One if by Son, Two if by Mom (mom-son, incest, shota, underage, slow, Fm)


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Mar 2, 2021
One if by Son, Two if by Mom
by DiscipleN

Chapter 1

Helen Drost stopped the car at the nearby gas station for a fill. Her backseat was loaded with groceries, and the passenger seat suffered her son, Eric's, bored fidgeting. She hurried to pay the cashier and start the gas pumping. She could have filled up tomorrow, but the station was more convenient on the way home. She hoped the frozen goods wouldn't melt too much.

Eric seemed to be playing some game with the wiper mechanism. She shouldn't have left keys in the car. Her son was as inquisitive as a tax reviewer, but he was a good boy, and they got along well. She had feared after her husband abandoned them, her son might blame her, but the boy had always been her son. The jerk never bothered with his son, except to tell him goodbye when he was five years old. Eric was years older now and already pretending to be the man of the house. His loud opinions amused her as much as her boss's opinions at work. She managed in spite of all the advice offered.

The hose jumped to a halt. "Turn off the wipers, Eric!" She struggled to fit the awkward nozzle back onto the pump. Her car was now unkempt because the dusty wipers had left tracks on the windshield. Helen sighed and grabbed a washing squeegee from the rack. In mock anger, she threatened her son with the dripping T. "I should make you clean it." Eric stuck his tongue at her and smiled.

Shaking her head, Helen quickly began washing the wide sedan's front glass. She didn't want to waste time by wiping from both sides so she stretched across the windshield as far as she could. Her well rounded hips propped upon the hood and her voluptuous tits pinned her cotton blouse to the windshield. Helen was wiping the farthest spot she could reach when suddenly the washer jets burst open and soaked the length of her body.

"Eric!" Helen yelled. The jets calmed as quickly as they had tagged her. She heard her son's peals of laughter through the glass. Ohhh, she was really mad! She gave the wet glass three quick wipes and returned the handle. She almost snorted as she grabbed a handful of towels to wipe her body. Wet and angry, Helen opened the car door and thunked down within, jarring the shock absorbers potently. She turned to Eric and said fiercely. "What the heck where you thinking? I don't want you to budge an inch on that seat until we get home!"

Eric tried and failed to look penitent. His young smile creeped into the edges of his pout.

Helen started the car with a roar, and she nearly left tire tracks driving away. She almost yelled again when she noticed her top was so soaked she could see the dark rings of her nipples through the blouse and her thin bra. She hoped the cashier and customers hadn't noticed. She would have died from embarrassment. In her concern for modesty, she wondered even if Eric had noticed. She glanced over her shoulder and saw him peek quickly at her body. For the remaining brief trip she couldn't shake a mental image of her son staring at her tits. He was far too young for that she told herself.

Helen steered into her driveway and looked around for neighbors who might be able to see her predicament. She wondered if she should go right in and change or put the groceries in the refrigerator first. No one seemed about.

"Young man, I want you to help me carry bags into the house and then go straight to your room. You have a lot of thinking to do about squirting your mother before you can come to supper." She stepped out of the car and opened the driver's back door.

"Aw geez, mom. It was just a joke." He got out of the car and opened the other door.

"Well laugh off this one sport." She lifted two paper bags. "No ice cream tonight."

"Big deal. I've never seen you like that before." He smiled pointed to her clothes between the sacks she held against her sides. "They're funny."

Helen blinked at her son. Then she peeked at her jutting tits and their barely visible dark centers. Not knowing what to say, she pushed the two sacks together and shut out her son's indecent view. She stamped angrily into the house. The rest of the groceries were retrieved in silence and then Eric marched up to his room. Helen changed into dry clothes.

Attempting to relax in front of the TV before making dinner, Helen wondered what her son had seen. Probably not much of anything. But what if he had seen her tits? He sure acted as if something important had crossed his eyes or his imagination. She tried to forget about it, but she looked at herself a couple times and even touched one nipple briefly.

Her rat fink husband had left her for good, and she was glad, but in the six years since their divorce she hadn't been on one date, not seriously. She told herself she was too busy with work and raising a child for a chance to repeat that nonsense. Still her body was young and beautiful. She wouldn't be normal if she didn't feel desire regularly. She took care of it as best she could by herself and with a battery powered vibrator. But it couldn't compensate for the lack of touching and talking and game playing.

Shaking all these thoughts out of her head Helen got up to make supper and eventually called her naughty child out of his banishment. The meal was eaten in the silence of defendant vs. judge.

At meal's conclusion she spoke. "All right - tell me you're sorry."

"I'm sorry mom. I guess it was a stupid thing to do."

"Yep. Now give me a hug."

Eric smiled and he scrambled out of his chair and into his mother's arms. "So, can I have ice cream now."

"Heck no. You're forgiven, but you still have to complete your punishment." Helen batted his hair teasingly.

"Okay." Eric looked down and began to walk to his room.

"Just the ice cream. You can watch TV if you like. I'll join you after I finish the dishes." Her son became a blur that raced into the living room. Helen cleared the table.

She found her son glued to the big glowing screen. He seemed perfectly content. Helen felt restless. She wanted to talk with him about what he had 'seen' that afternoon and what it meant to him. She feared her boy was growing too fast for her to keep up with. Her notions of childhood were based on her own boring upbringing. Helen sensed the world was a stranger place than she had been led to believe. Kids today seemed to be more aware of sex than she had as a young adult. Old guard Puritans were fighting a losing battle to keep youngsters ignorant.

Wandering with these thoughts, Helen sat down next to the television absentmindedly. She looked into her son's eyes for any sign of adult interests, but they were as empty as anyone's who had watched as much TV as he had. Helen looked at her covered breasts. She had rushed redressing and had slipped on a sweatshirt without putting on a bra. The warm, green cotton felt softly arousing against her pert nipples. The sound of the TV seemed far away as she focused on feeling her nipples' reaction to her clean garment. She closed her eyes.

A commercial loudly interrupted her dream like state. She looked out and saw Eric looking at her now. Maybe there was something in his eyes. He seemed now as reflective as she felt.

"Need anything sport?" She asked calmly.

"Um..." He muttered not committing to anything.

"What are you thinking about?" Helen reached for the television's remote and lowered the volume.

"How funny you looked when I could see through your shirt." He smiled broadly.

The boy's honesty caused Helen to blush somewhat.

"I would have thought you had forgotten about that by now." She tried to brush her son's comment away.


Helen knew if she made a big deal about it so would her son. She tried changing the subject.

"Pretty soon you have to go to bed and be ready for school tomorrow."

"I wish I could see it again."

Helen blushed deeper, but she held her ground. "Well take a good look at this." She shook a fist at him. "Have you brushed your teeth yet?"

"No." Eric pouted. He slid off the chair and trudged to the bathroom. Helen sighed. What kind of thoughts were in her son's head? She asked herself.

The house mom stood and went into the kitchen to fetch the obligatory glass of water her eleven year old still used as a cheap excuse to delay his bedtime. She met the boy at his bedroom door.

"Okay sport, let's tuck you into bed." She handed him the glass. He led her to his single bed and snuck into the covers without spilling the water. Helen tucked him in and bent over to give him a kiss. With her impressive tits hovering over the boy, he suddenly poured half the glass of water on her clean sweatshirt.

"Eric!" Helen yelled and jumped from the cold water spreading rapidly through the absorbent material. She looked down at her soaked shirt and saw it clinging tightly to her bulging, shivering breasts. Her nipples had become rock hard and poked out half an inch. Eric was giggling uncontrollably, and his eyes stared brightly.

Helen grabbed the glass from her son's hand and angrily banged it on the nightstand. "Mister you've gone too far now. What do you think you're doing?"

"They look so funny!" Eric pointed at one nipple. He was so caught up in his amusement he wasn't even afraid of his mother's threatening tone.

"Ohhh!" Helen gasped in exasperation. Her thoughts were so mixed up, she didn't know if she should run out of the room, cover her shivering titties, or spank the boy. The only thing she was certain of was, she didn't want Eric to ever soak her again. Out of pure frustration she suddenly said, "I've had enough of this." She indicated her dripping sweater. "If all you want is to see your mommy's tits then here!" She angrily reached down and pulled off her sweater in one stroke. The air chilled her wet, luscious breasts even more and her nipples stuck out so hard she could feel them stretch. She tossed the wet shirt on the floor and told him, "Now I suppose you think this is funny."

Eric instantly quieted and his body tensed up solid. He stared almost frozen at his mother's quart sized tits that jiggled in plain view from cold and anger.

Helen was struck by her son's reaction and she suddenly realized what she had done. She had never really spanked or otherwise struck Eric out of anger. She had always relied on her instinct to decide an appropriate punishment for his misdeeds. Now here she was sitting on her son's bed with her tits fully exposed in front of her son. What on earth had made her do that?

The tense moment was fractured by the boy bursting with giggles. Instantly, Helen broke into full laughter. The situation turned on it's head, and both mother and son could no longer bear its absurdity.

As their outbursts faded Helen covered her open tits with her arms and said. "I guess we both did the wrong thing, but now you're going to have to sleep in a wet blanket, in case you think you will every try it again."

"I'm sorry."

"Just don't catch a cold. I'll change your covers tomorrow. Try sleeping on the drier side."

Helen stood up from the water stained bed and left her son's room after picking up her sweatshirt. She entered the master bedroom using the dry side of the unfortunate shirt to wipe her breasts. Her rock hard nipples tingled in response to the soft material. Helen found herself squeezing her nipples with pleasure. She looked at her naked top half and almost smiled. The thought of having exposed herself in front of her son, no matter how innocently, had aroused her. Feeling guilty she shut her door and then undid her pants. She climbed into her own queen sized bed, switched off the lights, and snuggled under the covers, trying forget the whole episode.

Unfortunately is seemed that the punishment for her error was to not forget. She worried about her son. He had deliberately soaked her clothes just so he could see her tits. What on earth possessed him to act so vulgar? Were his friends at school telling him things? Perhaps the other boys were whispering half-truths and wild lies to her son. Or maybe he had seen pictures in a nudie magazine. Or maybe he was just growing up and his natural desires were influencing him. Helen tossed and turned, wondering what she was going to do about her son. It wasn't right for him to look at her as a sex object. It wasn't -- decent.

