Title: Saimin Kyochin ni Aragaenai! Onna o Soku Shihai Suru Chikara de Class no Mesu-domo o Kanzen Onaho ni Shitatta w
催〇巨チンに抗えない!女を即支配する力でクラスのメスどもを完全オ〇ホにしたったw Circle/Artist: NCP / NCP Pages: 44 Size: 35 MB Type: Doujinshi Language: Japanese Release Date: 2022/08/06
I'm not sure where you got this from, but my creations are made possible thanks to everyone's support.
That's why seeing them being shared like this without permission is really disappointing and saddens me...
It honestly lowers my motivation as well.
I kindly ask that you remove it.