[Discussion] Mad island's guide (last update 0.3.4 beta ver)


Starter guide from flannan on f95
Workshop is opened, but you can only build furniture for now

put ONLY PNG IMAGES into the image folder

go to the workshop option in game and you can build custom walls or stuff

PS: you can only have 500 mods including the things you made for yourself

How to install the mods (0.0.9 beta only or later)
1. Subscribe to the mod
2. Start the game and open Workshop → Subscribed on the title screen
3. Press Load Subscribed items (if this mod icon is displayed, you can get it in game)
4. A workbench called workshop workbench has been added to the game, you can craft it in your hand's crafting table with 10 woods. Its at the bottom slot of the crafting by hands, with a gear workbench icon look

steam's workshop can only be accessible with people who bought the game
CLICK Community hub, Workshop tab

Click Browse, then items...now you can download the mods that people made. (its hidden like this because steam warned TON for players posting loli in steam and violated the rules)
i assume you accidentally leave your ally here

but you have another option now, press their status and press the bottom left option "return" to make them return where you set their territory location is before (like the yellow big dot on the first image) But if you set the location inside of underground or somewhere else, you still have to use the method in the image.
you can check the npc's status u knocked out with club by the way, u don have to hit them with something else to see or wait for them to be tamed first
just click the head icon below the star again and your status will change to their's. Now you can check their status.
(if you accidentally killed one you want to capture and their limbs remain intact, pick her up into your inventory. You can press "enter" on your keyboard to enter command prompt and type /petmax ,now you can move your cursor to her icon in your inventory and right click to release them as ally)
pick them up by pressing the trolley icon on the left

move your mouse to the natives/animals you picked up into your inventory will show what they eat for gaining loyalty

bonk them with club or other weapon with stun damage, put them in Cages [Iron or wooden one is fine too], leave one slot to put food inside. For example, put some berries in cages with them, they will eat about every part of the day
every part of the day means morning, noon, evening, night
which means they eat 4 times a day (maybe, but i tested its 4 times a day, from day to night)

if you level-ed up your skill persuasive then it should takes less time for them to max their loyalty
after max, get them into your inventory and move your cursor to her icon, USE RIGHT-CLICK, not just drop them on floor

Animals are almost the same, they can't be tamed in cages but in fence

Larger animals like crayfish, big foot and Corrupt goat can only be tamed inside the iron fence. If they eat alive animals, bonk one and put it in with them. They will eat soon
medium size like cow can only be tamed inside large wooden fence
small size like bees and mouse can't be tamed by normal ways as i heard (command /petmax works tho) but there is smaller wooden fence for taming chickens, rabbits and sand cat..etc
press any stuff you placed while holding ctrl, press the remove icon on your bottom left screen. You get into removal mode and press the grass. Right click to cancel the mode. You can also remove your multiple buildings like 5 walls instantly when in removal mode
  1. A maximum of three people can work in a workstation at the same time
  2. Actually, since there will be a break, the maximum number is 6 people
  3. NPC works intermittently. Generally, a workstation can contain within 4-6 people, or multiple workstations are equipped with multiple people.
  4. The operation also depends on the location. NPCs will give priority running to the workstation at the upper right corner, so it also depends on how you plan your npcs' territory radius to reduce overlap with each other.
mine is like this, i assigned the job for Shino to work on it. remember to set the territory including the harvest box and breeding farm. Only cows and sheep can produce stuff from breeding farm (no need to max loyalty). Your deers, pigs and chickens are useless being there. (those can't produce anything)
I have a well around because working consumes water level for npcs

rain collector is not suitable for feeding working npcs (hold ctrl then click it to see the radius it can feed, same way to cancel seeing it)
螢幕擷取畫面 2024-08-15 233734.png

the chickens should be put into here, no need to max loyalty too, they will produce egg by themselves. These chicken with yellow head may have a chance to produce golden eggs

its ok to feed them while they are in fence, just making them able to follow you as an ally and help you to carry things while following you
PS: Sleeping on the bed you built in the house or tents of your base can pass the time too. Lying on any bed can also regenerating your hp and your stun bar / white hearts.

Press shift and p on the menu if you want to watch scene in gallery
W/A/S/D or hold your left mouse key Move
Press an object/npc or enemies to interact (object/npc to interact, enemies to auto follow and use normal attack to those enemies)
Shift + Arrow keys on your keyboard to Run
Space = Attack on the spot (target or mouse cursor direction)
E = Target nearby objects
F = Heavy Attack (Available only when equipped with a weapon, aims in the direction of the target or in the direction of the mouse cursor if no target is targeted)
R = Grapple (male character only) After grappling, click left or right to reduce the stun bar, then R again to cancel.
X = toggle run
Q = Gesture (dance, lewd dance, threaten and sit)
T = If the slot with the mouse cursor is an animal item, dismantle it
H = Drops the item in the slot with the mouse cursor on the ground
Left click: Move the item you click. You can move the item out of the inventory to throw it to the ground.
Right-click: using consumables, equipment (if weapon or shield, right-click to block), building items, etc. can be used by right-clicking. NPCs who you captured after feeding can also be summoned as your ally by right-clicking.
Shift + right click: Use food or consumables 10 times in a row
Ctrl + click If your property (building or NPC) is within the buildable area, you can interact with it even if you are far away (you can trying doing this when you killed something that is not far away but you can't reach it with normal walking)
Shift + left click = when you open boxes or your equipment slots. You can use shift + left click to instantly move it to the storage or equipment slots

Number keys Use inventory item (left-most slot is 1)

M Map
ESC Pause
TAB Show/hide menu
Alt plus arrow keys/press and hold the mouse wheel to move around your inner game screen
Alt plus Q/R or rolling the mouse wheel to Zoom in/Zoom out
Alt plus R = reset to the original state of game camera

hold ctrl and press any building you placed. Then press the remove icon to go into remove mode (remove mode can be cancel with right-click and is able to remove grasses and any building you click)

separating the stack is to hold ctrl and click the item stack you want to make it half

you can also separating only 1 from 999 for example. Just roll your mouse wheel

Shift+Left Click can craft 10 times continuously.
CTRL+Shift+Left Click can craft 100 times continuously.
1: beat up Big foot or capture it. (enemies: small spider, wolf), red mushroom and a penis weapon from big foot (rare drop when killed). Big foot can turn into an elite version if you feed it humans in beta
Big foot location:

2: Spider boss cave (spider skin only drops from the boss), cobwebs

3: Boss with the meat bench recipe in treasure chest

4: mermaid (fishing rod ,worms as bait and rainbow seashell swimsuit required)

5: the fat /old guy with mens bench recipe in chest after defeated (bring female protagonist at daytime and noon only)

6: loli village (steam ver doesn't have it, only DLC) with banana suit with costume cover (long gloves and leggings), and rabbit mascot outfit

7: women village (theres a cave beside it connected to 8 or 9, and outside the cave of 7, u can find sheep (wool), Ostrich, cow (high-grade raw beef) (put it into breeding farm and let npc work on it [Livestock], milk will appear inside harvest factory beside it soon), female cow (same as cow), white mushroom and red herb

8: iron ore cave, can find iron ore, kill bats and get bones, kill pink shining monster to get purple ore

9: gold ore cave but with iron ore and same enemies as 8

10: little life's fairy (bring fnicker first, they are laying around the beach) (I doubt steam version will allow the fairy tho, maybe that's why people keep asking after following my guide, they can't find her) this is her location. I tried steam version but nothing happens SO ITS DLC ONLY PART

walk to the middle of the brown area with fnicker in your inventory (you can find those on western beach, its rare as pretending as sticks on beach)
11: werewolf, beat it up or capture it (10,11 both have red mushroom and animals around)

12: underground cave, with underground women and man, mouse. resources: blood stone (can only be mined with metal pickaxe), strong bone, mad orb, flesh

13: underground dungeon with 10 floors but beat up the two treasure hunters on the right side of the blue circle i drawn first (bring female protagonist)

Dungeon: leather, gold, dead orb, ghost outfit of robe, hood and mask, magic top (floor 1-5), bondage clothes (top and bottom), ancient fruit, poison spitting shield (floor 10 blue chest), blue candles (decorate), normal candles (decorate), blue ruins candle (decorate), normal ruins candle (decorate), magic feather (wings) (equipment wear), sacred robe (top), sacred robe (bottom), sacred robe (hat), katana (floor 5 blue chest), mirror shield (floor 5 blue chest), iron lantern (decorate), gold lantern (decorate), guardian skeleton mask (equipment wear), guardian cloth cover (mask wear), guardian sword (floor 10 from guardian boss corpse), crystal sword (floor 10 blue chest), ring of lust (floor 10 from guardian boss corpse) ( can be equipped to male and female and loli), stone sword, a CORE (drops after u kill the robot boss and the blue chest beside it may has heart wand [can only be used by female mc, female adult native]) (floor 5 blue chest), diamond ore

Before anyone ask, ruins/dungeon floor have reset option for each floor now. You can just go back to the stairs and retry level to reset the floor

So you guys don't need to keep running from first floor or sixth floor to keep farming weapons and clothings
Now beside the dungeon has Santa's quest existed (ver 0.24 beta or later)

Santa's quest location
right beside the entrance of ruins

First choice
yes or no > same outcome. (move to second choice)

Second choice
yes or no >
yes = help santa to collect 20 lost items from present enemies all around the map
no = leave the event and able to trigger the event again (back to first choice)

find the reindeer

kill 3 natives to protect the reindeer and presents > head back to where Santa is

Third choice
if chosen yes for dinner = reindeer get cooked and you can get its head from body stand for android or placing on body stand and its meat (not edible but can use the remove building way to get it)
if chosen no = reindeer is spared (you can have it and Merry as a follower after the event)

PS: Merry will gain 50 affection towards MC if you chose yes to cook the reindeer while sparing it will not increase Merry's affection towards MC (have to dance or use love potion)

[she still need 51 or above to have sex so just dance once is ok]