After further struggles with her conscience she finally crept asleep but did not sleep well. be continued...
Chapter 2

The next day was Saturday. In the morning Helen checked on her son to see if he had frozen in the night or caught a cold. She wore her dark blue house robe in the mornings because she liked to roam around the house and fix breakfast before dressing for the day. Helen knocked softly on Eric's door.

"Anybody still alive in there?"

"Yeah, come in." Eric's voice sounded downhearted.

Helen cracked the door open and peeked in. "You okay lazy bones? It's almost nine."

"I guess so." He yawned and stretched and struggled out of the still damp covers. He shivered having slept the night in a cold bed.

Helen immediately felt sorry. She shouldn't have made him sleep under a wet blanket. "Come here Eric, let me hug you and make you warm." Eric smiled and went to her. She walked in and met him half-way in the room. They hugged for a while until the boy could move without shivering.

"You were such a naughty boy, but I guess you've learned your lesson."

"I'm sorry mommy. I'm pretty dumb huh?"

"No Eric, you're too smart. Now learn to behave when you get too clever for you own good."


"Go take a hot shower, and I'll fix you a big breakfast. That will start you moving again." She release him and exited the room.

They met again at the breakfast table. Both were famished. It wasn't until Eric's second helping of pancakes when he broke their cordial silence.

"That was pretty funny, wasn't it, when you took off your shirt, huh?"

Helen shook her head. "The thoughts you keep in your head these days, really!" She said only half surprised. "My little baby is growing up - aren't you?"

"I'm not a baby."

"Oh, you'll always be my baby. That's the way mommies are. Let's forget last night happened. I was really angry with you. Finish your pancakes."

"Why did you do that?" Eric wanted to know.

"Just forget about it." She answered shaking her head.

Eric ate a few bites quietly. Then he spoke again.

"They looked nice." He smiled with amusement.

"Eric!" Helen cried. "What's gotten into you?" She stared at him in renewed amazement. Her son was really testing her patience, but at her outcry her son's happy wriggling stilled, and he watched her solemnly. He was looking at her chest.

Helen's mouth opened wordlessly when she realized her son was fixated on her breasts. She looked down her chest, to ensure he wasn't seeing something she didn't want him too. From her angle she could easily look into the vee of her robe and sight the rounded tops of her ample tits. Everything else was properly covered. She looked up. Eric was still looking at the bulges in her velvet robe. Was he actually excited by her breasts? Wasn't he too young?

Her son chewed slowly on a bite of pancake. Helen saw a wishful glint in his eyes. They never left her upper body. "Can I see them, again?" He asked her softly.

"Why on earth would you want to see your mother's, eh chest?" She asked him despairingly.

"I dunno. They're kinda neat." Eric stopped eating and stared at her hopefully.

"Kinda neat?" Helen echoed her son's words feeling almost insulted.

"Yea. I bet that my friends' mommies don't have those as neat as yours?"

Helen felt strange. Somehow she was being drawn into a competitive conversation. She wasn't sure she liked were it was going, but at the same time curiosity compelled her to continue. What could compel her son this much? It couldn't be sex. That seemed ridiculous at his age.

"I hope you don't start trying to make a comparison."

"Well..." Her son began awkwardly. "Last week, when I was playing with Jimmy, his mommy called him from the window and she wasn't wearing anything."

"Heavens! Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I dunno. What's the big deal?"

"That was very wrong of Mrs. Justin. What did she do around you?" Had her son been molested by his friend's mother?

"Nothing. Jimmy couldn't play any more so I just came home."

"So you really didn't see anything at all." Helen was relieved, but she was slightly jealous. Her son had seen someone else's body before he had seen hers. What if he had been shocked? At least she would have been able to explain it to him.

"A little bit, but I think her's weren't nearly as big or as neat as yours?"

"You've seen too much already."

"I dunno."

"Are you trying to tell me that you want to reevaluate your impression?" She gave him the stink eye. "Didn't I tell you you are sometimes too clever for your own good?"

"Please mommy?"

Helen's body was shooting off odd signals. Maybe she should let the boy's curiosity run its course, but how far would it take him? She wasn't afraid. They were just breasts, but it wasn't right for a mother to bare herself to her child. Helen worried about how it would affect the boy. She believed naked bodies were nothing bad, but what if the situation escaped her control?

She was terribly curious what her son would do if she did show him her tits again, and in the back of her mind she thought it might even be fun. "Uh, Eric, now you have to promise to behave. This is serious okay?"

"Sure!" Her son's eyes lit up with anticipation. His mommy was actually going to show him her tits? He acted glued to his chair.

Helen gave her son one last worried look, then she began to pull away the vee of her robe. Eric's eyes grew as wide as saucers! She was doing it!

Helen studied her son's fascinated gaze. Her hands began to tremble. She felt strange. She kept pulling the two edges of her robe away from her chest. More and more of the dark shadow between her wonderful tits became exposed.

Simultaneously, her two dark circles felt the cool air. Eric gasped at that moment. "Wow! I can't believe it." He leaned at her, scooting to the edge of his seat.

Helen couldn't believe it herself, but she felt very pleased that her son liked her tits, a little dizzy even. She had to breathe harder to keep up with the warmth increasing inside her. Her son's amazed eyes, watching her reveal her tits, compelled her to show even more. The aroused mother opened her robe wide.

Two nearly firm titties blossomed forth and jiggled from their release. Like two bright, luscious treats, they hung from her chest begging to be plucked. Helen looked at them herself and admired them in a new light. Her son looked about to fall from his chair. His open mouth lost all control. He was almost drooling over his mother's tits. The sight was so funny Helen started giggling.

Eric chimed right in and playfully clapped his hands. They laughed for a long time, and after they caught themselves, Helen's beautiful, nurturers of life remained exposed to her son. His smiled glowed at her. He still couldn't take his eyes of her his mother's tits.

"You're looking at your mom's breasts. Aren't you ashamed?"

"No. Are you?" Eric answered straightforwardly.

"I should be. But I'm not. I don't know why. Maybe because you're my son, and I raised you to be a good boy."

"Uh huh." He nodded cheerfully.

"So how long are you going to stare at your mother like this?"

"All day."

Helen laughed again, but her son remained serious.

"You'll let me see them all day won't you mom?"

"Eric, what a thing to ask. You'll get bored of looking at them soon enough, and I have to clear the table. I don't want to have to take another shower this morning."

"Aw, please? They're awfully pretty. I promise I'll never squirt water on your clothes again."

"You had better not, unless you like sleeping under a wet blanket."

"Okay." Eric acted his age. He pouted and finally looked away.

Helen felt the fun go out of the situation. She actually felt sorry. She had never seen him so delighted except at Christmas. She covered herself with the dark blue flaps of her robe, and she cinched the belt tighter. It made her great mounds bulge larger through the thin material.

She and Eric quickly finished their meal, but there stirred between them a wonderful secret. Both felt excited and dangerous. They exchanged naughty glances for the remainder of breakfast. Eric rushed out to play, and Helen cleaned the kitchen.

She felt full of energy and next began cleaning the living room. What was it about exposing her tits to her son that had made her feel so alive and daring? It was as if she had captured some of her son's youth and playfulness. She turned on some popular dance music as she cleaned. Any thought of misconduct had been shed on the kitchen floor as her son had looked on with compelling approval.

Eric returned later, and like most children on a slow Saturday he plopped immediately in front of the television. Helen was cleaning out the main bath. She still hadn't changed into regular clothes. The music was interrupted by the sound of cartoons, and she smiled to herself once more over the morning's amazing event. Then she sighed. Her son had probably already forgotten her tits like he would any naked animal he might catch outdoors, play with for a while and then let go. She finished cleaning the bathroom and headed for her bedroom to shower and change. She hadn't anticipated cleaning the entire house this morning, and she was hot and sweating.

Half an hour later, Eric was still watching cartoons. Helen entered the living room with a flourish, saluting her son who was glued to the screen. She hoped he would notice the loose, white tank top and her bright orange shorts. He didn't. Hmmph. She thought, kids, oh well, it was certainly easier this way. If her son should happen to see a naked woman, perhaps from some phony, painted nudie magazine, he might think it less important now. The advice of ignorant friends might have less impact. Then she remembered Jimmy. Was it true, what Eric had said? How could any mother completely undress in front of her children?

"Hey, sport. Are you ready for lunch?"

"Sure!" His eyes didn't move from the screen.

"Let me guess sandwiches, right?"

"Yeah. Thanks mom."

"And you want your personal slave to deliver them to you in the living room on a paper plate?"

Eric didn't answer. She hadn't meant him too. The question was rhetorical. They both knew the routine - another of their little jokes. Still she wished he had shown some preference to her over the stupid television. He had been fascinated enough with her at breakfast.

Sandwiches were easy. They didn't take her twenty minutes, and she was already munching on hers when she gave him the plate. She then sat on the nearest chair. be continued...
Chapter 3

It never ceased to amaze her how much television kids watched. She wondered inside if it was healthier for them to see naked tits than an hour of television. She kept wondering about her son's interests as she finished her sandwich. Maybe that was just the test she needed. Would her son actually prefer to see her tits than to watch television? The thought excited her more than she immediately realized. Inside her body, an almost forgotten warmth sparked inside her. He had already seen her tits for about as long as he really wanted. That hurdle had been leaped. It was a bit difficult unhitching her bra inside her top as she watched to see when her son would notice her. She almost grew worried. She finished freeing her juggs from the restraint without a blink from her son.

She frowned, but began hitching up her top with attention to the exact moment Eric noticed. The bottom bulges of her tits peeped out.

Then with radar like detection he noticed her from the corner of his eye. His head spun like a top and his eyes lit up just as intensely as they had that morning. He was suddenly watching her with his complete attention?

Helen blushed deeply. She hadn't even begun to reveal her nipples and the boy was already engrossed in her heaving sacks. Her breath quickened. She felt as if she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, and she was deliberately trying to get caught.

