[Misc] My Studio items: Troubleshooting


Elite Member
Trusted Member
Nov 5, 2013
I received in the last time some messages, that some users have trouble with my studio items, cause they let crash the studio while it's loading.
In the past I also read it many times in Discords or in other places, that users have trouble with my studio items and when I take a look into the screenshots, which they show, than I anticipate what is the cause for their problem.
The major reason is the ItemCategory number, which cause the conflict with the other mods.

Unfortunately, there exist no mod, what can show me which category number is already in use, so that I can use an other one, to prevent the trouble.
Well here is a description, where you can change it by yourself, to make it possible, that my studio mods can run with the other mods.

First of all, the numbers I used are just examples. You have to find out for yourself which number is suitable for you.

Rename the *.zipmod file into *.zip and unpack it.
Than go to abdata --> studio --> info --> FutaBoyItems. There you change the numbers 83 for example into 100.

Than open the two files ItemCategory_83_2310.csv and ItemList_00_2310_83.csv and change there the number 83 with 100.


You can also use an other number, with exception the numbers between 68 till 92, because they are already in use.
Than save everything, create a zip file and rename it back into *.zipmod. I hope it works for you after it.
The same you can do it with the other mods too, what have a ItemCatergory numer, which makes problems.

You need also to change the numbers in the thumbnails, to make them visible in the studio.
The scripted penises and the endless error reports.

When you use one of my
Scripted Penis Mods together with the dick navigator, than unfortunately the log will continually flooded with the same error message:
[Error : Unity Log) Array index (10) is out of bounds (size=0)

[Error : Unity Log) Array index (11) is out of bounds (size=0)
[Error : Unity Log) Array index (12) is out of bounds (size=0)
[Error : Unity Log) Array index (13) is out of bounds (size=0)
[Error : Unity Log) Array index (14) is out of bounds (size=0)
[Error : Unity Log) Array index (10) is out of bounds (size=0)


I have no idea, what is the meaning of this messages, I don't know, why this errors is occurs and I don't know how to fix it.
How I noted it in my release topic, that this mods based on Hooh's Scripted Dick Mod. I have no idea, what and how Hooh did, if he coded it or used a other program, etc. I can only say, it was hard for me to use his mod, to create some new mods. I had a lot of trouble, to make my scripted penis mods and I only use SB3UGS for modding. I was happy, to make my scripted penis mods to work.
If maybe, which I don't really believe, another modder, with more skills takes care of this problem, he/she can explain to me what I did wrong.
Except for this error message, the mod works without any problems.

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