- 11 Default Man Hairset for Girl
Uncompress into your HS folder.
Hairs will be under HAIRSET
takes Back Hair slots 711-721
Straight port experimenting with external material linking. Wanted to keep everything default, but had to create new mesh file to resize and reposition the hairs for the girl's head. All basic scaling done in SB3U, so hair fits, but not perfectly since male's head is different. I've omitted the shaved/bald hairstyle cause, 1) Male's head is different so hard to fit it on the girl & 2) didn't want to waste a slot when I've already done a bald (no back hair) version in my 1punchman mod.
The hair is a few shades lighter than the girl's hair. As you can see above, it's a sandy brown color when it's suppose to be a dark brown, default hair color.
enimaroah for SB3U and tutorials for external materials

pw: jdba
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