"Mommy, what are you doing?" He asked brightly.

"J-just, uh, u-adjusting my, err. Uh, you know." She shrank away, feeling more embarrassed than she had ever felt before. "I didn't think you'd notice."

"Your titties? Is that what they are?"

Helen let her top drop out of embarrassment. "Where did you hear that word?"

"Uh, Jimmy said it a couple days ago. I asked him about his mom."

"You shouldn't be asking him questions like that."

"I didn't know I wasn't suppose to. Why did you drop your shirt? Are you done adjusting them?"

"You could have asked me." Helen wondered how she would have reacted only a couple days ago. This day had changed a lot of her feelings about nudity.

"Oh, are you going to show me your titties again?" He returned to his main train of thought.

"They're breasts, Eric. Don't call them titties." Helen corrected him.

"Wow. Breasts. That's what old people call them, huh?"

Old people! Helen was taken aback. How old did he think she was? She confronted him. "Do these look like the titties of an old person?" She pulled her top up over her tits with one swift tug. The word 'breast' sounded bland to her after her son's remark.

"Gosh! Your showing me them again. Oh wow!" Eric was delighted.

Helen again blushed, until her tits turned bright red. What had come over her? She should cover herself right away she thought. But she had initiated this whole incident in the first place by exposing her pillowy globes. She felt a rush of emotion as she watched her son bask in the sight of her proud, pointed treasures. Her nipples had hardened on their own. They radiated heat. She wanted to touch them to see how hot her son's stare had made them. Helen also began to feel warmth deep inside her, from a place lower than her tits. She had never felt such potential inside her before.

She hadn't masturbated in months, but now she wanted to go to her room and see just how hot she could make herself. She started thinking about her special spot between her legs, and she blushed even more.

Eric continued to stare. He was unable to see enough of them. Rooted to his chair his head pointed directly at his mother. He wanted to get up and look at them closer. His mother hadn't told him he had to stay in the chair. She hadn't given him any warning whatsoever. She just pulled her shirt up and flashed her tits at him. It was the most amazing thing he could think of. Now she seemed total self absorbed. She was looking right at him, but her mind mulled elsewhere.

Ever since yesterday, when he saw the shadow of his mother's tits, they were all he could think about. His little peter had swelled up and gotten hard several times. He had wanted to touch it when it got hard like that, but last night the cold covers shrunk it down after it had swelled from looking at his mother's tits. Now it was quickly growing and hardening again. He stood up out of the chair so it didn't cramp up inside his pants.

The movement startled Helen out of her introspection. The building fire in her loins wavered. "What are you doing?" She asked Eric uncertain.

"I had to get up. I want to see more."

Helen knew her son should have stayed in the chair, just as she knew she wasn't suppose to be showing her tits to him, but the warm fire within her comforted those worries. Her curiosity and desire buried them.

Eric stepped closer. His face was a mask of innocent delight. Helen puffed up her chest so her son could take a good look.

"Do you still like your mother's titties?" She giggled. "You didn't answer my other question."

"Uh huh! They're even neater up close." Eric's face was about a foot away from her uplifted reddened globes and dangling bra triangles.

She wondered if he would touch them. Her tits ached to be caressed, squeezed, pressed against her body. She was barely able to keep from running into her bedroom and locking the door, so she could do just that.

"Eric, I really have to go..." She started.

"No mommy, please?" He reached up for her shirt. "I'll hold it."

Helen instinctively shrunk back. But wasn't this her own son? He just wanted to get a good look at her tits. That's all, she thought. Then she noticed his other hand. Unknowingly it had dropped below his waist and was pulling on the front of his pants. And there, behind the rugged material she could see the plain outline of his young cock!

Oh, my goodness! Helen was shocked. Her son was actually getting turned on by looking at his mother's breasts! It was incredible. His own little hard-on pushed out of his jeans at the same time she hung her ample juggs of milk right in front of him. She couldn't speak.

Sensing his mother's apparent loss. Eric took her shirt hem from her and leaned his face directly in front of her bulging tits. He was in heaven. He could smell her recently washed flesh. His peter was hard as a rock. As he prodded his dick, feeling how hard he had become, he realized his mother was staring at it. He looked up at her and smiled.

"Oh, Eric, you really are growing up. I never realized that was why you wanted to see my, uh, body. What are we going to do? You have to let go of mommy's shirt."

"Oh gee, just a little longer?"

Helen pulled the fabric from his loose grip and dropped it. She crossed her arms over her tits to be doubly sure, but she blushed when she realized she couldn't take her eyes off his mound of hidden cock.

Eric watched her expression for a moment hoping she would again lift her shirt and let him smell her titties. Maybe he could even touch them? But her mother seemed adamant. Still she kept staring a his pants. His cock felt even harder knowing she was looking at him. Maybe that was it?

"If you look at this, can I see you again?" Eric asked enthusiastically. Then before she could bring herself to say anything, he had unzipped his pants and pulled down his underwear. Out popped his beautiful cock. Only it wasn't the size her mother had imagined. It was twice as big! It was almost as long as a man's, longer than even some of theirs. It jutted out a full six inches, and it was nearly two inches thick!

"Eric!" Was all Helen could choke out in her total loss of motor control.

"See mommy? I think it likes you." Eric sounded pleased. He pushed his pelvis out and pointed his impressive peter right at her.

"What am I going to do with you?" Helen finally composed a complete sentence.

Eric heard the displeasure in her voice. "Don't you like it mommy? It got hard just because you let me look at you." He began to feel less brave.

His mother was confused. How could she explain her awkwardness. Her son had pulled out his pulsing boner right in front of her and wanted to see her tits, and maybe even do more than see. "O-of course, I like your, uh thing. It's just that..."

"Didn't you want to see it? I wanted to see your titties." Eric interrupted her, trying to reestablish her consent.

She couldn't lie to him. "Y-yes. I guess I did, but I wasn't going to ask."

"Now you have to show me again." Eric reminded her.

Helen was numb. Her arms fell to her side. Eric reached up and pulled the tank top straps over her shoulders and down. Her beautiful tits bounded into full view.

Eric laughed. Helen continued to look at her son's peter.

"Dearest, please put your pants back on." She whispered, unsure what she really wanted.

"Aw, Mommie. You aren't going to hide your titties again are you?"

Helen gulped with difficulty. "Uh, n-no. Not right away if you want. I-I just feel a little dizzy."

"Oh, okay Mommie." Eric stepped back as he let his mother sink down into the large chair. The noise on the television added to her confusion. He carefully replaced his lovely cock back in his pants, but all the while he continued to stare with a self-pleased grin at his mother's round globes.

Helen breathed swiftly and deeply. She felt her hands on her lap. They fidgeted on her knee, wanting very much to probe between her legs. Her vision of her son's sex tool remained. She wasn't sure how long she would continue like this, frozen half naked in front of her little boy. She wanted to run to her room and fuck herself as hard as she could.

"Eric. Mommy has to go to her room soon."

Her boy smiled. "Oh, okay." He didn't move. He wished he could touch those wondrous shapes before they disappeared again. His arm jostled in a phantom spasm. His other hand returned to his sheathed cock to adjust it. The simple movements did not go unnoticed by his mother.

"Oh Eric, I'm sorry. Mommy has to go." She raised her arms to restore her shirt, giving her son a final, stretched out display of her mesmerizing breasts. The curtain lowered, and Eric blushed.

"That was terrific!"

Without thinking, Helen reached out and hugged her boy. "Mommie loves you very much." She then noticed that she could actually feel his rigid cock behind his clothes. It nestled up against her thigh in a nice fit. As if it belonged there, she mused. At once she felt ashamed. She didn't say another word, only kissed Eric's forehead and stood. Then she walked into her room.

She kept a rubber dildo in her clothes drawer. It was a monster. Helen didn't like to waste time. She liked her jacking off hot and fast. She never doted on herself. Hardly thinking, she went straight to her hiding place and plucked the slightly worn toy out of the dresser. She moved unconscious of her surroundings back to her bed were she dropped the thick, fourteen inch long, plastic cock on the bed. She tugged at her shorts and pulled them down efficiently. Her cunt was so moist she could smell it. If only there were time for a new man in her life. She had always believed that any romance would take valuable time from raising her child, and she had compromised with artificial substitutes for most of the boy's life.

Helen sat on her bed and reached for the dildo. As she turned back she looked straight at her bedroom door. She had forgotten to close it, and there, standing right in the middle of it was her son.

"Aaaaa!" She yelped.

They both jumped back.

"Mommie, w-what are you doing?"

"Oh my God!" Helen instantly realized that her firm thighs were lewdly splayed open and her son could see every pore of her seeping cunt! In her hands she gripped a huge replica of a man's livid cock!

To his credit, Eric didn't run away at the sudden intensity between them. He merely shrank back a step and looked down. His eyes peeked up as if he were struggling to control them.

Helen dropped the fake penis and closed her legs. She covered her crotch with her hands.

"Good heavens! Eric, I meant to shut the door." It had become understood that her son was always free to come into his mother's room unless the door was shut. In her passionate rush to fuck herself she had forgotten this signal.

"O-okay Mommie. I'm sorry." He reached for the doorknob and started to back away as he shut his mother in, then with an inch of space still open he stopped.

"Mommy, were you going to hurt yourself?"

"Somehow her deep shame could not overcome her roused desires. But when her boy asked his last question something popped inside her head. She visualized herself plunging the massive rubber tool into her body. What could she say? Maybe she should just refuse, she told herself, but she and her son had always shared a special openness between them.

"No. No sweetheart. Now just go back to your TV and let Mommie be.

"Okay." Eric said simply and he shut the door. be continued...
Chapter 4

A couple days passed. They were as uneventful as all others before that strange, revealing evening. Eric didn't say anything further to his mother about her body, and he seemed content not to plague her with tricks to soak her tits.

It was a couple days later that Eric's friend Jimmy was poking around their house. Eric had gone to play with a little girl named Naomi who live a few houses away. Jimmy dropped by to see if Eric was home, but he wanted to surprise him. He snuck to the side of the house where some bushes grew, and he looked into the small window there. He didn't know it, but it was a bathroom window, and Helen was just finished taking shower.