Now you can ask them to follow you to your base and repeat finding the presents to farm lost items to trade and the gift boxes by going back to the green smoke.
PS: when you start repeating the event hunting again, remember to go back to the green smoke to end the hunt after you think you hunted enough.
PS no.2: yes, Santa is female in this game as Merry
Figures after unboxing the gift / present
deco_figure_cassie_01 Dancing figure (Cassie)
deco_figure_cassie_02 Naked dancing figure (Cassie)
deco_figure_dancingcat_01 Dancing figure (Cat)
deco_figure_giant_01 Dancing figure (Giant)
deco_figure_giant_02 Naked dancing figure (Giant)
deco_figure_keigo_01 Dancing figure (Keigo)
deco_figure_keigo_02 Naked dancing figure (Keigo)
deco_figure_man_01 Dancing figure (Man)
deco_figure_man_02 Naked dancing figure (Man)
deco_figure_mermaid_01 Dancing figure (Mermaid)
deco_figure_mermaid_02 Naked dancing figure (Mermaid)
deco_figure_merry_01 Dancing figure (Merry)
deco_figure_merry_02 Naked dancing figure (Merry)
deco_figure_nami_01 Dancing figure (Nami)
deco_figure_nami_02 Naked dancing figure (Nami)
deco_figure_reika_01 Dancing figure (Reika)
deco_figure_reika_02 Naked dancing figure (Reika)
deco_figure_sally_01 Dancing figure (Sally)
deco_figure_sally_02 Naked dancing figure (Sally)
deco_figure_santadeer_01 Naked dancing figure (Reindeer)
deco_figure_shino_01 Dancing figure (Shino)
deco_figure_shino_02 Naked dancing figure (Shino)
deco_figure_takumi_01 Dancing figure (Takumi)
deco_figure_takumi_02 Naked dancing figure (Takumi)
deco_figure_trader_01 Dancing figure (Trader)
deco_figure_yona_01 Dancing figure (Yona)
deco_figure_yona_02 Naked dancing figure (Yona)
if u use it with ur mc. You can get the figures of "MC's friend" randomly

if u use it after clicking one of the special npc first. You can get figure of them

PS: the dancing cat can be traded from "Santa"

14: Plant boss with plant workbench and GREEN stone. There are mutant lotus, explosive bag, clay (need shovel), kill plant enemies their to get vine, kill purple lizard looking creature to get eleceel muscle. Theres a little chance you will walk into a mandrake pretending to be a grass in swamp. When you are closer to it enough, you will hear a "boin" sound and a mandrake also started running around for a few seconds and disappeared. You can make the dead mandrake as hat or for underground women to Sadako.
15: where nanachi/trader is located

16: where the big bulls called balphant is, and there are big worms standing around (mysterious liquid), scorpions and small sand cat with its burrow around

17: centipedes boss and sand workbench recipe (the recipe is in the village with flag on top of 17) and RED stone

18: entrance with 3 stones to enter the purple area (green, red, blue)
red stone: centipedes boss, blue stone: bird boss, green stone: plant boss (find pedestal around the boss area)

19: Prison (progress main story enough and u can see the fat guy on the ship got captured to there) resources: rope, men's bondage (head, top, bottom, shoe), prison guard (top, bottom), sap, cloth, hard wood (by breaking barrels), prison candle (breaking barrels on candles on, decorations)

20: cyborg lab, rescue the old man tied up in the village area first, kill 3 natives, beat the boss and get her head, enter the door on the right side, kill cyborg and get titanium, or cut off their parts to build one soon.....go up and u can see the green hair woman with only her head, place the cyborg head u just got and find her body parts in the scrap yard by going up, give the body parts to her, and u can recruit her and make her follow u to teleport to base (4 space), You can't have sex with her yet, YOU WILL HAVE TO DO THE OLD-FASHIONED WAY (dancing or asking her to follow u to explore the island to gain affection) and top right door will get a boss fight with the mad scientist (u don't have to let cassie following u to fight him)

21: Boss fight of a two headed big bird? with the wing workbench recipe along the road to boss fight, the cave has turtle (turtle shell) and blue flower. sheep, cow, white mushroom, red herb, Ostrich, (BLUE stone)
The Violet red circles are the caves entrance or exit, the top one goes to the mountain's top where you can see the bird babies come out from eggs when you walk beside it). To get to the boss and the wing workbench recipe, you have to go inside the cave first and turn to right bottom exit to get out from the cave, u can see the blue arrow on the map, you can just walk down to it and get recipe and fight the boss


this place where i am standing is where i marked as big blue arrow on the 1st image above
22: Female giant, with pretty workbench, if you kill her you can get earth orb to trade glove with nanachi/trader. But i don recommend it. There is also one called Corrupted Goat in the area at north (which is the image below). you can recruit as ally after you beat it with club, there is also a kangaroo creature (Ruck) u can catch, tame it as moving storage or capture one alive to trade pockets (increasing inventory space for your ally).

23: where the big breast women called shino is, get steak set, and the 2 flag inside the circle i drawn were the location of 2 events for her

24: under development area, but if you want to see the event of prison (fat guy [Takumi] on your ship got captured by sadistic girl sally with whip, bring male and prepare for boss fight, u can tie her up when selecting the option and able have sex with her any time u enter there, but u can say no to her twice and recruit her), u need to go to the green crystal marking on the purple area on the left first
(you can leave takumi dead but you will lose a threesome animation with sally and a walkie talkie in your collection)

25: Chaos cave (beta only)

all animals can be tamed inside except the ent roots. Yes, the gorillas bosses can be tamed too
Items from chaos workbench:
Chaos arrow, chaos bow, chaos sword, chaos axe, chaos club, chaos spear, chaos heart wand, chaos bug net, chaos shovel, reinforced iron shield, reinforced wing shield, chaos torch, chaos stand torch (decoration), chaos storage (20 slots), chaos chair (decoration), withered tree (can hang natives body or limbs on it), chaos light (decoration), growing fruit light (decoration)

you may not able to get there by swimming as they added stamina system, build a raft first
head to the rock at the bottom of "4" first, not the one with water inside but move to the rock where its located more southern side than it

and head to the top rock with pool inside to fish the seashell bra flowing on water

(remember to bring rainbow shell swimsuit in your inventory and choose the right option to recruit her)

press the 3rd option


(the developers are considering to add more option to mermaid, but no info for now)


And now she will stay here, but will be downed by sharks if you are not taking her away from this place soon (4 space required)(check left side of your screen with the red flag icon) If still can't, upgrade your leader skill in your status tab [The skills upgrade is shared with male mc and yona (female mc)] [The mermaid can stay on land, while in water area, you can ask her to craft waterblocks]
PS: as long as they are in your friend list, which is the left side with a paper icon of your game screen. They CANNOT Die, they will get back up with 1 hp after a period of time
First, go inside the cave of south mine (8), and the inner cave map.. (my drawing sucks)

the exit is a fake stone wall, u can go through it
螢幕擷取畫面 2024-08-16 013822.png

going in and reach the place of 7 (women village), go right and head to about where the 5 is. There is a wooden bridge connected to 6 (loli village)

Here is the women village

and here is another easy way to go into loli village

credit to @AccountHaver69
For the Big breasts woman Shino: (if you are being mean to her once by choosing sarcastic at 3rd event, you will fail the recruit)
first, head to where the blue crystal is (male protagonist only), then go inside and talk to her.

after watching the event, go up to where the blue crystal shown at the 2nd image below

Then after finished watching the 2nd event
wait for a long period of time (she will just appear at evening and night for the 3rd event) and the blue crystal will reappear again

You will have 3rd option if you have steak set in your inventory (crafted from cooking table)

Select present the steak

Then apologize


Then select Hold it when she is giving you tits job
then she will have sex with you
now u can make her follow you (required 4 space) and teleport with her to base with flag on your map, now you are able to have sex with her after that
PS: Special npcs like Shino, keigo, reika, takumi and animals don't require sleeping even you have beds for them. They can work all day.

Some special npcs also have two different sex animation when doing it on floor/leaf bed or wooden bed/luxury bed

for the female giant part

After defeating her, you will have 2 options. But actually you can wait for Male mc to raise his weapon high enough for the 3rd option to come out "SEDUCE"

Don't click anything and wait for ur mc raise his weapon to the highest place

Seduce to recruit her. if you pressed R to rape, u will get her as a slave being tied up on a stone pillar to place in your base
YOU ARE ABLE TO EDIT YOUR SAVE (SIDE QUEST ONLY, CHANGING MAIN QUEST PROGRESS MAY BREAK YOUR SAVE) Well, if you insist. You can try editing them but backup your save file first
you can change progress in your savedataXX.xml For example, use notepad on your savedata06.xml (the save you are trying to edit). (remember to back up your save first when changing. They are savedata06.xml , SaveImage06.png , SaveMap06.png and SaveView06.xml)


change progress to 0 and u can meet the giant girl again but you cannot have sex with the one that you have recruit before. You have to finish the quest again to unlock sex option for them.

