
Stalker... yeah.. Stalker
Elite Member
Dec 25, 2011


* Based on a series of light novels written by Nishio Ishin and illustrated by Vofan.

A sequel to Bakemonogatari. A black swindler Kaiki Deishu, who once deceived Hitagi, returned to the town and spreads the incantation, which cursed Nadeko before. Koyomi's sisters Karen and Tsukihi try to capture Deishu but...

Cast : Kamiya Hiroshi , Saitou Chiwa , Horie Yui , Hanazawa Kana , Sawashiro Miyuki , Katou Emiri , Kitamura Eri , Iguchi Yuka

Original Work : Nishio Ishin
Original Character Design : Vofan
Animation : Shaft

Credits for ANN , AniDB

Opening : Futakotome - Saitou Chiwa

*kinda Staple-Stable rearrangement

Opening 2nd : Marshmallow Justice - Kitamura Eri

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Start from episode 1

well my first thought "again, falling head over heels for Senjougahara" , actually nice first episode where you can see most of Bakemonogatari character minus Kanbaru , story starts with something that you will find strange but make you smile when you see Senjogahara again , ohhhh i like when Araragi met with Hachikuji again

well , thats my review , quick review and , this season i really happy with anime-airing list

Discussion , starts :powershot:
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Yay i was waiting for this :)

Ep 1 starts off rly wierd that made me kind of lost at why he was chained into the desks, but i guess later into the episode it was less confusing
Alot of comedy dropped in throughout the whole episode especially at Hachikuji part made me laugh the most
Good start into the series I will continue with it
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I really enjoyed it ^^
2012 will be... wait for it... L-E-G-E-N-D-A-R-Y! :)
NADEKO! I'VE MISSED YOU!! Why isn't it next week already?! God, I had a heart attack when she answered the phone in that adorably flustered voice. I need to make this my new ringtone or something, even if it could be dangerous for my health... I have the courage to listen to this everyday! Why isn't it next week already?!

Phew. Give me a minute to calm down.

While Nadeko's very short screentime was the highlight of the episode for me, I greatly enjoyed everything else, from Hitagi's yandere antics to Loliconragi and Mayoi's epic battle. The dialogues were as witty and funny as ever, and the girls as entertaining and lovely. I have to admit Hitagi creeped me out a bit at first though, but her confession, while twisted, also struck me as incredibly sweet. When a girl is willing to change your diapers, you know she loves you. Problem is... she's the one who created a situation where Araragi needs a diaper.

Tsukihi was quite different from what I expected. She struck me as a nice and obedient little sister in the first season but she's actually quite cheeky. I didn't think she was aware of Nadeko's feelings for her brother either... then again, it's not exactly hard to notice. Araragi is probably the only who has no clue.

An excellent first episode all around for me. I'm pleased each girl will presumably get their own OP once again.

Now time to call the police.
Watched the 1st episode. Honestly, I was kinda hoping to see some action in it, but none.
Arararagi's youngest sister seem to be grown up nice, I might add it. Quite tempting indeed, considering how different I saw her in the 1st season.
Hachikuji always the comic relief, for me, especially when she and Araragi together.
Disapointment that Nadeko only appear on 2 scene with 1 scene is from the back. in next episode is a must for Nadeko~
first appearances with Hitagi Yandere's is a great scene the most in this episode,she still got that unique attitude of her's. well that is how she describe her love to araragi though =))

well the most important part is Araragi's sister. i though Tsukihi is just quite kind caring little sister looking. yet she talkmuch. can't wait for the other one.andyep this one is in my toplist for winter season now :3
The 1st episode is pretty good, I re-watched and laughed hard at the scene between Hachikuji and Araragi many times.
Well, I like how they adapted the dialogues in the novel to the anime this way, not really like the wall-of-text pics in Bake.
Looking forward to the next ep, never get tired of Sengoku with yandere mode on XD
"I will not have impure thoughts about Sengoku's body"

WHY? Why do you sexually harass elementary school girls and yet are trying your hardest to resist the tremendous sex appeal of the jailbait who is almost begging to get loved tenderly by you (she was sending the clearest signals EVER)? Damnit (I will take Nadeko for myself, kthxbai). I have to commend his willpower though. I thought it was impossible to resist Nadeko's advances (she really knows her stuff), but he proved me wrong.

I feel bad for Nadeko. She pushes herself very hard to seduce him but all of her attempts are probably doomed to fail. She doesn't deserve this ;_; Her extreme cuteness and her apparent innocence appears to be backfiring on her.

Anyway, Nadeko was more endearing than ever in this episode. Her answer when Araragi questioned her about her hair style was painfully adorable (and that angelic smile ).

I was disappointed they cut the twister game out, especially considering how delicious the little we saw was. Her mother unexpectedly came back right when they were about to get to the best part too. Speaking of which, I loved seeing Nadeko all panicked. That was such a sharp contrast compared to her previous seductive and dominating attitude.