Normally the window was shut, and its cloudy glass protected anyone inside from stray glances, but Helen had opened it to let the hot steam escape, thinking that the bush was a decent curtain. She was very wrong.

Jimmy could see everything. Helen was toweling her body with languid strokes. She kept turning around and looking back into the mirror in case she had missed any spots, but this just let Jimmy, only a couple feet away, ducked down, to see every inch of her skin, including her incredible breasts and her curly haired cunt. He had never noticed how beautiful Eric's mom was. He had just thought she was like every other mom, except for his mom, one who baked cookies and served lemonade. Jimmy was very different from other boys in the neighborhood.

His mom was a 'free woman', or so she told him. She rarely wore clothes in their house and she compelled him to do the same. Early on, he had stopped feeling embarrassed, but of course he never invited his friends to his home. The other day when he and Eric were playing and his mother called him from the window had been a close call. He thought she wasn't quite normal, but he still loved her like any son would.

His mother had pretty much left him alone besides her philosophy of nudity. Which is why he suddenly found Eric's mom absolutely fascinating. She was really much prettier than his mom, but most of all, he was looking at her naked body when he was quite sure she wouldn't have wanted him to.

Jimmy felt his cock grow inside his pants. Even his mother's body, of which he was so familiar, occasionally turned his little pee pee on, as he still called it. He really didn't know what to do about it, and he quickly returned to feeling embarrassed around his naked mother. He could only guess that she ignored his stiff prick when it happened to pop up, but then again he was always quick to cover himself by standing behind something or going into another room.

For the first time he was really enjoying himself as he watched a naked woman, but only because she didn't know he was there. It was the sun that gave him away. Jimmy wore corrective lenses. Just as he was really getting turned on by looking at Helen Drost's naked body, the sun crept over a leaf and reflected off his glasses.

Helen easily spotted the jittering mote of light and looked out the window. Right there in the bush, only a couple feet away she saw Jimmy crouched down, staring intently. He even had his hand between his legs as was rubbing the crotch of his jeans.

"Oh no!" She yelled and jumped back covering herself with the towel.

Jimmy yelped at his discovery and he tried to run away, but his jacket suddenly caught in the bush and he thrashed wildly trying to escape. He only managed to trip and fall. He landed with a whumph!

"Oww!" He yelled, and he found it difficult to get back up because he had hurt himself.

Helen quickly recovered her senses. She watched in mild shock as the boy Jimmy tried to escape, but when he fell so awkwardly she laughed. But only for a second. Almost immediately her surprise turned to concern.

She leaned toward the window, a towel covering her recently exposed and jostling tits. "Jimmy, are you okay?"

He managed to roll over and sit up. Then he started to stand. "Uh, I-I'm so sorry Mrs. Drost. I-I have to go."

"Don't you dare move one inch!" She commanded in her sternest mom voice. The boy could really have been hurt. She had to at least check him before he tried to run all the way back home. "You march yourself right in here young man. I'll see you in my living room in half a second. If you're not there in six seconds I'm calling your mother.

Jimmy nodded and raced to her front door.

After stepping out of the bathroom Helen paused briefly to put on a large, warm robe. She went to the living room and let little Jimmy inside.

"Now sit down young man. Let me see if you've hurt yourself. I should be really angry with you, but we can talk about that later."

The frightened boy gulped and nodded. He sat down in the big chair in the room.

Helen moved closer to inspect his arms. "Did you hurt yourself badly?" She turned each arm over gently as she checked both sides, without realizing how she was bending over the boy. His lenses began to steam up because he could look right inside the robe and between her large tits!

When the boy didn't answer right away she looked at him and immediately clasp the collar of her robe. "How dare you?" She scolded him at once. "Here I thought I was trying to help you, and all you do is peek at me disgustingly."

"I-I'm sorry. I-I didn't meant to..."

"Oh yes, and I suppose you didn't mean to be sneaking around looking at me in the bathroom either?"

"Oh, please Mrs. Drost. Don't tell my mommy! I promise it will never happen again."

Helen just was not the angry type. Jimmy was too much like her son, sweet and innocent. We'll maybe not so innocent if what Eric had said about Jimmy's mother was true, but that was their business. She told herself, this is my business. She could see that the boy was really shaken up, and there was still the possibility he had hurt himself.

"Are you sure you're okay? You looked a little scratched up, but I don't want you running home if you twisted your ankle or some such."

"Um, I'm okay now. Please, please I didn't know you were there at first, but you are so beautiful. I couldn't help myself. I'm so sorry." He hung his head.

"Hhmph! I'll bet." She mustered a growl, but she was already softening to the boy. She was sure he was as innocent as her Eric. At the thought, she suddenly remembered the other night. The sight of her son's pale, stiff prick came back to her. He had not been so innocent then, and Jimmy was equally guilty, rubbing his cock through his pants.

For a second neither said anything.

Helen found herself looking down at Jimmy's small pant's button. She licked her lips. The same warm sensation returned to her.

Jimmy was still hard. His pants bulged gently having been looking between the vee of her robe. He looked up at her and noticed were she was staring.

Suddenly, Helen's hand lost its grip. The two folds in her robe slacked and the vee opened even wider that before. Jimmy could now see most of the firm globes of her tits. He didn't know what to think. Was Mrs. Drost inviting him to look at her tits? All he could feel was the strong tension between them and the even stronger tension beneath his pants. He looked.

Helen caught her hands as they fumbled with her sash. What was she doing? Some incredible force wanted her to show her tits to little Jimmy. He was once again staring at everything that was hanging in view already. She knew she should be angry with him, but it was her fault she had let her grip slip. Now what was she going to do? Helen quietly wondered if Jimmy thought her tits were prettier than his mother's. Then she wanted very much to know. Still she struggled with her hands at her sash. Some powerful force inside her, warming her secret places, wanted to open them in front of the poor boy.

"Mrs. Drost?"

Her head shook involuntarily. "Wh-what Jimmy?"

"Should I go now?"

"I-I don't know. I guess, maybe, yes." She seemed to have lost the authority in her voice. "Unless..." She heard herself say.

Jimmy was mightily confused. Unless what? "Excuse me?"

"Jimmy, why are you still looking at me?"

"I'm sorry." He said quickly and turned away.

"Th-that's o-okay. I guess it really doesn't mean very much. Is it true your mother lets you see her?"

Jimmy was surprised at the question he turned back and looked at her eyes as a blush crept across his face. "Yes." He said slowly.

"Wh-why would you want to look at me then?"

"I dunno, because you're prettier?" It was a question. The right question.

Helen was gripped with curiosity. She then asked him without thinking. "Would you like to see more?"

Jimmy was dumbfounded. But he wasn't stupid. "Uh, huh." Was Mrs. Drost really going to show him her tits?

Helen took the answer and acted deliberately. She was going to show him more than just her tits. She stood fully erect as she released her sash. Then she slowly opened the full length of her robe and stood before the poor, confused boy. "Do you really think I'm prettier than your mother?" Her body had the figure of a goddess. Her tits stood firm and proud and her hips were like two arcs enclosing a temple. Her pussy hair curled every which-way between her legs, and her legs were like marble pillars.

Jimmy almost choked. His dick was harder than it had ever been. His hand moved to cover it's pointing stiffness out of pure embarrassment. All he could say was, "Yes, you're really, really pretty."

Helen couldn't help but notice the boy's hand. Her arms went slack and the warm folds fell down to her side, but she didn't close them. The alabaster path between her glorious breasts pointed openly to her cunt.

Jimmy gulped as he tried desperately to watch both.

"Jimmy, you didn't hurt yourself there, did you?"

"Huh?" He roused from his fascination.

"I asked if maybe you hurt yourself there." Helen pointed at his guarding hand.

Again Jimmy was too confused to give any informed answer. He just said. "I dunno."

"Maybe we should have a look."

"What?" He asked, easily surprised.

"I can't let you go unless I'm sure you didn't hurt yourself, young man." She felt her authority return.

"Um, okay. I guess."

Helen motioned him to stand up. He did, and she was very soon helping him unbutton his pants and pull them down. She let him pull his undershorts down by himself.

Very quickly, he stood as exposed to her as she was to him. It became immediately clear he had not hurt himself there. His boyish cock was not quite as long as Eric's, but it might have been a little thicker. Helen noticed all this in an instant. Then she was once again captivated by the beauty of a teenager's penis. She felt she could stare at him for as long as Eric had stared at her. Her body was warm and slick. She could feel the heat rushing to her pussy,and drip out like a leaky faucet of hot water. She wanted to feel her cunt right then and there. She knew she would cum in a second.

She kept perfectly still.

Jimmy began to fidget. His own awareness of his erect penis and Mrs. Drost's tits and cunt were more than he could stand. His hand crept slowly to his dick. He couldn't help himself. He had only just learned to jack off, and all he could think of was doing it right then and there.

Helen watched him touch himself. She bit her lip. Oh how she wanted to touch him herself, but she struggled desperately to keep still. Maybe the boy was just trying to adjust it and make his prick more comfortable.

She forgot that notion as his hand gripped the protruding shaft and began to rub it slowly. He aimed it purposefully at her body which was turning him on so much. He couldn't believe how hot he felt.

"Please, Miss Drost, show me some more." It was not a request. The command surprised both of them.

But Helen had lost her control. As if she were in a trance, she reached again for her robe, and this time she tugged it down over her shoulders as the boy continued to jack his beautiful meat slowly and deliberately. She stood in front of him totally naked.

It was unlike anything he had ever experienced. Jimmy wanted to shout. He wanted to grab her and do things to her. What, he didn't know. All he knew was that he wanted to rub his cock like it had never been rubbed before. His fist began to move faster up and down. He began to breath harder.

Helen was completely transfixed. She stared and stared at the smallish boy jacking off at the sight of her naked body. She felt an urge to hear his voice. To tell her things.

"Jimmy, what are you looking at?"

