Thank you guys for sharing all those website

, i actualy able to find some new and old artist i have never seen before.
I'll summerize all the website that's available here for now. (in my opinion)
hanime1 - 4.5/5 ★
Very well organize website, you can find pretty much most of the latest stuff you need, OVA H anime, MMD, 3D Animation, Cosplay, etc.
- Most of them is written in chinese, so those who don't understand might struggle a bit.
- Not the best place to find much older stuff
- download not original, limited only in 1080p but still good quality.
Niyaniya - 4/5 ★
Ero manga and doujinshi website, 90% of the them is uncensored, mostly english, more download option i guess.
- Not much stuff can be found from specific artist you wanted to find.
- the tag section it's confusing, not all of them appeared in there.
Fakkunet - ?/5 ★
i haven't try it yet, since this is a tor website.
Nekohouse - 4/5 ★
Pretty much kemono but fantia is working. And also more stuff kemono doesn't have.
- Website is often load very slow.
- Pretty underated site so the upload can be less than you expected.
- Some function might be broken.
imhentai & hentaiera 4/5 ★ /
Wide range of H manga, doujinshi, image set, cartoon comic etc
- the search bar might be a bit problematic since you can only use english to search.
- the tag search is organized and at the same time it isn't.
- must have account to download. 4.5/5 ★
This website gives easier and faster method to download h games and animation from this site main page.
- h games can mixed with animation a lot. (use
videos tag to find animation)
- some older games outdated.
- slightly slower update.
Sankaku 4/5 ★
some rare find animation can be found here, download is original from source, they also have Ai character chat you can play with, also there's a mobile app to use for convenience.
- limit how much you can search per day.
- they keep throwing ads on your face to promote thier subscription.
- loading a video took a bit time.
mp4hentai 4/5 ★
same as the main page here but they have some extra exclusive uploads and great tags function.
- download speed is limited.
- orginal video size have been reduced or compressed.
rule34video 3.5/5 ★
from rule34 but only focus on videos, great website to find random stuff.
- download is not from original source, quality is compressed badly.
- too much random stuff from unknown artist.
- some duplicates.
Ohentai 4/5 ★
website looks pretty cool, i found some stuff i never seen before. Also similar to hanime.
- download is meh, video still somewhat compressed.
- some button have layers of invisible ads.
Telegram 5/5 ★
Can find any video collection from many group. (mostly)
- Joining a group through invites.
- Some region is prohibited to join these groups.
Overall i think any website that can find paid content is consider pretty good.
Anyways, if there's more website you like to share feel free to put it here. :>