Title: Boku ga Saki ni Suki datta kara Saki ni Netorimasu
僕が先に好きだったから先に寝取ります [DL版] Circle/Artist: kuretudenn (kuretudenn) / kuretudenn Pages: 26 Size: 133 MB
Type: Doujinshi Language: Japanese Release Date: 2024/01/01
I’m finally done with my final exams ! I’m excited to start uploading again! To make up for the past two weeks of absence, I’ll be uploading a special batch next week. Starting tomorrow, I’ll upload around 6 or 7 CDs with the following schedule:
Sunday to Thursday:
Twice or thrice a week updates.
After that, I’ll return to my usual schedule, uploading 2 or sometimes 3 CDs a week. (Including 1/2 request)