"Oh, Miss Drost. I'm looking at your ti... uh, boobies."

"Dear child, you can call them what you like. Do you like to call them tits?"

"Uh, huh." The boy nodded. His voice was raspy.

"Now tell me again. I want to hear you say it."

"I-I'm looking at your tits."

Helen couldn't deny herself any longer. She reached down between her legs and fingered her own cunt. She let out a gasp of relief as her fingers slid inside and began to fuck her pussy, in and out.

"Jimmy, dear sweet boy."

"Ohhh, Mrs. Drost. What are you doing?"

Helen blushed fully. "The same thing you are." She whispered huskily. Her hand had penetrated the inner folds of her pussy, and she was already zooming to an incredible orgasm.

"Wow. Does it feel real good?"

"Yes, Jimmy. Oh yes."

"I'm really glad. I like you so much. I didn't know mommies could do it."

Jimmy's hand flashed across his cock as fast it could. He was almost there, jacking dick so frantically to feel that incredible rush of bliss.

"Do you wish I was your mommy?" She leaned closer with a hopeful smile. She loved the boy dearly for what she was doing with him.

"Oh, Mrs. Drost, I-I think you are a beautiful mommy."

"Call me mommy, dear. Please. It will make me feel so much better. I think I could cum very hard if you called me mommy."

"Yes, mommy."

"Oh Jimmy, do you feel good, looking at me fucking myself?" Helen could hardly stand the tension between them she had to know if he would spurt his little cock.

"Mmmm, f-fucking?" Jimmy didn't know the word.

"Oh, what your doing. What I'm doing. This mommy wants you to feel very good, dear sweet thing." She stroked her pussy like a dog digging after a rabbit. Her breath was quick and difficult. She kept staring at Jimmy's fast stroke and she suddenly wished the boy's cock was inside her.

Jimmy started to gasp. His hand gripped his dick like a vice for just a second, holding back his rush of cock juice as the first great pulse of energy shot into his head. Then, releasing, he blasted his cum straight at his play mommy.

A thick wad of cream leaped between them. It struck her hip.

"Oh, Jimmy! You're cumming on mommie. You're going to make mommie cum." Helen cooed. Sure enough her pussy responded with shimmering waves of bliss which rushed up to her head and made her shut her eyes. She felt more jets of Jimmy's cum strike her leg and knees as her own orgasm pounded and pounded her thoughts with joy. Her fingers clawed and gouged her clit for every possible sensation.

Then she collapsed on the couch next to the spent boy. Jimmy was smiling as he watched the beautiful woman lay down, moaning softly.

"Jimmy, Jimmy." She said.

Without thinking, he fell on her and hugged her with all his heart.

It took her a few moments to clear her head of the sex crazed fog that had engulfed her and soaked her with joy and cum. She felt the small boy's warmth, and she wished she could lay with him forever. He was so sweet, and innocent just like her own son Eric.

Yet at that moment, Eric was learning his own lesson with the opposite sex. be continued...
Chapter 5

Across the road and several houses away. Eric had wandered over to an open lot and met his little play friend, Naomi. Naomi was younger than Eric, probably, he guessed. She was quite pretty and always wore cute little dresses but ones she could play in. Even now her feet were bare. She wanted to play house, but Eric wanted to look for bugs in the open lot. She thought that was disgusting and she said so.

"Ewww! Daddies don't look for bugs, they go to work and carve the turkey, and then takes the mommy into the bedroom." She said, because that was exactly where her mom and dad were. She didn't have the faintest idea what they did in the bedroom, but she was awfully curious. She used to think that people just slept or read books, because that is what she had always seen, but just recently she realized that there was something more, something special that made her parents laugh and shout, but they always locked their door when they did it.

"What does your mommy do in the bedroom?" She asked curiously.

"I dunno, sleep, maybe listen to the radio. Hey, we could catch grasshoppers. See there's one now." He pointed, responding to her question without really thinking about it.

"I don't want no dumb grasshopper. I want to know what happens when they lock the door."

Grasshopper's weren't dumb, but girls sure were, Eric thought. Then he realized he might know something she didn't. That was always a fun game to play, better than stupid play house.

"Oh, that." He said smoothly.

"What? Eric what do you know about it?"

"I saw my mom about to do it just the other night."

"Yeah, but your mom doesn't have a daddy." Naomi already could tell he wasn't going to just out and say what he knew. She had played this game too many times. He probably didn't know anything at all, but he was older, and that made a big difference to a girl.

"Oh, daddies are all right, if you have one," Eric strung his story out. "but mommies don't need them if they have a large plastic sausage." Eric didn't know how close to the truth his story was. He was just making it up, but in the back of his mind he too had been wondering what his mom had been doing with the plastic sausage, so he put together those little bits of memory into the first thing he imagined.

Naomi, didn't know what to think. Large plastic sausages didn't sound very fun.

"You're making it up."

"No, you're just a dumb girl."

"Am not."

"Are too!"

"No, you think you're so smart. What does your mommie do with the sausage? I bet you don't even know."

"I do too."


"Well," Eric said quickly. He didn't want to look dumb in front of a dumb girl. He thought back to that night with his mother. "First she opens her legs..." He said hinting, and that was about all he remembered before being asked to leave.

Naomi looked down between her own legs. She picked up the hem of her dress and looked closely at it.

Eric noticed her legs as she examined the sturdy cloth that covered her thighs. He suddenly realized that his little pee pee was starting to twitch as he looked at her legs. She did have cute little legs, and then he realized something else.

"Hey, it's not something you do with your clothes. My mom didn't have her clothes on."

Naomi released the hem of her dress and it fell back over her exposed legs. "Huh, you mean like Jimmy's mom?"

"Well..." Eric really didn't what to talk about his mother. She had asked him not to, but he had already let something slip. He tried to turn the direction of the story away from his mom. "My mom wears clothes most of the time. Even your mom has to change into her pajamas, and she takes off her clothes to take a shower too.

"Well, yeah, of course." Eric was such a dumb boy. Naomi thought. "Come on, Eric tell me what your mommy did. I bet you don't even know."

Eric did not know. All he could do was make it up. But now he didn't want to play that game anymore. He kept thinking about Naomi's legs. Maybe he could get her to let him see them some more. His cock twitched a little harder at the thought. Maybe she would even let him see what was between her legs, maybe it was like his mother, very different than himself, with all that hair and dark lips.

Eric smiled. Maybe he knew how to make her do it too!

"Naomi. I can't just out and tell you. I-I have to show you."

"Show me what?"

"Here, come over here." He walked over to a row of bushes. "I can't show it where anyone could see." He pointed at the base of the bushes. "Craw in there, and I join you."

Naomi had played in the bushes before, crawling around as if she were a little mouse. She didn't think much about it and plunked right down and crawled under them until she found a bit of a clear patch hidden from view.

Eric followed her, looking quizzically at her wriggling behind. When they were both ducked down under the thick shroud of leaves, he said, "Like I said, mommies and daddies have to take their clothes off."

"Why?" Naomi was getting tired of the run around.

"Because. You'll see. I'll even take my clothes off first.

Well, Naomi thought, if he was going to take his clothes off then she could do it just as well as a dumb boy could.

Very quickly both children were nude and sitting on their dirty clothes. At first they just sat there, looking at each other's bodies.

Eric was really disappointed. Naomi didn't have any tits like his moms, just a couple brown nubbins. She didn't even have hair between her legs, and he couldn't really tell if there were anything down there at all.

Naomi was having all the fun. She was really surprised to see Jimmy's semi-erect penis. It was the strangest thing on earth to her. But Jimmy still hadn't told him what mommies and daddies did in the bedroom.

"I don't get it at all. I think your lying." She challenged him.

Eric was still looking at her body. It wasn't at all like his mom's. But it wasn't all that bad either. The little tart had a very cute belly and really nice little legs he noticed. His cock got just a little harder.

"Hey it moved!" Naomi pointed at Eric's growing penis.

"Spread your legs a little more Naomi." He continued to ignore her. He now realized that the little girl did have something there. It was just a fine line in her skin, but the sight of it make him feel funny. Good, funny, very good. His cock began to fill up.

"Wow," Naomi said. "Hey it looks like a sausage."

The words broke Eric's lusty concentration. He looked down. Hey, she was right!

Naomi parted her legs more for the boy. He was really giving her quite a show. She decided she liked the funny little thing. It was like a snail uncurling outside of its shell, but not nearly as icky.

Eric continued to look at his own penis. Wow, he said in his head, and suddenly he was thinking about his mother. His mother had really liked to look at his pee pee too! If he could just figure out what she had wanted to do with that giant plastic sausage. It suddenly meant a lot to him. He looked back at Naomi, really closely this time.

Naomi was delighted as Eric's cock stiffened into it's full six inch shape.

"Can I touch it?" She asked carefully.

Eric thought about it. His little dick did feel like it wanted to be touched, and he had always liked touching it, but he now thought there must be something more than just touching it. He wondered what it was and looked again at Naomi's body.

"I guess so. C-can I touch you? There?" He pointed between her legs at the little vee that now seem to have puffed up a bit too.

Naomi was feeling something where the boy pointed. It was kind of a tingle, and she wasn't sure he wanted him to touch her, but she knew she wanted to touch him.

"Okay, I guess so."

They moved closer together and their hands reached out to touch each other's things.

It was kind of soft and hard. Naomi thought.

It was like a little fold of skin that was very warm. Eric thought. He pushed his finger a little farther.

"Ouch!" Naomi yelped.

"Oh, sorry."

"Be careful." She told him, but the sudden intrusion had been more of a surprise than any discomfort. Most of her attention was still on the fabulous toy that Eric kept between his legs. She wondered if her daddy had one of these. If so, she imagined it was much bigger and probably way prettier. She kind of grabbed hold of the stiff cock with an awkward grip.

"Hey, be careful there too. Okay?"


Eric was just starting to find out how deep the little fold of skin was. It was more like a mouth with tight lips, he thought. The first digit of his finger was already inside her. He was amazed! But his own piece of property between his legs regained his attention.

