Been here (HF) since AG3 but I was never good enough to do my own mods. I've always created tons AG3 characters and probably only shared a few privately. For those that did, I still remember you guys and even though I lost almost all my AG3 characters due to raid failure and afk Hard Drive transfers. I don't regret the time learning about mods and importing or editing characters. I truly appreciate the real life characters and the people whom contributed to AG3. Saev, Tmvaegis, Futaboy, Hereaus, Dilldoe, Stormwing and Capt Jam and all others whom I didn't mention thanks for sharing your AG3 files, your time and commitment to the game. I guess this is dedicated to you. And for pirating people out there, "Sharing is truly CARING".
==[ My Contents ]=======================
Here's the link for the girls above. my old Google spreadsheet can be found here.

Here's some non-asian cards. As I still trying to do an average or looking for more Caucasian characters. You would be amazed how hard it is to make unique females without an asian bias, lol.


Saeki's Abandoned HS Tattoo Project was done pretty well but abandoned. He had a good re-upload in 4K but only for Alexae's SkinTexMod located here. I've converted what he had and put it in the old tattoo project. *Note at least 2 are just re-sampled 1K texture and aweful Alpha channel isolation. :( my bad. Here's the file: FlashK1ll's attempt at Saeki's 4K revamped Tatoos. You need the original project first for it to work here's the file, and here's the page on hongfire.com.
Here's the link for those whom don't have many tabs open,
Original Mod: Mediafire
My 4K Update
* ------------------------------- UPDATE: 1/8/2017 ---------------------------- *
These aren't my mods but requested on hongfire. They are other people's mods but I wanna save it as 'fashion' so it'll save time for people to 'remake' them.

My SkintexMods:
Well finally gotten around to making some SkinTexMods cuz no one really isn't helping with tattoos. Maybe when I move from plasticmind's 4K skins to the other one will my SkinTexMods work?
Anyways I made two mods and included them in there. Special thanks to Alexa for the SkintexMod and including PSD & examples. Also that modder that made pale skin, sorry I kinda stole your graphics and icons but yea I was just about to give up on it and you gave me a good example. I can use TGA or dds files which is really convenient.

Mega.nz: Flashk1ll's SkinTexMods
Table of Contents
- Important Websites
- Crucial Software
- How to import/replace texture
- How to add plugins
- How to make your own mods
- Making beautiful creations
- Saved for later
==[ Important Websites ]=======================
==[ Crucial Software ]=======================
- Adobe Photoshop
- Nvidia's DDS Plugin
- SB3UGS 1.4.4
- Japanese PNG Viewer
- Japanese Texture Import Tutorial
- Irfanview
- Lightshot
*The last two are optional, I really like the ease of print screen and sharing it for friends or for screen capture guide it takes away 10-15 seconds of trying to find your image and uploading it to a third party. The only thing faster would be to save your screen capture on onedrive and sharing it to friends right away or having a VPN/private server shared.
==[ How to import/replace textures ]=======================
Beginning modding your own textures, aka "texture replacement".
- Adobe Photoshop or any 3rd party program that support Adobe filter/plugins (infranview?/PSP) etc...
- Nvidia DDS Plugin. Windows 32-bit Windows 64-bit
- SB3 Utility aka. SB3UGS v1.4.4
Texture Replacement Guide

Finally if you're OCD like me, archive your original Honey Select game directory *folder before modding! At least so you have the *last good modified game backup. If you have the backup on default it will keep making backup upon backup so your 1.xx GB mat_cha_00.unity3d and it's backup will fill your game folder. Keep that in mind. Special thanks to this file: L0926a.zip located on: http://ux.getuploader.com/honeyselect/index/1/date/ My instructions is basically a copypasta of it.

==[ How to add your own plugins/addons ]=======================
How to install Miku Miku Dances aka. Motion Data or VMD files.
1) Google or Youtube [MMD] Motion Data DL or MMD VMD
2) Find a site, copy the password or follow the download link
3) Input password then use a archiver to open the zip/rar or verify the *.vmd file is there.
4) Go to hongfire.com and install the HS Studio Addon plugin.
5) Hopefully you are patched to EMF/HF patch and have already the plugin program and IPA (Illusion Plugin Architecture)
6) Run either the HoneyStudio_64_Patched.exe or HoneyStudio_32_Patched.exe file once, then close it down.
7) You can either run the same program or if you want to run the wide slider option etc..
8) Load your character in, map, etc...
9) Hit Control + i then select VMD tab
10) Click the "..." button and locate the VMD file you downloaded, once done hit "load"

More Guides later...

==[ How to make your own mods ]=======================
Still trying to figure out...

==[ Making beautiful creations ]=======================
Hopefully in the future I'll include how I make my character and how I improve by using Adobe Photoshop.
==[ Making Creating, stealing, Ripping your own Skintexmod]=======================
SkinTexMod tutorial
Dan's Pale Skin Texture
Alexae's SkintexMod + Additional Skin
Direct Link: https://mega.nz/#!iYsgAIpb!4M5UIOzOAzQpR8p8YvD0NlpHGZ5OTeyk-6cgdEnMcIU
addons: https://mega.nz/#!fElhAZAY!ZioLqWcOBhiRF1WQLMtqWOqlfMRJRSIhjJ6GG1snNQU
Photoshop, GIMP, MS PAINT, PSP etc... any image editing software
Nvidia DDS plugin if you are serious about future modding, but not nessasssy here. Find a good base either use Dan's pale skin or Alexae's Direct Skin.
If you don't have DDS plugin download my already inverted Alexae skin here.
First decide if you are gonna do overlay (tattoos, makeup, etc) or total skin (like Dan's Direct Skin or Alexae's Direct Skin).
For this example I'll use DillDoe's Mudkip file: Depositfiles.com Mega.nz
find the *.pp file using SB3UGS, and extract the mudkip.pp file to desktop or a working location.

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