And I'll say it again: twister = best game ever. If you have the right opponents, that is.
eps 2 out last night...

well the wheel started to running... introduction to Karen, Nadeko, and Kanbaru.... i love how Nadeko and Kanbaru tease or seduce (?) Araragi :XD: , the rest maybe you must see for yourself, its still not have that much into the story (since i only expect the story development :runhappy:
I love this show! As I loved the first one! But after seeing pics of the novel and the show, I'm shock... Is Senjougahara gonna cut her beautiful hair???????????????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and keep it up! Next is Kizumonogatari!!!!!!!! (which is a MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
I love this show! As I loved the first one! But after seeing pics of the novel and the show, I'm shock... Is Senjougahara gonna cut her beautiful hair???????????????? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and keep it up! Next is Kizumonogatari!!!!!!!! (which is a MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Yeah , Senjougahara will cut her hair , well its likely because "something" in Fire Sister episode, well its better to not spoil it, and don't open wikipedia , its total spoiler :@
i read all the ranobe, so i already know most of the story, but im still looking forward for this.
at last! kaiki made his appearance in ep.3 but he's a bit different from what i imagined he would be! maybe this is the first time Miki Souichiro voiced a villain character?
Oh Nadeko...you even dominate episodes you DON'T appear in.

THANK YOU BASED SHAFT! I love them so much for including those glorious little snippets of the twister game. If Nadeko couldn't even catch Araragi's eye after that, then I'm afraid it's hopeless. Anybody else would have jumped her bones in a heartbeat. All things considered, it's a good thing he didn't (for one, because Nadeko is mine) since that would have spelled death for both him and Nadeko.

That said, Gahara-san was also lovely in this episode. I can see why he wants to remain faithful to her (not like he has a choice anyway ). She's incredibly cute when she isn't being abusive.

Those complaining about the lack of plot should be pleased by this episode. It even introduced a new male character (yes, you're not misreading, MALE) who will no doubt play a big role in the series. He's connected to both Hitagi and Suruga's pasts and I bet he's the one Karen went after. That man is clearly no ordinary con man.
well as you can see (if you already watch eps 3) , in this eps introduced Kaiki , totally this anime will centered about him and fire sister , well i will hide the spoiler from its light novel, i expect Hanekawa appearance on next episode and why Gahara-san kinda "weak" against Hanekawa on last minute on this episode
a very eye fetch episode, for more over 10 minutes you can see Shinobu take a bath...
Hanekawa cut her hair, this is something that wasn't from the novel, even though she looks nice to have short hair, i still miss her Mitsuami type hair!
while Shinobu and Araragi bath, Tsukihi spotted them being together. closed the door a while then opened again while grabbing a knife... such a yankee

i'll be sure to order the BD when they're coming around!
Well that was surprise. I didn't expect Shinobu to show up and in the bathroom of all places. I was taken by surprise when she suddenly started talking. So she's been giving Koyomi a silent treatment the entire time? Still, the most unexpected part for me was the scene where Tsukihi opened the door, and only to close it after witnessing her brother bathing with a child. I did not expect her to come back again, and fully equipped with a knife, plus asking her brother where the girl went. I guess Tsukihi is a closet brocon? It truly was an amusing episode despite of the lack of Hitagi. Great stuff indeed.
This is probably the most obvious thing to say about this episode, but the thing that stuck out to me the most was the clarification of what exactly Tsubasa said to the seemingly-prideful Hitagi that got her so freaked out at the end of the last episode. And of course, it's very simple: she basically threatened to take Koyomi away from her. And that's pretty much all she needed to say. I'm not sure if that says more about Tsubasa, about Hitagi, or about the sort of awkward understanding they have between the two of them revolving around Koyomi. But all in all, Tsubasa's very "mob boss" in this episode, and it reminds us all the more that, for all her talk, Hitagi's still just a girl in love. It's like how last episode they clarified (jokingly?) who the real "last boss" is -- nothing's as it seems.

I like how every room in Koyomi's house is like its own sort of theatre stage, complete with lighting, props, and careful staging of the "actors". All SHAFT works are very theatrical, but this episode was particularly high on that scale.
I loved this episode. Best of the series so far.
I didn't even recognise Tsubasa at first, and got a bit of a jolt when I realised who it was. I guess it's part of the dramatic haircut trope, and it actually does suit her. I know a lot of people were attached to her original look, but I'm a big fan of short haired girls, so I'm quite happy with it. And she even got contacts. So the change in look from decidedly bookish and conservative to cute maybe shows she's trying to appeal to Koyomi a bit more, even if it's not directly?

Well that was nothing really. Nothing compared to Shinobu's appearance. Not only did she make a surprise entrance, but she then she started talking. Shinobu. Talking. A lot! I was knocked for six, as someone who hadn't read the books. Gave us quite a few hints for their backstory. I'm really looking forward to seeing that in the Kizumonogatari movie.
And they were in the bath too. Nooooo I don't wanna be a lolicon! But she was soooo cute..... T_T
And when Tsukihi walked in, closed the door and then came back with a kitchen knife in her hand I thought I'd die laughing.

Damn I've missed this anime.
Iwhen Tsukihi walked in, closed the door and then came back with a kitchen knife in her hand I thought I'd die laughing.

Yeah, that part was just a real killer. XD

It's also refreshing to see that the target of violence is the other girl and not Koyomi.
OK, episode 5 was good and getting deep into the story, but the last part left me lol so hard... The only thing I can imagine is what's Karen reaction would be... And damn, Karen with her hair loose is just cute and sexy! her side pony tail was cute enough but with her hair loose change her completely (for me, at least)
The conversation between Koyomi and Tsukihi was rather intriguing. I'm also finally getting used to Hanekawa's new hairstyle. lol. That was a wonderful and tempting ticket, but it's not really worth it if the person in question will hate the user for eternity. XD

As for the last scene, Karen will most likely resist, but she'll probably settle down and allow it after hearing the reason behind such action. Then again, it's just a speculation. C:

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