

Mar 24, 2012
this is just a general discussion about things that are considered to be a myth. Or "mysteries" if you prefer.
honestly, I don't know the first thing about mythology XD but I have found it to be interesting sometimes~
it can be a drama, a war flick, or maybe historical.
there's alot of stuff from back then that has influence what a given culture behaves like or thinks today.

soo for a basic intro to mythology, you could read this wiki:

I know that alot of planets, countries, and some symbols are used after mythological beings.
Most of this is from the top of my head, so I might not completely remember what I'm saying XD

a few things I heard:
Europe is named after Europa.
This hospital ambulance symbol:

Is actually derived from some healing type of person with a snake on his staff.

ummmmm and recently the "slenderman" has became popular here XD

what are some things that you know? :3
What are some of your favorite myth stories, legends or characters?
What kind of myths would you like to learn more about?
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E.g. this:

This would always as devil related stuff designated, but it is wrong... On the truth is it a footprint one Druids, where the people this sign as devil/witch worship-tool used would...~
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I'm only interested in Greek mythology and Egyptian mythology ... and only because of the game Age of Mythology :D
I do enjoy mythology! Everything from Egyptian to British (Arthurian) and from Native American to Japanese and everything in between. Sadly I forgot most of what I know. =/
But first thing we should wonder is who is a persons favorite hero, or villain. Generally we can branch off of stories, for example is everyone familiar with the Trojan Wars?
Hmm giant horse :goodtea:

Well favorites... i dont have a favorite mythical being i dont think? xD Nor do i dislike any~ Would be nice to have a pet phoenix though~ Maybe a dragon too~
Actually there were three heroes there was Ulysses, Ajax, and Achilles, then there was Agamemnon. Ulysses was lost at sea, due to Poseidon's anger, in this he is attacked by a cyclops, sirens, and that's all I can think of, sadly. But in this story, the women is as much a hero as the man, his wife kept the kingdom for him for years spurning off other leaders. Ajax, I actually don't know much about him, and most people should know of Achilles.
Lol achilles who had armor everywhere except for his heel and thats how he got killed ;p Not sure if i know the real story though~
Actually that was his only weakness, I don't think he had all armor, because during the bronze age, they wore a skirt so they could move easily in the area. Basically as long as you know he kill Hector, your good. I don't know all of the stories of Norse mythology or Egyptian. I'll have to look some of them up when people are curious.
Hmm all those gods like thor and whatnot~ Norse mythology is somewhat interesting :goodtea: Greek and Roman are interesting enough~ Romans just took over the religion of everyone xD
Well actually the Romans had to or there would be no rest in the empire, they didn't care, only the emperor really cared, if he was honestly stupid. Norse, I'll have to look more up but you probably know a lot about the Valkyrie, Jarls, Thanes, Giants, Trolls, Odin, Thor, and Loki. So while I try to find some insight as to how their world began.
Well, if you speaking about mythology, I would like to mention Hindu Myth. This has some epic fight and war on the storyline as well as love story.

I like the Mahabharata, especially the teacher of Pandawa five and Kurawa named Bhisma, who have the permission from the great god to die whenever he wishes so(Which mean as long as he does not wish it, he can't die).
Lol i mostly just read random books so my knowledge is incomplete about any of the mythologies~

Hmm yes.. though they did have their main gods and whatnot :/
added a couple questions to the top~ :goodtea:

a friend of mine used to have a book about norse mythological stories and said I should read it XD
buuut one day her house burned down, and most of those books ;_;
I had a few from them just a week before that XD

I've read some Irish literature for one of my classes. It was really hard to understand, and was mostly about violence and all~
(it was just screaming "manly" at me XD)

Sooo the great thing about reading is that it guides you to re-eveluated how you think about something~ whether it's a story, school books, wtv~~ I loved reading til school killed it for me XD and maybe rpgs, which was like a novel that forced effort to see the ending XD
Not all mythology dates back to ancient times. Modern mythology is fun, too!

Take for example, the American myth of Paul Bunyan, the giant lumberjack and his great blue ox, Babe!
Hmm that guy :goodtea: Well i suppose he was entertaining enough except for the fact that they passed him off as a children's story...

Irish lit screams manly? xD

Btw whats slenderman? xD
I prefer Norse mythology to the more popular Greek mythology. I don't really fancy how the Greek gods are depicted, like how Zeus is one hell of a womaniser. Personally, I totally prefer the image Odin has as the head deity of a pantheon (or at least one who rules the divine realm). And then there's... there's... valkyries.

I also like the Nordic concept of how their pantheon of gods and goddesses came to be. I mean, sure, Greek mythology has Titan wars and whatnot, but the affair between their divine beings feels so... mundane to me. Mortal-like. Just like what these silly earthbound weaklings called humans have within their courts and communities.

Oh, I also consider Christian theology and concepts of the outer realms and their dwellers mythology-like to some extent, and have always favoured their ranks of angels and demons (or demonised beings). Probably due to the common plot used by old school RPGs depicting the battle between good and evil and the abundance of games having some sort of demon king (or an archangel... or even God in some cases) as the last boss, I ended up 'researching' a bit into angelology and in particular demonology.

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