Title: Izumo - Takeki Tsurugi no Senki
Other title: IZUMO-猛き剣の閃記-, IZUMO Flash Of A Brave Sword, IZUMO 猛き剣の閃記
Status: Complete
Author: Yamamoto Kazue, Studio E.go!
Language: ENG
Des: A manga adaption of the visual novel by the same name by Studio e.go!
Sucked into the underworld to fulfill the deeds of the Gods, Takeru soon finds himself at odds against the demons... and his best friend.
Vol.1 Chapter 11: Side Story: uploaded.net | rapidgator.net
Vol.1 Chapter 10: The End [END]: uploaded.net | rapidgator.net
Vol.1 Chapter 9: Fate: uploaded.net | rapidgator.net
Vol.1 Chapter 8: The Decisive Battle: uploaded.net | rapidgator.net
Vol.1 Chapter 7: Rescue: uploaded.net | rapidgator.net
Vol.1 Chapter 6: The Return: uploaded.net | rapidgator.net
Vol.1 Chapter 5: Reunion: uploaded.net | rapidgator.net
Vol.1 Chapter 4: Seiryuu: uploaded.net | rapidgator.net
Vol.1 Chapter 3: The Spirit World: uploaded.net | rapidgator.net
Vol.1 Chapter 2: An Unusual Phenomenon: uploaded.net | rapidgator.net
Vol.1 Chapter 1: Discord: uploaded.net | rapidgator.net