Naomi had begun to rub her hand up and down Eric's dick to feel all of it's silky smoothness. She was also feeling funny in her little coozie. Eric's poking finger was making her all jittery. She suddenly felt her tiny cunt soften and grow sweaty on the inside. It was a wonderful feeling.

"Naomi, don't stop that rubbing. I-I kind of like it." Eric asked her.

"Mmm, Eric, but you have to promise to keep poking me. Can you put you finger in a little more, huh?" She responded.

Eric was surprise to find that her little fold was getting very wet and his finger began slide deeper inside of on its own. Just how deep was this hole in Naomi's legs? Eric also wondered how deep a hole his mother had between hers! Golly, the fingers on his cock were feeling more like a tease. He wanted more sensation.

"Well, I'll poke you more if you rub me faster. Okay?"

"Okay." Naomi began to rub his cock very fast hoping he would poke her really good. She closed her eyes to concentrate on the incredible sensations that were creeping up from her pussy.

The two children were lost in their intense fascination with their partners' bodies and their own reactions to their tit for tat jacking off. Each felt spasms rippling through their petite bodies. Eric worried that the pressure building inside his cock would shoot his whole peter off like a rocket, but he was too enthralled with the other overwhelming feelings to stop Naomi. Her hand felt like a piston, jacking him up and down putting more glorious pressure into his cock. He concentrated on his own hand pushing into her moist, tight cunt with a ruthless mind of its own. The more pressure he felt in his rock hard dick, the faster he plugged his hand in and out of the little girl's hole. Naomi was crying as if he were hurting her, except she kept telling him. "More, more!"

Suddenly his body began to jerk and his cock pumped up and down in its own deep rhythm contrary to the girl's swift hand pace. White milk jumped out of his piss hole and covered Naomi's arm. Her eye's when white at the sight and just as she was about to yell at the disgusting surprise, her own body shook like an earthquake. She wailed instead.

"URRAAAAHHAAIIIEEEE!!!!!!!!" Her mind blanked and she babbled for the next few seconds as Eric slowed his finger fucking her. He was completely drained. Every ounce of cum had been jettisoned at the pretty little girl. Gobs clung to her skirt and her arm. Even her cute face displayed tiny drops of his orgasmic cum.

She was oblivious to it all. Suddenly, she released Eric's cock and grabbed his hand forcing it back into her cunt for a few last fucks, all the while babbling like a baby and cooing at the last seizures of ecstasy.

Eric and Naomi were quiet after that. They just looked at each other as if the other had changed into some dangerous animal they both wanted to touch again. Naomi wiped her arm and dress on the dirt and used a handful of earth to clean her face. Eric smelled his fingers then wiped them on his pants. Eventually the spell broke.

Naomi was the first to say. "I gotta go home."

"Yeah, me too." Eric echoed.

It was all they said to each other in the afterglow and strange new fear about the other as they each stood up and put their clothes back on. Without further word, they crawled out of the bushes and went their separate ways.

Secretly, Eric wondered if his mother had ever acted like Naomi, convulsing and hollering. For an answer, he suddenly realized what his mother had been doing with her large plastic sausage. He now knew the reason she had been so defensive about him catching her with it. He hoped he might catch her again.

If he had only returned home a few minutes earlier, he might have caught Helen at an even worse situation.

Jimmy felt his cock rise up again, lying on top of Mrs. Drost. He liked the feeling of it against her skin more than anything in the world. Helen also woke.

"Jimmy!" She barked. "We have to put our clothes back on!"

Jimmy jerked up looking sorrowful. His cock was all hard again and it seemed like he could cum again if Mrs. Drost was also willing. But the tone of her voice convinced him to reach down from the couch and grab his pants.

"Oh, Jimmy, You mustn't breath a word of this to anyone! I don't know what came over me. I promise it'll never happen again."

"Aw, gee. I thought you liked it."

"Uh, oh dear. Jimmy. I can't. It just isn't possible." Helen caught sight of his fresh erection. It looked more than willing. She swallowed hard and turned her head while picking up her robe. "I'm sorry, but you mustn't come here again unless it's with Eric. And I don't want to hear about you peeking into any more windows again either. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, Mrs. Drost. I'm sorry."

"That's okay. You're a good boy. There are just certain limits we all have to face." Helen gave him a comforting smile. "Now off you go." She finished wrapping her robe around her.

Jimmy left the house just as Eric approached down the street.

"Hey, Jimmy! I'm over here. You wanta play some?" Eric just assumed his friend had been looking for him.

"Oh Eric. Yeah, sure!" Jimmy answered.

The two boys ran off after that. be continued...
Chapter 6

Helen was in a state. What was happening to her? In the last few days she had become possessed by desire for young people. Her body yearned so hard for release she had actually masturbated with a neighborhood kid. So far she had kept most of her actions in check, but she could see a frightening possibility in the future when she might loose all control.

In order to burn off her frustration, she began to clean her house from top to bottom. All the while she kept asking herself, why, why. The alarming rationale that answered told her she might have needed it.

Eric returned home by the time she was cleaning his bedroom.

"Hi mom."

Helen was now wearing some old jeans and a heavy, long sleeved shirt. She had tied the ends of it around her waist.

"Hi sport. Have fun?"

"Yeah, Jimmy's a swell guy. Don't you think?" Eric asked innocently.

Helen coughed. "If you say so sweetheart."

"We just played ball for a while in his backyard until his mother called him in for dinner."

Helen was reminded of Jimmy's mother's perpetual state of undress.



"Does Jimmy's mother ever talk to you?"

"Nah," Eric answered automatically, then he said. "well, once she asked me if I wanted some cookies." He paused. "I-I told her I didn't. I was too embarrassed."

"Because she doesn't wear any clothes?"

"I guess so. I-I mean it isn't like that with you when you let me see your, you know."

"My breasts." Helen's heart skipped a beat. There it was again that inviting calling from her insides. How much she wanted to go on talking about her tits, maybe even showing them again to Eric. But she contained herself.

Eric nodded his head. His cheeks were red with warmth.

"Eric. You know I have a lot of faith in you. If Jimmy's mom ever asks you again if you want some cookies. It's okay by me if you say yes." Helen listened to herself not sure how she had come to that conclusion.

"What? Really? You mean you don't mind that she doesn't wear any clothes?"

"Well, honey, if it's just inside her own house and maybe her yard, then what business is it mine to tell her differently?" Helen realized she was actually proud of what she had just said. "Who knows maybe me or you might one day decide not to wear any clothes in the house." Helen once again was shocked at her own words. "I mean maybe everyone should have their own privacy."

"Wow! You mean I can just take off my clothes when I want to?" Eric was suddenly excited at the prospect. He was already imagining himself with his mother, both naked in his bedroom right then.

"No, Eric, I just mean Jimmy's mom has her own house rules, and we have ours. We have just as much right to wear clothes as she has not to." Helen finished her lecture with a nod of approval.

"Aw, darn." Eric knew his fantasy was too good to be true. Still, his mother had showed her tits to him before. He was pretty sure she might some other time. He wished it was right then.

Helen didn't miss his absorbed look. She had seen it before. If stares could make breasts grow like sunlight grew plants, she would have to haul her tits around in a wheel barrow.

"Well, I'm finished in here. You can clean the rest up yourself." With that, Helen turned around and left Eric to his fantasies. Outside his door she exhaled mightily. With just one look from her son she had almost given in again to her boy's desires. What was happening to her? She kept on cleaning house until bedtime. She let Eric fix his own meal. She skipped hers.

Laying on her back in her king sized, empty bed Helen's body surged with energy. She was so horny she could barely breath. Her only hope lay with her vibrating rubber cock. She went to it with a will. She took the large shiny prong and gripped it tightly, trying to squeeze all of her frustration out on it. She quickly disrobed and lay back on the bed.

Her pussy was too ready. It dripped like a faucet. She could barely control her shaking hands to fit the obscene head into her blustering red cunt. It went inside her like a greased pig.

"OHHHH!" She cried.

Outside her door Eric crouched. As soon as he saw his mother go to her room for the night he crept up to it and put his ear against the door. He had to find out if his guess about the fat sausage was right! He knew her door wasn't locked. Even after the last time he surprised her, she hadn't begun to lock it.

His mother moaned with pleasure from behind it. That was his clue. She sounded just like Naomi. Eric turned the doorknob and opened it very very slowly. It didn't even creak. He opened it until he could see her bed. It was rocking gently, but her voice wasn't gentle at all.

"Oh, God fuck me! Sweet lord in heaven and on earth. FUUUUCCCKK MMEEEEEE!!!" Helen cried with passion. She plugged her juicing cunt with the vibrator until it's fake balls were banging against her pussy lips. She ripped it in and out of her cunt like an animal rutting against a fence post. Juices slimed the length of her inner thighs. Her sheets were soaked with sweat and cunt slime. She was oblivious to everything except the staggering desire inside her. She'd have plucked it out with a dagger if she had had one, spilling her blood onto the mess as well. Helen fucked herself heroically. The giant prick plugged her hole like a ram rod too large to fit but forced in spitefully.

Eric's jaw fell open. His own prick answered the call of his mother's pervasive lust. He was quickly hard as steel. The giant dildo in his mother's hands seemed inadequate to him. Only his own prick was the right tool for the job his mother applied herself to. He put his hand on his pajamas. The door creaked open a little further, and his cock popped out like cuckoo. His hand felt warm and comforting, even pleasing to Eric's bald testicles and rock like prick. He began to rub himself.

Helen missed the door squeak open even further still. She was solely possessed by her urgent need to come. Her pussy was nearly ragged from her pounding. Still she bore on, slamming the massive bulk into herself and dragging it out as swiftly, over and over.

Finally, her body began to show the signs. Her vision blackened, and her mind soared. Her brain flooded with rapture and her cunt rippled. Even her tits ached with pleasure. Then everything exploded. Her body jumped and twisted on the bed. She ripped the cock out and held it with a vice like grip as her body convulsed with violent orgasm.

