[LPW #192] Bacon


Son of a Shepherd
Elite Member
Nov 14, 2020
Bacon is good.

The Rules:

1. No multiple posts.
2. Post #222 will win the LPW.
3. The winner can create a new LPW or pass the honor to another member.​
During lunch the other day for some reason one of the students pulled a bottle of sweet vinegar out of her desk.
My first boyfriend always had a stuffy nose and would breathe hard when we talked on the phone.
Some people think shoplifters are mainly bored, lonely women, but I heard that a study suggested that more men shoplift than women.
I searched high and low for my left eyeball, but I just couldn't find it.
Continuing to live in your parents' home after graduating from college is pretty common in Japan.
Its pretty common for teenagers to be rude and demanding,
My daughter lacks physical strength compared to the other girls at her age.
I was eating at an izakaya in a certain place in Tokyo when I met my girlfriend.

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