Or you can try /qp Sub_Giant 0 and save the game. Then load the save again
https://emadeplus.com/dlc/ <This is the DLC to download
Just put it into your dlc folder without extraction or opening. Then open the game. Press options. See the tab with dlc_00 v.01 ? That means you successfully install it.
The DLC content is loli, shota and the fairy Little from the developer's Little life game.
(the fairy doesn't have any other animation in game except attack)


The ItemTexts and NPCDataText.txt is from developer's discord and they are outdated. The other one is the command list I made for myself [the command list i made for myself doesn't have summer swimsuit id included, as it is easy to make in game] (Press enter on your keyboard first before using a command by the way)
TON is the coding one and yui is the artist of this. (if you join their discord, do not talk about uncensored or game modification there)
[uncensored could get them in trouble as Japan is still using that law]

Official Site ▶https://emadeplus.com/ <<< DLC inside
Emadeplus Twitter ▶https://twitter.com/emadexxx
YUI  Twitter ▶https://twitter.com/yuiyui388
TON Twitter ▶https://twitter.com/emade_project
YouTubechannel   ▶https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClmtuVAuSp9wtlIMK2poApA
Ci-en ▶https://ci-en.dlsite.com/creator/1656

The guide is still not complete yet. But I guess people can post questions now



  • NPCDataText.txt
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  • ItemText.txt
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  • commands made by me.txt
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first step of finding out where reika and keigo are (bring female protagonist as the red crystal)

observe = watching them having blowjob, scream = they leave without doing anything

2nd one is here, just go in the swamp and turn right (bring female protagonist)


Observe will let reika got raped by takumi, and keigo will "reject" reika by the end of this event
Help stops them to doing anything
both option needs to fight takumi anyways
if u select Help:

Go along with keigo = means reika wants to have sex with takumi intentionally, keigo don't want to associate with reika after this
Protect Reika = telling keigo reika saying those stuff because the perfume that takumi placed

after the event happened above, keigo and reika want to get along with each other again (if she hasn't been dumped i guess)


Observe = watching them have sex
Make sounds = break their relationship (check the big yellow words of Make Sounds down here if u decided to break it)

After Choosing Make Sounds

Male mc route will appear here (bring male mc)
reika will ask you what to do after getting dumped

Insult Keigo = -50 affection with male mc
Console Reika = +50 affection towards male mc (she will appreciate it)

And head to the same location again when you are ready (made her affection towards male mc 100)


you have 3 option now (shes asking if theres anyone u like)
Yes = reject her
No = still, she feels rejected
I love Reika = accept her



I love Reika = two other choices: I love Reika and Give up
the Give up option is the same outcome as i mentioned below. If you choose I love Reika again, you will have to fight him,
and the Options are Obeserve or Kill
Obeserve = Reika will come and finish the relationship with Keigo. Then you can choose Do or Don't for the sex part

Kill = same as the one below, male mc killed Keigo (and where you killed him dropped this Pendant below)
Two choices again: Tell the Truth or Lie to Reika that you killed him [the face-to-face sex animation will be lost (when you doing it on wooden bed after this event) after you killed keigo]
Tell the truth = She accepts it, and let it go (you can still have sex with her)
Lie = same outcome, she just think maybe keigo will be back (and still able to have sex)

Give up = no sex for u with Reika anymore

I just wanna fuck her = fight Keigo, after defeating him, two choices: Observe or Kill [the face-to-face sex animation will be lost (when you doing it on wooden bed after this event) after you killed keigo]

Observe = male mc and Keigo got dumped by Reika (no sex anymore)
Kill = male mc killed Keigo (and where you killed him dropped this)

after equipped:

Two choices again: Tell the Truth or Lie to Reika that you killed him[the face-to-face sex animation will be lost (when you doing it on wooden bed after this event) after you killed keigo]
Tell the truth = She accepts it, and let it go (you can still have sex with her)
Lie = same outcome, she just think maybe keigo will be back (and still able to have sex)

if both of them or reika is still alive, go find and ask them to follow from here, they got campfire over there

(don mind the image is blurred), just go where the flag is with female protagonist to meet takumi and fight him

both lead to same result
if you select Persuade/Leave :

Obey Takumi = let him rape you (you can respawn back to the state before you enter, like if you are virgin but after this, you can still come back as virgin and fight him again), kill = kill him, the walkie talkie slot in your collections will be crossed
tie up = tie him up, REMEMBER TO GIVE HIM FOOD AND WATER (10 berries are enough to be honest)

get the Takumi's notebook from the chest behind the Big bed to craft love potions and stuff

wait for like a day and bring female protagonist back to where you left him tied, he will give you a Walkie talkie and leaves.

Takumi's notebook has recipes for some items to craft, not a workbench recipe

the light green area, with friendly villagers and red herbs inside. You can only walk into the village from where the blue dot and red flag is. The other exit on the north side is blocked
Chaos area bridge repair materials:
Chaos vines x20
Chaos wood x10
Chaos ore x20

First BOSS battle HP20000
Enemies may joined the battle according to the named special NPCs that male mc killed before
Yona is forced to leave the team

Go back to the blue circle on the left side of the BOSS site
No NPCs can be taken into the cave/whirlpool
Prepare materials:
Rope x5
Chaos torch x1
Flippers x2
Air tank x3

all can be made from the Chaos workbench except for the rope

Nami option
1. had dating with Reika before (broke keigo and reika's relationship and had sex), Nami Feeling -70, Not dating - 0
2. Nami Feeling -50
3. Nami Feeling +20

The BOSS will persuade the male protagonist to leave.
1. Choose to fight and take on the next BOSS battle.
2. Choose to escape. The male protagonist will be stabbed to death by an NPC(Nami) who follows him. Teleport back to the flag resurrection point and fight the second BOSS battle with HP20000.

The BOSS will force switch to the heroine when its HP reaches 0.
You must pick up things on the ground to make a mallet (click the vines below Yona when its her turn to act), otherwise the BOSS will be resurrected infinitely.
After defeating the BOSS, control male protagonist to go to the right side to trigger the cutscene(back to save the female giant/giantess) or left side to sacrifice her.
Yona goes to the right green circle where the Ent Queen is to trigger the cutscene. The queen joins (able to follow u).
[If you didn't choose to save giantess at ent king's phase 2 back then, ent queen will able to use her power too]
The male protagonist returns to the team. The moves of the female giant change (no earth attacks anymore but like wind cutter instead).

AND the current update progress ends here.

Reminder: the main story npcs u've killed could affect the conversation here.

For example, keigo and takumi were killed by Mcs. They will show up as enemies in phase 1 of ent king boss fight

i found one at western beach, which this is how it looks like
Go here (where the green crystal and blue dot are)

You will hear that Takumi got captured to prison in the event using walkie talkie, male mc will want to try looking for him

Bring male mc and go inside the prison from back entrance or front entrance first

back entrance is where the blue dot is and front entrance is where the bottom left of the image with red flag marked

Here is the map of Prison

find Takumi where i drawn the yellow/green circle
the entrance looks like this

after beating her

Leave = she feels insulted, and try to alluring you to sex (if you choose Leave, proceed to look under)
Punish = threesome, mc with ass and takumi with vaginal. She will be tied up after that (you CANNOT regret tying her up. once you tied her up, you cannot recruit her. you can only have sex with her hanging every time you come to this room)

If you choose Leave

Do = have sex with her (look below if you chose Do.)
Don't = reject her, but she stays in this room and you are able to have sex with her or ask her to follow you afterwards

If you chose Do

Become a Dildo = no sex for you anymore even you reach affection 100 after this event
Be my fleshlight = still able to have sex afterwards

if you killed Takumi before, you can still recruit her by going inside the cave but still require to head to the green crystal spot of chaos area first
all choices doesn't affect her starting affection with male mc (all starts from 51)
Then you can get the trainer's recipe after this event, but facility like wooden horse and hanging rope has no function yet

when you recruit underground woman, her body was covered in blood stain, you can just remove it by asking her to follow you and click wash with the tub, the stain will be forever gone

you can also wash off the tattoo that natives have on their face by asking them to follow you and wash inside

White tigers are red first because they only appear in blood rain weather, you can also wash them to white with the tub
rejuvenation potion can lower old man age by 1 (craft by the old man)
rejuvenation secret potion can lower old man age by 10 (trade from nanachi/trader with life orb and normal rejuvenation potion)

You have to use one secret potion when their age reaches 60 to make them more younger.
once his age was younger enough (after using rejuvenation secret potion when his age reaches 60) , he will become the man with axe running in the pic, and you can craft battle axe from him

same for old lady

Old lady has top clothing now, but you have to steal it from the native village's old lady by killing (beta only)
PS: old man, old lady and younger version of them can also craft other stuff like their own native's clothes




pot of libido is beta only for now. The description is chinese for some reason
"Increase the recovery amount of NPC's libido placed within 10 meters"

she can craft mc's clothing too now and the native ones in beta
some specific type of clothing for natives

-rotten food and rope can be found when you dig the metal trash on muddy ground with pickaxe
-herb can be obtained from bushes, native dead body or breaking the boxes outside/inside their tents
-gold fish can be obtained by fishing with worms [killing bees then pick it up or bushes or small trees with fiber around the places] in lake, recommend a place with a lot lake on the north west with butterflies flying around
-Red herb (peaceful village i mentioned above, high mountain area [which is same color as women village area]

-cray pot (your furnace)
-explosive bag (swamp area) will explode and deal damage to mc after digging if not running far away enough
ver 0.2.1
meat workbench recipe
spider workbench recipe
mans workbench recipe / mens workbench recipe
plant workbench recipe
wing workbench recipe
sand workbench recipe
penis stone (ruins)
pretty workbench recipe
brain (Cassie's brain)
green stone
red stone
blue stone
Takumi's notebook
transceiver (cross if you killed Takumi)
trainer recipe
corrupt workbench recipe
when you are trying to create your own android, getting the android's head who shoot laser (by cutting off with using the heavy attack "F" key to the android type 3 in the lab), putting it in your android can also shoot lasers

but she cannot shoot shorter enemies like chickens and rabbits with laser
[usually she only shoot laser when she hit 3 times in total. If you want her to shoot laser every time. No arms to be put on her while making her in the Android manufacturing capsule]

You only need the main body (trunk) to build an android to be honest

Sometimes after you put the limbs you cut off from enemies and put them into your followers, they won't work when placing them in android capsule
when raining, dark green area [Forest] where the werewolf or the big foot is, will grow flowers that only comes up when raining, u can find snail beside it too

these are called Hydrangea (blue), can be used to craft something in plant workbench
Blood rain
requirement: combination of teruteru man from meat workbench and some ameame bozu from wing workbench

hydrangea red flower spawns at the dark green area on map when blood rain

with blood snail beside it, it attacks and deal 10 stun damage (cannot be captured)

Ruck will also turn into Blood Ruck when in blood rain weather (image borrowed from someone else)

White tiger. High mountain area. You may have to search around a lot to find one. Try to find one where you fought the bird boss and get wing workbench. (image borrowed from someone else)

PS: in case someone didn't know what is the difference between normal ruck, blood ruck and maid ruck.