"UURRRAAAAHHHHHHGGGGGG!!!!!" She yelled, and yelled again. She sounded like a trumpet of destruction as her brain dissolved into ecstatic mush. Her whole body wracked with pleasure. She even swore the rubber cock began to cum all over her body, drenching it with warm, sticky milk. For a second or two her other hand rubbed the goo into her belly button and all over her tits.

A horrible realization thrust her mind back into reality. There really was cum all over her! She opened her eyes already dreading what she knew she must find.

Eric stood next to her, swiftly jacking off the last cum from his balls!

"Nooooooooo!!!!!" Helen cried.

Eric jumped back and sudden fear shot across his face. He raced from the room.

Helen slumped back having dropped the fake dick, and covered her face with cum soaked hands. It was the worst! Her life was over. From the pinnacle of heaven she fell even swifter into self mandated hell. She just knew her life was ruined, and so she fretted.

Eric saved her. Knowing he would have to face his mother sooner or later. He decided sooner was his only option. Who knows what would happen if she lingered on his intrusion? He had become so enthralled by his mother's sexual interlude he couldn't help himself from grabbing his dick and jerking it. Without even realizing it he had slowly pushed the door wide open and step by step crept into the room. His eyes were hypnotized by his mother's incredible naked body as she fucked herself with the large plastic sausage.

Always before she had been more merciful in punishing him when he admitted his mistakes than when he had kept them from her. He hoped this wouldn't be any different. He showed his face from the edge of the door.

"I'm sorry." He said with the smallest voice in his register.

Helen's hands dropped and her head snapped up. Her mind was swirling with guilt. At first she wasn't sure she had heard him, but when she saw his fully afraid expression, she caught her breath.

"Eric?" She felt the boy's cum cool on her face, but all of her attention was on her son.

"I'm sorry mommy. I didn't mean to..."

"Oh my God son, what have you done? I-I don't know what to say to you." She spoke openly.

"I don't even know it. I just saw you and I couldn't stop myself."

The boy's words matched her own experience. Helen had been all set to bawl her son out until she judged herself first, and found herself lacking. "Oh honey!" She gulped, suddenly loosing her fiercer words. Tears streamed down her eyes. She was an emotional wreck.

All Eric knew was that his mommy was suddenly crying. He went to her. She was still wiping her naked body (forgotten by both of them) with the bed sheet when he wrapped her in his small arms.

"I'm so sorry. I'll never do it again. I promise. Please don't cry."

"Oh mother's sorry too, honey. What are we going to do? I just don't know." Helen continued crying.

They held each other for a long time. Without further consideration Eric crawled onto the slimy bed with her and she covered them both up together. They both fell fast asleep.

The next morning started as calmly as the previous night had not ended. Helen lifted her eyes open. She could feel the stiff, dried puddle of cock and pussy goo beneath her. Next to her, Eric's soft pajamas pressed against her. She knew she was completely naked, but in the warm moment of the sun peeking into her window she felt as natural as a kitten. It was her mind that slowly broke out of the mist and haze of a beautiful Sunday morning.

Last night while she was fucking herself with her pseudo cock, her own son had found his way into her room and had masturbated to the sight of her own pleasure taking. Alarm seeped into every corner of her brain until it ran up against the unwarranted visualization of her son gripping his big, full penis and jacking it, unable to control himself because of her. That's when her body started waking. Just thinking about her own son and how he had cum all over her, far more than Jimmy's friendly cock had showered on her body. The image slowly drove out her original fear. Every part of her body responded to the call. Her nipples hardened and she ran her hand down the side of her thigh. Her lips were dry and she licked them into shininess. Her son lay against her sound asleep.

Helen was once again at war with her feelings. She knew already she had become horny thinking about her son's tumescent cock. She was feeling the same thing he did when he looked at her breasts, she knew. She didn't do anything but watch the silent, still form of her own flesh and blood sleeping comfortably in warm, green pajamas.

When Eric opened his eyes, the first things he saw was his mother's breasts. It took more than a couple seconds to fully realize what he was seeing, but when he was sure, he sucked in his breath from the immense proximity of them.

Helen heard her little boy waken. "Good morning son." Her voice was low and throaty.

Eric peeked up and everything was okay. His mother's eyes were kind and gentle. Without thinking he put his arm around her and pressed the side of his head into her breasts.

Helen responded by cupping his head and pressing it lightly more into her soft pillows.

Eric smiled and felt more loved than ever before. Everything was going to be all right. His mother's hand cradled him to her titties and the other stroked the length of his back. Occasionally she would reach his behind and give it a firm squeeze. She kissed his head.

"Oh Eric, I've been so bad to you."

"What do you mean?" Eric's eyes darted upward catching a long angle of her face as if upside down.

"You've grown up so much, and I still treat you like a child. I wish you could stay a boy forever. Every mother does, but there comes a time when you will have your own needs. Needs a mother can't always fulfill.

Eric wasn't sure what his mother was talking about, only that she spoke with soft reassuring tones, and she held him to her naked body like he was still part of her. Slowly, it dawned on him that he was right next to his mother's tits! What was he thinking? Eric suddenly felt his cock stir. It began to harden and raise up. He couldn't help but look at the giant nipple just in front of his face. If he reached out with his tongue he could touch it. If only he dared.

"Go on Eric," His mother continued. "Take what ever you like. I promise I'll try to fulfill any of your needs for as long as I can, and when I have given you all you will ever want from me then I know I will have a son who was never neglected, a son who has everything he needs to go into the world and be his best. After all, you are everything that I have in this world."

Somehow, it seemed as if she were talking about exactly what he was thinking. Without a word of request, Eric stuck out his tongue and carefully licked the dark, puffed end of her mother's tit.

"Oh Eric!" Helen took a deep breath at her son's taboo contact. Her nipple punched out like rivet from the light touch. She wasn't sure it was exactly what she expected, but she knew the barriers had fallen. Her son was now more than her son. She turned so slightly to bring the nipple closer to his mouth and she relaxed her hand on his head so he could choose to move it anyway he liked.

Eric opened his mouth and drew his mother's dark tittie ring inside with a single breath. He began sucking on it instinctively. His cock was now fully composed and urging him to touch it again, like he had the night before.

"Ohhhh. Every ounce of tension relaxed in Helen's body. Her son was sucking her tit as if it were the most natural thing in the world."

"Mommy, oh mommy." Eric muttered with his mouth full of warm, soft nipple. He put his hands between his legs and felt his new erection through the soft material.

"It's okay honey. Everything's going to be okay." Helen notice her son's hand. She felt something spasm deep inside her cunt. Wetness began to pour out of her pussy, and she could feel the heat rise quickly between her legs. She clenched her thighs in erotic response. Her son was now licking the nipple as he sucked on it. Helen pinched her other nipple with one hand while her other reached boldly into the lip of his pajama pants and touch the extremely soft skin of her little boy's behind.

"Eric everything you do is okay. Let your needs guide you. I promise I'll never drive you away from me again, if you promise to let me know how you feel about anything I do for you. Okay?"

"Uhn-huh." Came the pleased but muffled reply.

"How does this feel." Helen emphasized her hand on the child's ass underneath his pajama bottoms. She rubbed it smoothly over his skin, around in small, warm circles.

"I dunno." Eric said. He was actually somewhat embarrassed that he had his prick in his hand while his mother patted his smooth backside. He stopped sucking his mother's heaving nipple and looked up.

"Aw honey if you don't like it then mommy'll will stop."

"No!, you can keep doing that. I mean, I kind of like it." Eric quickly reassured her. It did feel nice, especially since he was carefully squeezing and rubbing his very happy cock. He still worried that somehow what he was doing wouldn't upset his mother like the night before. Even though she did promise. He hoped she wouldn't see where his hand was.

Helen could see everything and she was specifically looking at the more than hand sized bulge that moved beneath his jammies. She was thrilled. All former concern had fled. Her son was the most beautiful person in the world and she wanted him in every way, because he wanted her. Helen lightly urged his head to return to it's current pleasure.

He gulped on her tit even more urgently.

"Ohhhhh." Helen was now unable to stop her hand from seeking out her own legs and the inflamed nest between them. Her fingers entered her flowing pussy as easily as her son sucked down imaginary milk. She was less than easy with herself. Her hand thrust all four fingers inside her quite vigorously. She gasped and moaned. Her tits commanded her. Her pussy demanded from her, and her son gave and gave her so much pleasure from a simple, natural act that she was soon cumming in small spasms.

Eric noticed her mother's gentle, internal shaking, but he was far more attentive to his prick, and it's building load of hot cum. Then from out of the blue his mother said.

"Oh Eric. You lovely boy. You have to cum on mother again. Please, for mommy." Helen barely heard herself speak. Her cunt reached around the inside of her brain and massaged it with luxurious oil. Her hand was ablaze inside her cunt.

Eric didn't want to stop jerking his dick even a second to unsnap his pajamas, but before he knew it, his quivering mother had pulled her other hand off of his ass and reached around to pop the front panel of his bottoms with one clean jerk.

Hand and hard cock spilled out. Eric didn't stop pulling at his dick. It was too close now. His balls trembled and his ass clenched as he began biting on his mother's black nipple in unexpected nervousness.

"Aaiiiieeeee!!!" His mother screamed, not from his son's sharp teeth but from her whole body as it writhed with intense cum sucking orgasms.

His mother's cry would have scared poor Eric to pieces, if it weren't for his own cock and balls exploding at the same time. He cried out and echoed her own fantastic release.

Cum jetted out all over his mother's stomach. The flood of hot spume triggered yet another wild stampede through Helen's nervous system. It was almost too much. She staggered under it's fury and she lost her sight in ecstatic blackness.

Soon all she knew was that she was kissing him, her son, with her lips and her tongue probing across every inch of his body.

Eric giggled and laughed. His body glowed with happiness, and he thought his mommy was just playing with him, as she kissed head, shoulders, chest, back, arms, and further, until he felt her licking all the cum off of his cock. The playful tickling stopped and his young cock responded most adult like. It filled with blood until it was fully hard again.

"My, my. You are a growing boy." Helen cooed. The taste of her son's cum thrilled her. She wanted her son to never fear her again. She would give him so much. But even then her mind wasn't willing to commit to how much she would indeed give him.

