he or she will be able to control it. Holy Grounds are magical existences which are said to be 'newer' creations than Vampires. As a Vampire (Most Ancient Sorcerer), technically speaking, Himea has the ability to decipher (like Alpha Stigma) the workings of a Holy Ground and can gain control of it, since it's a magical existence.

However, the one at Miyasaka High is a unique Holy Ground of great power. It can connect to ANY and EVERY dimension, world, and space as long as one can give the coordinates. That's why the Military is so careful in guarding it and camouflaging it as a school, since it's a potential source of great power, as one can use it to learn magic, acquire weapons and knowledge and monsters from other worlds. The Holy Ground in Miyasaka High is also unique in that, it can only be operated by its Contractor it has chosen (and no one else), who is currently Gekkou. Of course, this information is totally skipped in what should have been the event after episode 5 (which they just crunch last chapter of volume 2 and chapters 1, 2 and 3 of volume 3 into that episode), where Gekkou and Himea had a fight as Himea tried to take control of the Holy Ground in the student council room. Furthermore, the only one who can contract it must be 18 years or under. As to why that is, it might be revealed in future so I won't touch on it.

Finally, Himea currently has a Holy Ground that she administers in another space. She has set up that Holy Ground with a fixed portal to the park. That Holy Ground can only connect to a limited number of dimensions, and it's affected by the inter-dimensional distance from this world. And also, Himea did not follow Taito along, since she needs to stay within the school compound with the protective barrier of the Military (but in the anime, she did!). Here, emotions of Himea is also downplayed in the anime when she knew that Taito had gone to Edeluca. In the novel, she was much more frantic and anxious because she knows that the Price for a Wish from the Mistress of Edeluca is never cheap, so she's very worried about the health of Taito and what might happen to him. Taito then first used the portal in the park (with instructions from Himea) to reach the Holy Ground in another space. He then accesses the information given by Mistress of Edeluca and managed to use the Holy Ground to connect to a coordinate available in that fountain of knowledge not meant for human consumption. This is how he got to Nyankichi. I think Nyankichi seriously FTW though I also find the anime version annoying rather than funny. Oh yeah, since Himea did not follow Taito, Nyankichi was never swooned by her or anything of that sort. That's just plain stupid in the anime.

Edeluca is the name of a place by the way. Though initially, I also got it wrong because of the ambiguity in the sentences when Gekkou first mentioned it. And yes, the Mistress of Edeluca took most of Himea's remaining magic as the price for Taito's revival, which is a very big thing, for she is a Vampire (Most Ancient of Sorcerers). By now, it should be clear that except for fangs and red eyes, Vampires are not bloodsuckers, but the name for a magic using race, and the most Ancient type at that. Anyway, this was what weakened her greatly. Continue speculating, it's fun. :) And the 'price' should be revealed in the last one or two episode.
insanely strong teacher is insanely strong.

nice to hear junichi suwabe anytime anywhere
This episode is mostly original material. Haruka showing up there was really awkward... I mean, not just because of the tension between her, Himea, and Taito, but also because I could tell that she originally wasn't even supposed to be there. I feel so bad for her, though. :<

Cross tested the student council's strength in school, and he didn't go to training camp. Izumi joined since she's part of the council. The Entolio brothers are missing in the event and Haruka didn't go in the actual story. After the student council left for the beach, there's a fight between Cross and Hinata and it reveals more information about the prophecy, the Military, and Hinata's goals.
Pretty much Zexcs doing their own stuffs now. Lol Kurosu likes love triangles. Since he said Haruka isn't an outsider does he know that she's possessed by that observer. They showed those 2 guys again this time trying to break the barrier, hopefully they introduce them soon. Izumi has grown on me, she's helpful. Stupid Taito practically threw Himea under the bus this time. Tough for her to hear Haruka confess to him.
Someone needs to convince Takaya Kagami-sensei not to trust ZEXCS for his novel masterpieces. Admittedly, ZEXCS has never done a decent job for any novel adaptations, notably in 2 of Kagami-sensei's works, this and Denyuden. While Denyuden enjoyed moderate success in my books, i have clearly no clue where this is headed towards, whats worse is the cramming of contents and 1 cour limit.

Haruka gets kidnapped, Taito goes raging blaming himself where in fact he really has no part in this. The point here is, introducing 2 small-time bad guys to end off the last 2 episodes is wrong. I felt more pain for Suzae than the 'anguish', if any, that Haruka was captured. Using Haruka as a hostage and luring Himea into a trap was easy as ABC, something which the most ancient sorcerer failed to even detect.

Cross showed his abilities yet again, taking out Gekkou and killing Taito with just a kick. There's something wrong with this guy's absolute powers, but who cares when he is actually more entertaining than the main charas. Useless and all, main charas are there for a reason, with that said, the last minute 'break-in and retrieve' was yet again badly directed with no flair whatsoever. Taito is easily the worst protaganist character this year, completely useless and idiotic, his only roles are to keep raging how stupid and weak he is and just die consecutively.

Maybe because of the poor adaptation from what i heard and animation quality seen by ZEXCS, i am very disappointed with this show. May have to move on the novels, where i should expect a lot better materials. ZEXCS has been consistently poor in their animation qualities, although they do some decent jobs elsewhere for other shows, but Kagami-sensei should consider a better studio and better opportunities. One cour will never bring out what is needed for long and impressive stories, and this show deserved more than this. Cramming, poor chara development and lack of distinct plot and bad guys, this show fell short of everything i hoped for before the start.

2 more episodes to go, we will see how it concludes with yet another original anime ending.

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