Normal ruck vacuuming resources from corpse around
Blood ruck vacuuming limbs that was cut off on the floor from corpse around
Maid ruck vacuuming the equipment from corpse around

  1. christmas workbench (1 berry to trade)
  2. summer workbench (find a shell somewhere on the beach)
  3. halloween workbench (1 small candy, 1 green blood and 1 pumpkin) get the jack o'lantern to summon assault and beat up raiders first, so u can get these to trade it
  4. pocket (need the kangaroo u knockout from the purple area), can only be used to increase npc's inventory slot with empty space behind the square of inventory slot
  5. jack o'lantern (1 dead orb) drop from the ghost/dark cloud enemy in dungeon
  6. repair kit (1 fighter orb) drop from elite enemies from higher lvl assault 50+, the use of it is repair all items in your inventory, including the one u r equipping
  7. diamond (2 fighter orb)
  8. rejuvenate secret potion (1 rejuvenate potion and 1 life orb) craft potion from old man, and life orb requires the abortion of baby to get one
  9. giant hand (1 giant orb) can only be gotten from killing the female giant at the north
  10. miko costume (2 fighter orb)
  11. miko costume lower (1 fighter orb)
  12. collar with bell (1 fighter orb)
  13. white tabi socks (1 fighter orb)
  14. Curse shield (requires you to have curse orb in your inventory for the option to appear) (1 curse orb)
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get your fishing rod ready and grab a few worms from bushes
right click once to set up, then hold left click to throw it
press right click to cancel
when it got dragged, keep spamming left-click to keep the red dot inside the light green bar at the middle of blue bar until the blue bar on the right side reaches to the highest

you can get some strange fish sometimes, like buttfish(?), fish with human boobs.....
heres a guide from discord, but it is in cn
this strange animal that looks like mutated Axolotl only spawns on eastern beach or western beach, same ways to recruit like natives, beat it up with club first

place a table beside midwifery home and place the dick looking manju on the table (you can place it on floor after clicking your table too, one is enough)
after giving birth, it will be a male

with the [wish come true] on the log
craft them in cooking table using 1 flour per one


just placing one about where you are trying to make someone to give birth at.
[Remember to press the table first before putting one]
yellow flowers usually appear in this kind of light green location on map and a few around the loli village, also some around the cherry blossom in the middle of the map


For red flowers, they are where the dungeon floor entrance is

For blue flowers, there is a cave entrance from where I am standing

press q when you have followers following you

this is companion spacing of 5.0 ^

and this one is 5.0 follow distance

in beta 0.1.5, there is a new feature that npc will have "!" icon on their head when they see enemies or eye icon (notice enemies presence but not trying to attack them yet) [AI upgraded]
you can hold q and right-click on one of the enemies to assign your follower to attack first in 0.1.5 beta

shes 0 to male mc currently
Hold q and press 0 with your mouse to dance in front of her. Then speed up your game time with shift plus . or > while at it. shift plus , or < to slower it back.

after waiting for about 1 min doing this, it reaches 100

you can check the game's current speed here. The image shows >>1, which is the normal game's time speed


this love potion can add +50 affection for npcs toward mc instantly when use right click to feed it to npc
(but you can't get it in early game, only after getting takumi's notebook from the event i mentioned as "Meet Takumi after doing the Reika and Keigo quest" above


these two are crafted from wing workbench

Your waterbag can right click to fill with clean water anywhere while raining

this one is crafted from meat workbench, one is enough to combine with a few ameame bozu to create Blood rain weather which i already mentioned above

A bear will spawn there every time but nothing special with it. Just where the bear will usually spawn
Ruck can be caught in chaos area (purple land on map)

it can expands npc's slots to 50 in total when you feed one to an npc, it adds one slot per one. (max)

(you can't do that to chest, npc only)

0.1.6 ver
You can open your mc's backpack and use the pocket to add slots now. But you can't open it while moving. Press the bag icon at the screen's bottom right. Open your backpack, then right click the pocket inside your inventory. Now you can expand your mc's backpack to 50 slots using pockets.

you can either let the flesh collector to eat corpses around or save the game first then load the save again
[Life orb can only be obtained through miscarriage from female natives for now.]

craft this from campfire if you want, it will be an equipment, no durability when used

and there are condoms as equipment too


baby face = pregnant


middle pink is not necessary for pregnant rate, just ejaculate when the bar reaches the highest. Not 100% will be pregnant but still possible. (you will hear a baby crying sound when they are successfully pregnant)
[A female native having sex with other like male native will have 4 times lower chance to get herself pregnant than male mc's pregnant chance]

when the baby face down there becomes bright like the top one, she can give birth (her belly will also get bigger of course)

You can edit the birth time in savedataXX.xml too

you can also edit the save where the second value was highlighted between <pregnant>, change it to 0, save it and run the save again

You cannot speed up the pregnant time with command but u can instant skip the pregnant time of the female natives with
/preg or /allpreg

if you want to use /preg command, remember to select a female native by clicking her first to use it

get pregnant yet. So as special npcs like Reika and Shino. They also cannot be pregnant currently [If you have ever seen one, its probably a bug or a cheat mod causing it]

luxury beds are just same as wooden bed, just with a bigger design, the sex scenes are the same too

Sex animation:
leaf beds and wooden beds have different sex animation for specific npcs, like Shino. The female natives only have one normal sex scene for now

luxury beds got the same sex animation as wooden bed
craft in your own hand's crafting table

there is soybean flour and normal flour you can craft

when assault comes, one of your natives will be marked and if they got downed, they will be taken away.
wait for a while, and on the right side of your screen a timer of 20 mins will show up, and the map was marked of the location that u need to rescue them, you will meet the prison guard, who has 2000 hp



if failed, your npc will be sacrifice and forever gone. If female npc, she will get raped when the timer reach lower than 10 mins (not all female npcs, looks like only female native and small female native for now)

the decoy charm you got from killing the guard can be equipped to npcs in your base, male mc and female mc won't work when there are more ally npcs in your base to be targeted

npc who equipping this will most likely to be targeted

don mind why this one's age is 0 [this was a npc after being birthed], use 18 growing potions and he/she will become adult (DLC ONLY)

You cannot use it on adults or old lady or the one just grown into adult by using this potion. You can only use it on small ones like loli and shota

Mother's milk can only be acquired from milking female adults/small one (must be the one after giving birth successfully before) in milker. (no npc required to work on them to produce milk but you can assign npc to work on livestock to make the milk production a bit faster)
If you beaten up the native boss at the north side of the map above, there will be a green smoke where your starting base on beach is

walk into it and both mc will discuss about explore further or stuff

and you can finally set up where your mc should stand, mc's territory and combat area

Your iron workbench will finally has a blue base flag to craft...you can move your base using it... and the blue flag can only appear one on the map (it means if you want to move your new base to beach again, u will have to move the blue flag to here again)

After you placed it somewhere else, press the blue flag and press move to teleport your other mc to it

Secondly, if you have too many npcs inside your base. You have two options to carry natives to new base
1. /followcap
your followcap will be reset after reloading your save. It can be used like /followcap 60
2. or you can put them all in chests inside a house.

the image is from discord.

the house you put things inside can only be used for moving, not remove
and while on your way to new base, you have to put the house down a few times. If you pressed the wrong key..you will have to run to the new base again

kill elite raiders to get fighter orb. Get a hell totem (+50lvl) and place it around [Actually they will come out at lvl 20, you can just use 10 debris [from meat workbench] or 4 angry pots [from furnace] to place on ground]. Just kill the enemies with red armors


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usually 3 of these male patrols will wander around you

if they saw you, the log will say

then one of your ally villagers or yourself will be targeted soon (the raid will come to you). If your ally has been captured, Check the "What to do if one of your npcs got targeted and captured in the raid" above

numbers of raiders usually tied to your MC's level, just try not to use cheat to get your level too high

the first value of this usually changes depend on where you place your base. mine is on starter beach so its lvl 1 for the first value
the second value is affected by the things you placed:

Debris +2 lvl (3 male native heads, 3 rotten food, made inside meat workbench) rotten food can be gotten by digging trash with pickaxe like the image below this sentence


Angry pot +5 lvl (2 blood stones, 5 clay, made inside furnace)

hell totem +50 lvl (2 blood stones, 5 hard woods [purple chaos area], 4 strong bones[underground exile area or skeletons in dungeon])

carnage totem +1000 lvl (1 hell totem and 20 fighter orbs from meat workbench)

deb totem +100000 lvl (beta only and can only be obtained from command /get def_debtotem )

wooden dummy doll +2 raiders in numbers (20 woods, made from wooden workbench)

leaf dummy doll -2 raiders in numbers (20 leaf, 1 vine, made from plant workbench)

iron dummy doll +10 raiders in numbers (20 iron ore, made from iron workbench)

leaf mascot -20 raiders in numbers (30 leaf, 2 vines, made inside plant workbench) [vines can be obtained by killing one Nepenthes looking creature in swamp area]

flower totems increase the rate of raiders being female, you can try placing more (2 blue flowers, 2 red flowers, 2 yellow flowers, made from plant workbench)

blue smoke delay the raid for 30 seconds (5 blue flowers, 1 iron ingot, 2 eleceel muscles, made inside iron workbench)

red smoke shorten the time of raid will come for 30 seconds (5 red flowers, 1 iron ingot, 2 eleceel muscles, made inside iron workbench)

raid horn, instantly start a raid (5 flesh, 1 blood stone, made inside meat workbench)
or you can use /ass to start a raid instantly
/assend to force a raid to end

No raid occurred because (usually these reason)
・The location where the raiders appeared cannot be found on the screen, not on the minimap. (The raid target was surrounded by sea or the terrain is uneven.)
・There are many items that reduce the number of attackers, and the number of attackers is below 0.
・The raiders are being blocked by invisible wall
・The raid target was standing high on a platform, inside a building or a platform on the sea
There are possibilities like this.

It requires storage to combine to work as one.
work gloves allow you to craft your hand-made items when placed things/on ground is fine too, but just required the storage first. It connects to the storage to craft your hand-made items.

For example:
I don't have woods inside my inventory to craft wooden chest but i have woods placing in one of the storage.
Then I press the work gloves i placed on one of the wall/workbench.
I can craft the wooden chest now.

You can assume it is a workbench but able to connect storage for crafting
They can still use the toilet even if their moral is 0.
unrequited love is necessary. For example, he like the other female's personality but the other person hates his personality.
It means that a woman who doesn't like his personality need to be inside his territory.
need other female around him to have at least -50 favorability towards him.

