Title: Nazo no Virus de Yononaka no Onna no Hansuu ga Chinou Shisuu Zero no Mesuinu ni Natta Sekai
謎のウィルスで世の中の女の半数が知能指数ゼロの雌犬になった世界 Circle/Artist: MC (Shibire Hitsuji) / MC (シビレヒツジ) Pages: 50 Size: 141 MB Type: Doujinshi Language: Japanese Release Date: 2015/04/23
Greetings, Shine, keeper of the sacred uploads! The tribe humbly requests you to summon forth the latest version of this game dated Sep 18, 2021. Let the pixels flow like a river, my friend! [190804][えるるっく] NOA [RJ259944]
Almost half of my CD that i upload on Mega got reported of copyright by someone in here , Im so sad. How could someone do that ?
Mind you, i bought them myself and share them in here so other people can enjoy them too. To other people who wants to hear the CD, im so sorry to inform you but i could not upload the CD at the moment