Then he will vent out his frustration using the wooden toilet

We have another option to make him use it:

First, turn off his "allow love" option.
Second, set up his territory to include the toilet for him to use.

Third, wait for him to use it.

unrequited love
1. Use the toilet first if there is one
2. If you don't have a toilet in his territory, his moral will be deducted once if he was disliked each time showing on log. If he reaches the limit of -100 moral/morale, he will beat other ally npcs and try to rape them

0.1.5 beta added wooden toilet's female can get pregnant and will be miscarried to drop a life orb inside another slot of toilet

female native in toilet can still be pregnant but if shes not your ally yet, you can't tell how long it will takes for her to grow a bloated belly (Actually about 2 in-game days)
The miscarriage in it can only be completed by NPCs using her, NOT US
a pregnant female native with bloated belly already also works by putting her in then make a male native using it

Libido pot is ok to be placed to increase the chance of them using the toilets, but DO NOT give the male natives lust rings. It will make them not using it.

IF you are trying to make life orb farm:

Before putting the female native inside, let her equipping the pregnancy promotion item from campfire. Since male native's chance for making them pregnant is very low.

catch one underground woman first. Then kill one mandrake and get it as food from swamp (or you can try your luck by digging with a lot shovels in swamp area). Place a well and press the well while asking her to follow you beside the well first. Choose "kill" and choose "Yes". (required you to have mandrake in your inventory)

now you have to fight her in Sadako form. It kinda inherit the underground woman's status, which means if you set her hp or atk too high before. You will have to fight a stronger than the one you see with the hp above. [THE HP BAR ABOVE IS THE INITIAL STATUS]
She can be grabbed by Male mc using R, same as underground women.

you will have to tame her again with mad orbs after beating her with club (her speed increased from 0.20[underground woman form] to 1.20[Sadako form]

you can still throw her in the well again to fight her by using mandrake food with the method above.
[she will level up for 10 lvls each time you do that to her and her name will change to different one]

[I was farming curse orb with this method lol. But I killed her with normal weapons, not knocked out. Then I used /petmax to revive her]


you can get this curse orb to trade with nanachi/trader for a cursed shield (only one curse orb and required you to have one in your inventory for the trade option to show up)

PS: mandrake is required to have the option to kill her. You can't kill her with weapon first or feed her mandrake. Just pressing the option after clicking the well is enough. Ah yes, you can now have sex with her with full face reveal
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螢幕擷取畫面 2024-08-19 012957.png

a remake one from discord. (theres also a pumpkin chest from Halloween workbench with 20 slots btw)
Man/Yona- 30 Hp +5 per point, 1 Atk +1 per point, 1.00 Spd +.005 per point (.05 per 10 points)
Mermaid- 100 Hp +4 per point, 40 Atk +4 per point, 2.00 Spd +.005 per point (.05 per 10 points)
Keigo- 1000 Hp +4 per point , 55 Atk +3 per point(+8 from Wood Spear) , 1.70 Spd +.005 per point (.05 per 10 points)
Reika- 600 Hp +4 per point, 25 Atk +2 per point(+11 from Nail Bat) , 1.00 Spd +.005 per point (.05 per 10 points)
Little/Nickie- 50 Hp +10 per point, 14 Atk +4 per point, 1.00 Spd +.005 per point (.05 per 10 points)
Shino- 250 Hp +3 per point, 40 Atk +3 per point, 1.00 Spd +.005 per point (.05 per 10 points)
Cassie- 200 Hp +2 per point, 5 Atk +1 per point, 1.00 Spd +.005 per point (.05 per 10 points)
Giant- 2000 Hp +15 per point, 75 Atk +12 per point, 1.70 Spd +.005 per point (.05 per 10 points)
Takumi- 800 Hp +1 per point , 4 Atk +1 per point , 1.00 Spd +.005 per point (.05 per 10 points)
Sally- 1200 Hp +4 per point, 60 Atk +2 per point(+8 from Whip), 1.25 Spd +.005 per point (.05 per 10 points)

From ciphertul
EXP requirements increase 100 per level for both systems.

Status points increase 1 gain per 10 levels and are always consistent example:
Level 1-9 gets 1 point per level
Level 10-19 gets 2 points per level

When it comes to skill points its actually more complicated but simple after you figure this out.
The skill status keep track of its own level per say. It's easier to give an example.

Let's say you mainly play as 1 character and that one character is level 10 and you start playing as the secondary protagonist. For you to get an increase in skill points it would require for your obtain 1000 exp on the other character which is the same as going from level 10 to 11 on the initial protagonist you obtained level 10.

Skill points increase 1 gain per 10 levels and are always consistent example:
Level 1-9 gets 1 point per level
Level 10-19 gets 2 points per level

In essence, for obtaining skill points, its probably more efficient to raise only 1 character because that one character would have an easier time to get the needed XP to raise your skill points level

PS: The status gain system also applies for every other NPC.
credit to Bonsai465
After male protagonist had sex with female native and gave birth. If it is a male. Giving him growing potion (18 of them) will make his face and body like male protagonist. Female natives and the npcs that Male mc can have sex with, some are able to have sex with him. (Sharing the same sex animation as male protagonist)

like this. (this is not my male mc name but his son's name)
potato, carrot, corn - natives and breaking their boxes
onion - small native (the fire-throwing one)
garlic - large male natives
wheat - chicken (hen only)
cabbage - sheep
tomato, soy - birds
green pepper - Nepenthes in swamp area/mushroom area
  1. workbench, milking machine and table have hp now. (you can repair it yourself by pressing it or ask npc to repair it [as a job])
  2. mermaid can craft 5 different area's water block now (underground's blood water, chaos area's water, hot spring water from high mountain area, desert's water and ..swamp's water i think)
  3. we have a new totem called carnage totem +1000 raiders' lvl per one [/get def_ass_helltotem_02]
  4. bees house (honey)
  5. mushroom seedbed (grow mushroom on a wood log)
  6. herb planter
  7. /get def_debtotem (beta only, +100000 lvl to raiders)
  8. old lady finally have a top clothing to hide her front
  9. raiders max lvl has been increased to 1000000
  10. libido pot crafted from old man to place on floor to make libido increase faster within 10 radius
  11. female native can masturbate on bed when love is turned off but libido is high enough
  12. you can craft fake trees from different area
  13. spider food box (can be attached to walls)
  14. curse shield (bring curse orb to trader for showing the curse shield option)

mirror shield + curse shield + 20 chaos ores (must have curse shield in your inventory first for the option to show up) [Crafted from hand's working table]

iron shield + 10 diamond + 10 fighter orb + 20 chaos ore [Crafted from iron workbench]

wing shield + 10 diamond + 4 gold ingot + 20 chaos ore [Crafted from wing workbench]

some placings for decro




mushroom one from plant workbench

Special equipment:

0.2 beta
Giantess: Little Devil Outfit
Elder sister: Fox costume, cat costume (except tops)....
Shino: belt outfit, cow swimsuit, cow mascot suit, gold nipple ring....
Cassie: cactus suit, glasses, shell top, rainbow shell top, leaf sticker bottom.....
some old clothing can be worn by other natives now, like Shino's clothing can be worn by female native too

Glass Arrow (Zhuge Crossbow) F (2.5x damage)
Spider Arrow (slow down) F (range slow down)
Wing Arrow (range +1) F (arrow rain AOE)
Pretty Arrow (stun damage) F (Crossbow)
Chaos Arrow (double shot) F (Crossbow)

F means heavy attack when using bow ^
PS: some arrows like wing arrow required combination with wing bow to do the F (heavy attack) AOE attack.

New chaos weapons, some old outfit or clothing has more option for some special natives to wear

new outfit for underground woman, female native, yona, male mc, elder brother, elder sister and young man.

PS: reverse bunny suit for female native will have a visual bug that the stickers are not on the right position.
reverse bunny suit can also be worn by male

PS no.2: Shino got a fork as a weapon. (iron workbench) and knifes from meat workbench.
Chaos cave entrance is just on the right side of Chaos goat
go inside then bottom left to fight the bosses for chaos recipe (they can respawn like spider boss after you go back in)

for NPC's harvesting work after this update, if there are mushrooms, herbs, eggs, and fish in the nearby buildings, they will be transferred to the harvest box through "harvesting". If there is nothing inside these buildings, they will just collect leaves, branches, fibers, and berries normally to the harvest box.

4 eyeballs + 1 curse orb + 1 mole claw (from the new creature inside chaos cave) + nanachi the trader = cursed hand
(they changed what big foot can eat in beta)

feed it humans and it will become this
You can plant different kind of mushroom now. The log must be put in indoors first. You can grow green mushrooms on swamp area like the image below.

those mushrooms log only grow in indoors. I place a tent then put log inside to grow mushrooms.

beach = red mushroom
chaos area = purple mushroom
swamp area = green mushroom
high mountain/light green area beside the cherry blossom at the middle = white mushroom

max is 2 per slot, if you don't collect them when having 2 in each slots. They won't grow anymore until you pick those from the log.

sleeping until next day morning will also grow some too
Pig farm:

ask npcs to work on livestock. In the image above, I asked sand cat to work on it. Still requires a well to work as it consumes water for npcs.
As you see there is a number 80 on it. When it reach 100 after you asked npcs to work on it. It will drop to 0 and spawn an alive pig inside

when it has pig inside, make into meat has the use now.
The golden pig is not really that special in the farm so you can make it meat whenever you want

Farming on planter:
a planter and a harvest box beside it is required

the territory of the working npcs must include those in radius of their territory too


I planted 4 corn seeds and 4 garlic seeds inside. The crops will go into harvest box
When you asked a npc to work on it, he/she will walk into the crops you planted and make them grow a bit faster. You don't have to worry about the crops are wilted just like the image above.

For example, you can see for some reason there are 4 seeds in one slot, it is because they are wilted. The npc will remove 3 of them (gone forever but moved 1 to another slot for replanting) and replant it again.

Which means as long as you did plant seeds inside, the farming work will work automatically with the npc to keep collecting the crops you planted and replant the crops.

Crayfish can be found in swamp muddy ground.
The blue one requires you to feed mainly potatoes to it. Then release it out of cage will be a blue one
image from discord:

he placed over 700 stone plates for marking the grass in order to find a mandrake easily.
[this is what it looks like]
When you walk closer to it enough, it will pop out from the ground with "Boin" sound and start running for a few seconds. Try killing it with long range weapon to get a food version one. You can craft it as hat or turn underground woman to Sadako. The alive one you caught with net doesn't have the use currently

Or you can try your luck with keep digging on the swamp ground. Just 2% drop rates.
We have normal net and iron net (from iron workbench)
normal one is usually being used for catching friendly small animal like butterfly.
the iron net is usually being used for catching animals that will attack you. Like bats and bees.

Walk into the right position and press right click to try catching one
the image from discord: (contain loli inside)

This image shows the same limbs and body of the npcs after putting all back in android capsules.

I know it looks strange but...thats how it is currently

You are able to change android's skin color inside your savedata[your save no.].xml
螢幕擷取畫面 2024-07-08 203513.png

Below is the android with friendID number 99
It used the body of npc44 (underground woman) and the code below is the color code of the body.
The first grid is the body, the second grid is the head (separated with <CyborgParameter> between each body parts)

44 is from the underground woman and 87 is the part from android type C.

The RGB ones' value can be changed, but the a at the back is transparency. Try not to change them.

Then changing some npc's RGB value of the parts that were cut off is pointless as it doesn't exist anymore which were all preset at 255.
For example, NPCs like Shino and so on.

image grabbed from discord
  • Open your savedata(your save number).xml file with notepad
  • Open it to check the name of your android with ctrl plus f to search
    The data of the android will be stored in two areas
  • Ability values and the like are in "npcsave"
  • Information about body parts are in <cyborgSave>
  • You see a bunch of RGB value in the same part of different locations. Like front hair, back hair, eyes, etc.
  • Parts will be separated by <CyborgParameter>
  • R255 G255 B255 is white
  • Like the Crayfish, you can change RGB to any color (But only B255 works and shows in the game)
  • The same goes for those fixed NPCs (like shino, keigo..etc), they won't change no matter how you change the RGB value.

grabbed from discord

<b>bold</b> <i>italic</i> <u>underlined</u> <size=size>word size</size>
get (1 dead orb) drop from the ghost/dark cloud enemy in dungeon and trade with trader for a jack o'lantern.
Use it to summon the halloween raid
For elder sister natives and elder brother natives to appear in halloween raid
You need to have at least one elder sister and elder brother as ally inside your base. Then place about 4 flower totems [if you want more female raiders spawning chance] and about 2 iron doll to +20 raiders in numbers. No angry pot or other things required to increase raider's lvl.

You can see its lvl 1 + 0 on the image below but still one of them is elder sister

there is a damn chainsaw weapon that drops from the ghost enemies with robe. And its rare as hell
frog does spawn but not only in forest area after rain, u can see them around on grassland too. Butterflies are spawned where the yellow flowers are, not ponds.

logging plant:
-beach: normal wood, sap
-forest: ditto
-swamp: ditto
-desert: ditto
-high mountain: ditto
-chaos: normal wood, sap and about 1/8 chance of 1 hard wood

mining site:
-beach: stone, iron
-forest: ditto
-swamp: ditto
-desert: ditto
-high mountain: ditto
-chaos: stone, iron and about 2% chance to get one diamond ore

excavation site
-beach: sand, dirt sometimes
-forest: just dirt
-desert: sand and dirt sometimes
-swamp: clay and dirt sometimes, You can now ask npcs to try finding mandrake, just a matter of time.
-chaos: just dirt
-high mountain: just dirt
may got a worm sometimes on above biome

fishing trap
-sea: fish and shrimp
-ponds: gold fish (not gold color) or fish
-swamp: "Killer" (piranha)
-high mountain cave with turtle: Rock Fish
-chaos area: tentacle fish
-desert oasis: just normal fish
-hot spring: just normal fish

harvest box
only these:
berries, small exp berries, leaf, fiber and branches

wut bear trap can do
-grassland: deer, pig
-beach: deer, pig
-Chaos: deer, pig
-Underground (exile cave): deer, pig
-Plateau (high mountain area): sheep, deers(only inside the cave), pigs (only inside the cave)
-desert: scorpion
-swamp: electric eel
-Forest: (Dark green Land) Wolf

the wooden cage trap can only catch chickens and rabbits, no more
How to feed npcs?
A food box around is enough, the beta one has a new spider food box that can stick on wall

Why is it that my collection has a cross in one of the slot?
You killed Takumi so you missed his walkie-talkie item. As the ending hasn't come out yet. We are still not sure how it affect the endings. They promised to make one ending in October.

How to fill well with water?
you can't fill well with water but it will generate a bit water inside after sometime. It can be filled to max with raining

How to have sex with female native?
Just dance or give her love potion (if you have takumi's notebook to make it).

An image from discord:

Check their favorite personality, not their own personality if you are trying to use this image for reference
Why is the milking machine not working/ too slow
You need to make a female native had a successful birth before and it takes a period of time for her to produce mother milk, you can ask npcs who work as livestock job to work on it to speed things up a bit

The more times you milk her, the more breast milk you can get at one time and the maximum limit is 10 portions of breast milk at one time.

Why is the npc I just tamed not long ago has minus morale/ moral
  • her relationship towards your mc will be minus if you raped her before or did a dance she doesn't like
  • separate them or just turn off their able to love to avoid confliction with other npc with personalities they don't like around
  • you can change the relationship value between your mc (in game) and the npc but not the one between npcs' own (save file editing only)
How to get items in air and how to hide some bulding/structure to take item behind ?
  • hold ctrl then press it, or try pressing e. if the there are only ur buildings around, cassie's build manager is better to manage it
  • there is no hide option, simply just press it then press the cross of arrows on ur bottom left to move it aside.
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Reactions: Shisaye
update note of this: (will change when something has been updated)
  • 0.3.2 beta, 0.3.3 beta and 0.3.4 beta changelog
  • my own command list (12/3/2025)
  • chaos bridge quest walkthrough v0.3.1

change the game to beta if steam ver
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update v0.3.4 [beta]
Fixed critical bugs.

-Fixed a texture error on the floor inside enemy natives' thatched houses.
-Fixed an issue where NPCs did not return to the correct state after being grappled while unconscious.

-Fixed a bug where performing the Ent King quest on save data from before v0.3 could cause inconsistencies in events when not following the Giant or Love route.

-Fixed an issue where Yona could become invisible or control could switch to the male protagonist underground after the Ent King's underground event.
update v0.3.3 [beta]
Fixed critical bugs.

■Fixes & Adjustments
-Adjusted so that if Takumi is alive but has not been rescued, the Entking battle cannot be entered.
-Fixed a texture error on the floor inside the thatched house.
-Fixed an issue where the bridge construction event would stop if Takumi was not present.
update v0.3.2 [beta]
We have fixed several critical bugs.

-Applied costumes and weapons to Nami, Reika, Shino, and large-built native women. (they can wear some old clothing existed in game now)
-Added a scaling function for Workshop items.

■Fixes & Adjustments
-Fixed an issue where using "Pocket" in the inventory of a downed ally would expand the controlled protagonist's bag slots.
-Fixed an issue where, after the first battle with the Entking, if the Giant's event was completed via the Love route, the subsequent events of the Entking would not progress correctly.
-Fixed a bug where the Giant would remain hidden after returning from the battle until a reload.
-Fixed an issue where swapping a dyed item with an undyed item at the dyeing workbench would display the previous color information on the sprite.
-Fixed an issue where the circle and capacity values displayed when interacting with the food storage would sometimes not disappear.
-Fixed an issue where after the first battle with the Entking, Yona's weapon remained hidden.
-Fixed an issue where the quest name display was incorrect after the first battle with the Entking.
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Reactions: Shisaye
Update v0.3.1 [beta]
■Fixes & Adjustments

-Fixed an issue where the non-controlled protagonist's waiting position was set to the Ent King's battlefield after the battle event ended.
-Fixed an issue where Nami and Reika would disappear after returning from the underground battle with the Ent King (can be resolved by saving & loading).
-Fixed an issue where Jonah and the Giant could not be interacted with properly after the Queen event ended.
update v0.3 [beta]
To play this version, you need to switch to the beta version.
As it may be unstable, we recommend keeping a separate save file when playing.

■ Additions
- Continuation of the Main Story.
- Dismantling (Young Man) (Male protagonist's grown up son)

■ Fixes & Adjustments
- Adjusted Snow Dome (item icon) and picture frames to display opaque items more clearly.
- Fixed typos in the Santa event text.
- Fixed an issue where the skip function remained disabled during the battle to protect the reindeer in the Santa event.
- Adjusted enemy spawn rate during events to make them less frequent.
- Fixed a bug where summoning a recovered raider NPC while the raid was still ongoing caused the raid to not end properly, leading to gameplay issues.
- Fixed an issue where creating a picture frame while having the sub-inventory open displayed the icon of the first item in the sub-inventory.
- Adjusted the final position of the death animation for the male protagonist and young man to be more centered on the character.
- Adjusted the game so that pausing is canceled when returning to the title screen.
- Fixed an issue where using the same Daruma Machine repeatedly caused the door animation position to become misaligned.
- Fixed a bug where grappling an NPC during sex caused a temporary duplication of character graphics.
- Fixed unnecessary scale values in the Chaos Lake and Blood Area.
update v0.2.7
The stuck bug has been fixed, and the version has been updated to v0.2.7.
Apology for the Stuck Bug

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the stacking bug that occurred in the latest update (v0.2.7).
The issue resulted in players getting stuck after actions like cutting down trees, prompting us to temporarily downgrade the version to v0.2.6.

We are currently investigating the problem and will provide a fix as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.
The current build has been set as the default build.
For details on the changes, please refer to previous news updates.

Several bugs have been fixed.

■ Fixes and Adjustments
- Adjusted to display the detailed status page for all NPCs, including animals.
- Fixed a bug where house IDs were not set correctly after loading the game.
- Fixed an issue where the blinking effect on an NPC after interaction would be canceled when nearby NPCs completed their works.
- Adjusted logs to retain only up to 100 entries.
- Added an option to toggle the display of task icons on or off.
- Added an option to enable or disable the blinking effect on NPCs after interaction.
- Assigned personality traits to Merry and the Reindeer, as they were previously unset.
Several critical bugs have been fixed.

■ Fixes and Adjustments
- Fixed an issue where color changes to the male character's hips were not correctly reflected in the Merry x Male H scene.
- Fixed a bug where NPCs carried inside a house retained their house ID.
- Fixed an issue where rafts could not be used.
- Fixed a bug where saving the game while an NPC with their waiting position set outside was sleeping inside a house caused them to remain linked to the house after loading, preventing them from using it properly.
- Fixed an issue where house ID information would not update unless the status page of the status menu was open.
- Adjusted so that house IDs are displayed even for thatched-roof houses.
Several bug fixes have been implemented.

■ Fixes and Adjustments
- Fixed a bug where the event switch for the "Present Hunt" could not be activated after completing the Santa Event.
- Fixed an issue where summoning an NPC from the inventory inside a house did not set the summoning location as the NPC's waiting position.
- Removed hit detection from cage traps.
- Changed the color of repeat quest icons displayed on the map.
- Adjusted so that NPC appearances update when their equipment is vacuumed using the Maid Ruck.
- Adjusted so that NPCs other than raiders do not target trees.
- Fixed a bug where the color of icons did not revert when moving dye workbench, picture frames, etc.
- Fixed an issue where the appearance of unique NPC corpses did not load correctly.
- Fixed several visual bugs.
- Updated NPC status screens to display their current house ID.
- Adjusted to display house IDs when interacting with your own house.
- Fixed a bug where NPC colors occasionally did not revert when they were
■ Added H Content
-Male Protagonist x Santa (Standard H Scene)

■ Additions
-Santa Event
-2 New NPCs
-Over 30 New items, including new decorations and clothing items
-Picture Frame (an item for displaying icons)

■ Fixes and Adjustments
-Fixed a bug where event icons for ongoing events were displayed on the map.
-Added damage to Sally's throw attack.
-Fixed an issue where the list of subscribed workshop items on the title screen was limited to 50 items.
-Added an equipment preview function in Preview Mode.
We have fixed bugs that were impacting gameplay.

- Fixed an issue where NPCs on platforms would fall through the floor after loading save data.
- Corrected several visual bugs.
■ Additional H-scenes
- Buttock Wall/wall ass (Underground Woman, elder sister native)
- Yona x Large male native (Standard H-scene)

■ Additions
- Applicable to Execution Pillory (Large female native, underground woman, elder sister native)
- Limbless Form/daruma form (Large Native Woman, Underground Woman, Elder Native Woman)
- Applicable to Androids (Elder brother native)

■ Fixes and Adjustments
- Added conditions for NPC tracking actions to time out
- Fixed a bug where some effect sounds were not playing
- Adjusted save data loading speed when there are a large number of NPCs or buildings
- Fixed a bug where NPC carry counts were not updated when backpacks and pockets were exchanged at the trader
- Fixed an issue where items from the crafting window could be discarded
- Adjusted to allow retrieval of corpses of unique NPCs that have not been allied
- Fixed a bug where the male protagonist's hair color was not reflected on the back hair of children
■ Additions
- Dismantling (Elder brother native)
- Chaos Storage

■ Fixes and Adjustments
- Fixed an issue where Yona's skin color was not correctly reflected in certain parts of the animation after the defeat H-scene
- Fixed a bug where the heavy attack from the Wooden Bow was not firing
- Fixed a bug where periodic rewards from NPC jobs were being placed in non-harvesting inventories, such as herb planters
- Fixed a bug where the max stack size of Chaos Stand Torches was set to 1
- Fixed a bug where honey could not be harvested from beehives
- Changed skeletons' weapons and shields to equippable items (skeletons that are already allied will have no equipment)
- Fixed an issue where the attack direction was not calculated correctly when there was no floor under the cursor
- Fixed clipping issues with several costumes
update v0.2 [beta]

■ Additions
-4 new animal NPCs
-Chaos Cave
-Added functionality for NPCs to harvest items generated from beehives, fish traps, mushroom cultivation, and herb planters
-About 20 new items
-Added a heavy attack option to bows

■ Fixes and Adjustments
-Fixed a bug where enemies defeated at the raid spawn point could not be collected by the Flesh Collector
-Changed the crafting location for the Chaos Axe
-Fixed a bug where the swamp's slow effect applied even when on platforms or in the air
-Fixed the issue where expelling an allied NPC inside the house did not unlink the house from the NPC
-Weather conditions will no longer be processed until the game finishes loading
-Fixed a bug where the position of arrows stuck in enemies would shift when the enemies moved
-Fixed an issue where the time of day display wouldn't switch while inside a stage
-Fixed a bug in the event where you give Takumi food, which caused the player's inventory to become Takumi's inventory if the player's bag was open when the next event started
-Modified the performance of the Heart Wand
-Fixed a bug where quest icons on the map might not display correctly after loading
A critical bug was found and has been fixed.

■ Fixes and Adjustments
- Adjusted the parameters of the Dark Tree
- The Chaos Totem now displays the current raid level and the number of raiders
-Fixed a bug where NPCs would disappear when fast traveling to a distant location while accompanied by them
We have fixed several critical bugs.

■ Additions
- Item that allows you to set the raid level and number of enemies via numeric settings (chaos totem, meat workbench)
- Item stand (Orb) (wing workbench)

■ Additional H-Scenes
- Yona x Elder brother native (Standard)
- Male x Female Native (Forced during pregnancy)[Big belly]

■ Fixes and Adjustments
- Fixed a bug where the appearance information of dismantled parts would disappear when assigned to an NPC
- Fixed a bug where the face paint of female natives was not correctly reflected during masturbation
- Fixed a bug where NPCs would become inactive if the "Return" function in the friends list was used while leading NPCs, and their waiting location was far from the player's current location
- Fixed an issue where the damage calculation for the giant's attack on the player was not working correctly
- Fixed a bug where swapping chickens in the poultry farm when up to three chickens were placed would cause the original chickens to disappear
- Fixed a bug where, after defeating the underground woman and fast traveling while the inventory was open, the inventory would not function properly
The updates made as beta versions since June 29 have now been set as the standard build.
For update details since June 29, please refer to the previous news posts.

■ Important Changes
Some buildings can now be destroyed by enemies. If these buildings are already placed, they will load in a broken state. You can repair them by having the protagonist repair them directly or assigning an NPC to the "Repair" job.
This update includes several critical bug fixes and adjustments. No additional content has been included.

■ Fixes and Adjustments
- Enabled the protagonist to open each individual inventory
- Fixed a bug where the generation of raiding NPCs could be delayed after loading, depending on the game's startup time
- Fixed a bug where the waiting position would not load correctly if the game was saved while the protagonist was inside the house and waiting
- Fixed a bug where the required experience points were not calculated correctly for levels above 716,327
- Fixed a bug where saving more than a certain number of status points would cause them not to be reflected correctly
- Fixed a bug where the calculation of reflected stun damage on the meat wall was ten times higher than intended
- Adjusted NPC behavior, primarily for underwater NPCs and mermaids
- Adjusted so that raiding enemies do not spawn while the game is paused
- Added an option to limit the number of raiders generated
■ Additions
- Item to prevent miscarriage

■ Fixes
- Fixed a bug in version 0.1.4 where NPCs could not be summoned to the player's location when summoned inside the house

- Fixed a bug where the stun damage from the ore needle bed would not apply to deceased NPCs
■ Additions
- Set nearby companions to react when an enemy is detected
- Elite small native
- Added a feature to designate targets for followers to attack((Designate by holding Q and right-clicking))

■ Additional H-Scenes
- Yona x Male Protagonist (While Down)
- Yona x Small Native (Standard)

■ Fixes and Adjustments
- Added a distance limit to the retreat movement
- Fixed a bug where NPCs who finished work would sometimes stop moving
- Fixed a bug where structures placed on water would not load in the correct position
- The number of defeats during a raid is now displayed
- Removed the speed increase limit from cooking effects
- Fixed a bug where chickens in the poultry farm would not update their display except when loading
- Fixed a bug where NPCs with a waiting position set inside the house would sometimes lose their entry information
- Removed the feature where all buildings would be repaired after a raid
- Fixed a bug where the head of the subterranean woman would not be displayed on androids
- Increased the amount of food obtained from the "Food" job
- Adjusted so that the status level numbers of NPCs generated during raids are now assigned
- Adjusted so that mouse operations are disabled during backpack vacuuming
- Adjusted so that NPCs in torture devices can still progress in pregnancy
- Adjusted so that NPCs miscarry when using a "meat toilet"
- Changed the initial clothing of small natives to equipment (small natives already recruited will become naked. The old woman can craft clothes for small natives.)
- Adjusted so that if a raid does not occur after using an item that triggers it, the item will be returned
- Fixed a bug where childbirth would still occur even when using an abortion pill during delivery
Critical bug fixed

■ Fixes and Adjustments
- Fixed a bug where all items would fit onto the platform during construction
- Adjusted so that items do not fit onto the platform when the Shift key is held down during construction
- Adjusted so that only items of the same type will fit onto the platform
- Fixed a bug where the state of being inside the house would not be cleared when the protagonist leaves the house

(If you cannot build a house while outside, try entering and exiting the house once to resolve the issue.)
An update has been made to fix critical bugs.

■ Additions
- Mushroom cultivation
- Beehive
- Planter for medicinal herbs and red herbs

■ Fixes and Adjustments
- Fixed a bug where item information was not correctly swapped when switching items between a
companion animal and a newly captured animal
- Fixed a bug where the white tiger would turn white upon loading
- Adjusted the platform fitting program
- Fixed a bug where the main collider layer was not correctly loaded when loading items in the workshop
- Fixed a bug where the calculation would fail and behavior would become abnormal when the required experience points exceeded the function limit
- Adjusted so that NPC guards are also applied to stun attacks
- Adjusted so that raids start even if the generation of raiding NPCs is not completed
- Adjusted to temporarily pause the generation of raiding NPCs if the frame rate drops below 7fps
- Move the crafting location of fake tree-type items from the wood workbench to the plant workbench.
■ Additions
・Item that increases the recovery amount of libido
・When wearing the Ring of Lust and there is no partner for sex, the character will masturbate instead

■ Fixes and Adjustments
・Fixed a bug where masturbation was not performed in the correct position
・Fixed a bug where the spider's food box would turn into a normal food box upon loading
・Fixed a bug where effects triggered by ground contact were not occurring (e.g., throwing by small natives)
Due to significant functional adjustments, this will be released as a beta version. Those who wish to participate, please switch to the beta version to play.

■ Additions:
・NPC job "Repair"
・Gallows support (Large female natives)

■ New H features:
・Masturbation (female natives)

■ Fixes and Adjustments:
・Fixed an issue where the transport display was not correctly reflected when retrieving medium-sized animals.
・Fixed an issue where dismembered NPCs could still be summoned (added an option to make them summonable).
・Reduced the issue where enemies sometimes do not die even when their health reaches zero.
・Fixed an issue where NPCs in a rampage due to minimum morale could not be interacted with when following.
・Fixed an issue where NPCs would get stuck if they were assigned a job in an empty animal pen.
・Set damage attenuation for Crystal Sword skills.
・Adjusted NPC movement behaviors.
・Adjusted to allow interaction with downed ally NPCs.
・Fixed an issue where Yona's weapon and shield colors were not loading correctly.
・Fixed an issue where buildings placed on the water surface of seawater blocks were not positioned correctly upon loading.
・Changed the experience calculation method required for leveling up beyond level 100.
・Adjusted character edit colors to be set by numeric input.
・Adjusted the conditions for using "meat toilet."
・Added a function to repair all buildings with the Build Manager.

■Objects like tables can now be destroyed. Buildings that are now destructible will load in a broken state. You can repair them by either using the protagonist (consuming water) or assigning the NPC the "repair" job.
Alternatively, all items can be repaired using the "Build Manager."

■Since it is highly likely that operations will become unstable, we recommend saving separately from the main save data.

■For the added conditions for using the "meat toilet" and masturbation:
If the NPC options have "Allow love" set to OFF and "Allow sex" set to ON, it will now be executed by consuming libido.
■Fixes and adjustments
・When a tree is being cut down, it is canceled by pressing the "wasd" key.
・When save data is overwritten, the original data is rewritten to Autosave.
・Added "Return all NPCs to the waiting place" button to the friends list.

-Fixed a bug that caused the main ground floor to come loose when entering a stage

Fixed a fatal bug that caused the main ground to be lost when entering a stage.
If you lose the main character while waiting, use the Enter key to bring up the command field and then press the
/change command. You can forcibly change the main character.
Fixed a bug that prevented logs from being displayed
Several critical bugs have been fixed and the default build has been set to the latest version.
The changes from v0.0.8 include the following

・Update function of items in the Workshop.
・Added button to call nearby NPCs to the player's location

■ Bug fixes
・Fixed a problem in which the reference to parameters was lost when NPCs were given dismantled parts and saved.
・Adjustment so that the player always goes to the saved position after loading is complete, even if the player moves around during loading.
・Fixed a bug that prevented picking up a skeleton that had not been made a companion when dropping it after save and load.
・Reduced the problem of NPCs placed in the stage falling through the floor.
・Fixed a problem with misalignment of attack judgments during enemy movement attacks
・Fixed a bug that caused NPCs to periodically die if they fell into a hole in the ruins for as long as they remained in that level.
The default build has been updated to [update v0.0.8]

■ Added
・Added the ability to create your own background items.
・Added the ability to register for workshops.

The workshop is currently only available in a beta test version.

Workshop guide.

■ Bug fixes
・Fixed a bug in which when the level of the transport skill reaches 5, it is displayed as MAX (can be increased up to 10 levels).
・Fixed a bug in which the presence or absence of the blood of a subterranean woman was not reflected correctly.
・Fixed a bug that the items that can be found in the excavation area are not selected correctly.
・Fixed a bug that caused the slowdown effect of the swamp when building a house on top of a swamp, even if you entered the house.
・Fixed a bug that made it more difficult to escape from the wall when using the sword technique inside a native's house.
■ Bug fixes
・Fixed a problem in which the Blood Sword skill would cause not only corpses but also stunned NPCs to explode.
・Fixed a problem that caused loading to not work correctly when saving a game with harvesting boxes or mining sites outside of the map.
・Fixed a problem in which once an NPC was made a companion, it would not behave correctly when discarded with the H key after returning it to the inventory.
・Fixed a problem in which the male protagonist would not fall down by stun attack.
・Adjustments to the way DLC is updated and loaded
・Fixed an issue where NPCs set as "Survivor" could not be defeated to resolve their morale when they went out of control.
・Fixed a bug that caused NPC and animal items to disappear and other item information to be corrupted when using the "ALL OUT" button with chests and other items when the main inventory was full.
・Fixed a bug that forest grass and chaos grass could not be collected after installation.
・Fixed a bug that caused Takumi events to be duplicated.
・Fixed a bug that prevented the localization of Chinese (Simplified Chinese).
・Fixed a bug that the target of a raid cannot be retrieved.
・Fixed a bug in which the count of hauls and the calculation of hauls were not being done correctly.
・Fixed a bug that allowed other houses to be placed inside the house.
・Fixed a bug that when the male protagonist was stunned by a large female aborigine, the hair of the man was not correctly described.
・Fixed a bug that Dharma's H-animation was not displayed correctly.
・Added the ability to update DLC
・Add options such as eliminating invisible walls, putting a house inside a house, removing building restrictions.
・Fixed a bug where the raid on the waiting protagonist did not end when the waiting protagonist was targeted and knockdown.

We have fixed some critical bugs, but have also implemented some things that we are not sure will function properly, such as the ability to update DLC, so we have uploaded it as a beta version.
View attachment 51664
We hope you will be able to participate in the testing.

If you are unable to load your save data even though it has been saved successfully, please send us your save data on Discord or by email ([email protected]) and we may be able to resolve the issue.

We are planning to open a Workshop in the near future.
■ Bug fixes
・Fixed a bug in which the contents of a chest would disappear when an NPC with maximum likability was hovered over by a chest, and the chest was closed by WASD movement and then dropped.
・Fixed a bug that when saving at the ruins, the game does not start from the starting staircase of the saved level.
・Fixed a bug in which a golden egg would turn into an omelette when placed as a dish.
・Fixed a bug in the animation of the gallows of the female natives where the layers were in the wrong order.
・Fixed a typo in an item.
・Fixed a bug that prevented the main character from asking for sex even with NPCs in a state of lewdness.
・Fixed a bug that the main character was not affected by the magical charms.
・Fixed a bug that fast-traveling while suffering from food poisoning would result in a very large amount of food poisoning damage.
・Fixed a bug in which the rewards for work in the breeding farm were not being selected correctly.
・Fixed a bug that the All in and All out buttons could not be used when hovering over an item.
・Fixed errors in loading
■ Bug fixes
・Fixed a bug that prevented saves from loading properly if the body of an NPC who died after a failed rescue was in the player's possession.
・Fixed a bug that caused the body of an NPC who died after a failed rescue to disappear after being placed in a chest or other inventory.
・Fixed a bug that localized the name of unique characters when they join a group.
・Fixed a bug that the skin color of a young man was applied to a female NPC in a young man's sex scene.
・Fixed a bug that caused equipment to be duplicated when interacting with a neutral NPC, such as a trader, and removing the equipment after the interaction was over.
・Fixed a bug in which the display of NPCs with you remained off when you entered the Giant's event with Yona.
・Fixed a bug that Takumi's H history in Takumi's event was not reflected to Takumi when he became a friend.
・Fixed a bug that NPCs that use warp, such as ghosts, do not die immediately when their life is reduced to 0 during warp.
・Fixed a bug that NPCs in chests were dropped as item bags when dropped.
・Fixed a bug in the behavior of the display and non-display of the fence of the milking machine.
・Fixed a bug that the display of the stomach remains on the milking machine.
・Fixed a bug that the demolition status of the underground woman and Mummy did not load properly.
・Cooking: Fixed the wrong appearance of fried egg and omelette when they are placed.
・Fixed a bug that the "Ruck" would slide away when vacuuming on a slope.
・Fixed one of the missing reward items in the ruins.
・Fixed a problem with the NPCs in the wooden toilet.

・Adjusted the conditions under which the young man and other NPCs h
・Changed the animation of NPCs in the wooden toilet to be the same as that of chairs.
・The current progress status of the event to give food to Takumi is now displayed.
・Adjusted so that hit judgments are not performed on characters with "Survival" combat type.
・Adjusted the crafting window to refresh when a collection is acquired.

Builds of past versions are also available.
■ Bug fixes and adjustments
・Fixed a bug where the white tiger would not appear.

・Fixed a bug where a log saying "Base changed" would appear during loading if the base flag was placed.
・Fixed a bug where the ally Keigo would remain displayed after Keigo was killed in an event.
・Fixed a bug where young men could not impregnate others.
Adjusted pregnancy determination during sex between natives.
・Fixed a bug where food would be used up in the food storage after interacting with it until another item with inventory was touched.
・Fixed a bug where NPCs would stop moving when switching from a bow to another weapon.
■Fixes and adjustments
・Fixed a bug that prevented normal operation when items other than equipment were dropped into an equipment slot
・Fixed a bug that prevented "pocket" items from being used for chests, etc.
・Fixed a bug in which the display of hauling counts did not change when animals were dismantled or when dropped animal items were picked up
・Fixed item descriptions for "Growing Potion"
・Inventory cannot be closed while Ruck is vacuuming
・Fixed a bug that caused the effect of lewdness to remain when swapping and equipping other accessories while the ring of lewdness is equipped.

・(English) Wood Wall => Log Wall
・Localize the UI that appears when the Q key is pressed
■Bug Fix
・Fixed a bug where moving the "Base Flag" would prevent the user from taking action.

・Localization of text for standby poses now works.
・Fixed a bug in which the waiting pause did not play until Sally took some action after loading.
・Fixed a bug that the increase/decrease in the durability value of the Chaos Axe was not being reflected.
Last edited:

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MRJK wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello Ryzen, would you mind if I will ask you to upload this? ( seem like a different version)
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