As she finished licking his strengthened prick she wondered just how far would she go. Her mouth was so close, and it had already cleaned her son's beautiful and delicious cock of every drop of cum. Cum he had given while milking her with his mouth. She was still swooning from her last, dazzling cum.

She looked at Eric. "Son, you are so beautiful."

Eric smiled. For some reason he had always feared that his mother wasn't going to like his penis. Now he found out that she loved it.

"Thank you mommy. I love you."

"I love you so much Eric." Helen melted. "Is there anything you want from your mommy now?"

Eric thought about his newly engorged cock. He really didn't know anything more to do than jerk it with his hand. Then he remembered Naomi. Eric nodded his head.

"What Eric, what?"

Eric reached for his mother's hand and cautiously led it toward his wonderful prong.

Helen smiled at her son's simple request. Yesterday she would have been shocked and might have yelled at him, but today was a different and more perfect day. She gratefully received her son's bulging prick into her hand and she immediately began to jerk on it. She puffed out her tits so he might get the best view of them.

But Eric wasn't so interested in his mother's breasts as much as he sneaked glances at her curvaceous thighs and the dark cleft inside. He had watched her mother put a large plastic sausage in there and this morning what looked like her whole hand. He remembered Naomi and with his bravest move yet, he reached his hand out to touch her thick bramble of dark hair.

Helen's eyes went wide. Not for a second did she stop jacking off her own son's cock, but when he put his fingers on her pussy hair electricity snapped in her brain. She slowly brought her other hand around and led his down the pile of shaggy fur and deeper into their midst. There she left him, reassured that he could do what he wanted there.

Eric laughed, he hadn't expected to find the hot, wet hole hidden inside his mother's loins so quickly. He took a second to just feel her juicy cunt before he started to press his fingers deep inside her and run them slowly back out again.

Helen gasped. Her son's dear, sweet fingers were fucking her, and she had drawn the child's darling hand inside her. He fucked her like he knew what joy he was giving her. She could barely keep her breath and her own hand's pace on his solid prick. She began to pet her son's head and take brief kisses from his lips to reassure them both, that their efforts would be rewarded, perhaps even greater than before.

Eric's other hand grabbed her tit. He played with it awkwardly, but made up for his fumbling with precise strokes inside his mother's cunt. He heard her moan and felt her kisses. It was like driving a car, but Eric wasn't old enough to drive a car. He knew instinctively what he was doing was far better than driving a car. He plugged his mommy's cunt with more vigor.

"Aaaarrrrrraahhh! Oh, yes, Eric you keep hand fucking your mommy and I'll keep jacking your beautiful cock. We are going to cum and cum, together. Helen flashed her hand up and down her son's ample prong. She licked his face and he giggled, but his cock just got harder and harder. His balls began to twitch. Helen's pussy was shuddering, she couldn't believe how quickly her little boy's hand was sucking out all the moisture from her brain and right out her cunt. She knew her head was going to crumple into dust any second.

Fucking his hand in and out of the giant pussy hole was the most exciting thing Eric could imagine. His cock was going to explode all over again, and his mom was aiming his pee hole right at her tits. She wanted his cum all over her tits. He loved his mother very, very much. He dare not hold back on her account, and every time he came on his mother it was like watering a thirsty plant. She grew perkier and perkier with each dose of sticky goo.

White hot white spewed forth. Helen's body jerked all the right ways, inside and out, at the boiling sperm plastering her tits. Her cunt sucked Eric's hand so hard as she came in response to his blasting cum he couldn't move his hand. He didn't care. He just grabbed his mother with his other hand and leapt on her. He bowled her over, hand stuck inside her convulsing slit, and buried her with kisses. His cock poured out it's last bucket of slop into his mother's navel.

For many more moments the two were locked in an embrace of ecstasy.

Finally, Helen said, "Honey, mommy has to shower. I have work to do. You have to go to school."

"Ah, gee mom. I just want to say here with you."

"I love you too, but there's a world out there. And you have lots of friends you want to play with too."

"Un-uh. Your the best."

Helen patted Eric's mussed hair and she kissed him one more time as she got out of the bed.

Helen showered leisurely. As she was drying her hair, she heard Eric rummaging around downstairs, something he usually did in the morning before jetting off to school. The house almost felt like normal, except for the warm feeling of satisfaction and potential horniness deep inside her. Helen didn't want to think about failing to control her and her son's sexual appetite. She wasn't sure it was failure, but it did trouble her. She tried to imagine telling Eric that they had gone too far with their playfulness, but her mind conjured visions of more ice water and sneaky peeks whenever she wasn't watching out for him. Eric had developed an appetite for her, and Helen knew even her matronly power probably couldn't enforce his cooperation. Helen's far greater worry was Eric might think they hadn't gone far enough! Helen promised herself she would put a stop to anything more. be continued...
Chapter 7

Just another day at school seemed like the longest day Eric had ever experienced. He couldn't stop thinking about his mother's tits and cunt. Before noon, he had been embarrassed by three hard-ons during class and was troubled to no end at having to keep seated at his desk to hide them. By noon, all he wanted to do was go to the bathroom and jack off in the john.

Naomi found him first.

"Where ya going Eric?" The younger student encountered him in the hallway.

"I was just going to the bathroom." Eric then remembered that although the young girl's tits were almost nothing compared to his mother's they were still pretty nice, and her young cunt was much tighter and smoother. Eric could already feel another boner popping up in his shorts.

"Do you want to play the sausage game again?" Even Eric wasn't sure if Naomi really knew what she was asking. Fortunately, nobody else in the hall caught on. "I tried to play it with Jimmy, but he turned all red and ran away. Gosh, I'd sure like to play it again. I kinda tried to do it by myself, but I liked it a lot better with you."

Eric thought he was going to turn red. "Shhhhh!, don't say that here. We're not supposed to talk about it in front of others."

The girl pouted for a second. Then she brightened. "Oh, I guess that's why mommies and daddy's play it in their bedroom."

"Oh, you are such a dumb girl."

"Am not."

"Just follow me, okay?" Eric remembered a storage closet in the school where nobody would bother them.

Naomi smiled and her eyes widened for knowing 'a secret'. She stuck next to him like glue.

Once they were inside the dark closet, used to store old textbooks, Eric shut the door and switched the dim light on. Naomi suddenly hugged him with joy! She could feel how horny she was but didn't have a name for the crazy feeling jazzing her little cunny. She had tried to put her own finger down there, but without knowing what it was she wanted all she really did was make herself hornier.

"Oooo, I could almost pee."

"Yuck. Not here."

"Help me take my dress off." Naomi raised her arms above her head, and the older boy shrugged and grabbing the hem of her dress he pulled it clean over her head. She didn't wear a bra so he got to see her faint titty nubbins right away. Eric's cock jerked inside his pants. He remembered how tiny they were, but somehow they looked sweeter this time. Maybe it was because he had actually tasted tits since then, his mothers. Eric had a funny feeling that Naomi's tiny buds would be almost as fun to suck on. His cock jerked again.

Naomi didn't notice. She was pulling down her panties like they were hurting her. In a flash she stood totally naked in front of Eric. Her cunt was on fire, and she did a little dance. She tried to grab his hand but Eric had to take his own clothes off first. All he wanted to do was pull down his pants and underwear. If Naomi hadn't been pestering him he would have taken them off almost as fast as she had.

"Please use your finger again. I really want it."

"Okay, okay, but I want to taste your titties."

"My what?" Naomi caught Eric's hand.

"Those." Eric reached out and pushed a finger into each of her tiny nipples.

"Oh, I don't care." Naomi clutched his hand between her thighs.

Eric was perfectly happy to oblige her and he reached up inside her with two fingers, causing her to squeal.

"Eeeeee." Her voice cracked. "That's too much! Don't forget to push." Her brain was receiving conflicting signals.

"Hush!" Eric pushed a little bit, but he stooped and licked one of her pale nipples. It was really tasty, sweeter than his moms, not as full flavored. He withdrew his two fingers out of her tight lil'cunny and quickly pushed one back in.

"Ooohhh, yes. That's it! That's IT!" She started squealing again.

"Shhhh. Be quiet." Eric had to stop sucking on her tits to say it. He wasn't sure he liked them better than his mom's, but he sure liked them. His cock reminded him that it wasn't getting fair treatment.

"Naomi, play with my prick."

"Your what?" Naomi barely hear him over the rush of joy burning into her head from his plunging finger.

"My sausage. You gotta play with it too." But Eric didn't say how to play with it. He assumed that she would jack it off like before.

Naomi was like any other youngster. She wanted to explore and play new games. Eric had been so intent on sucking her bare titties that she was really pleased at how good it felt when he did, especially with his finger in her cunt. Naomi wanted to suck something too. She looked at Eric's chest but he still had his shirt on.

So she looked down at his rampant peter and wondered if she might suck on it! Wouldn't that be a surprise to dumb ol' Eric.

Eric's first surprise was as she bent down he was pushed off balance and fell on the floor. Naomi didn't quit then, she was too intent on his six inch cock. As long as the older boy's finger plugged her pussy she was willing to play rough. Quickly, she brought her mouth down on Eric's rock hard dick.

Eric froze, but his eyes went wide. He couldn't believe how good it felt. All the girl had done was stuck his prick into her mouth and it started jerking like it was going to explode! She began sucking him, but not up and down. Her whole mouth was filled with the top third of his cock. All she could do was lick it inside her mouth.

The boy almost forgot to keep finger fucking the younger girl. He was totally blown away by the smooth sensations of her lips and tongue on his pole. Now he knew why his mom liked to have her tits sucked so much, but it couldn't have been any better than what he was feeling.

Just then Ms. Barbara Cottins opened the storeroom and looked inside. She saw the naked boy and girl and turned white!

At the same moment Naomi and little Eric came. Naomi began to howl and Eric grunted like a beast. They hadn't even noticed the high school teacher intrude.

Howls echoed out of the tiny storeroom, and the elderly teacher who tried to lock out two children's sweet music, stood shocked to the core. In all of her thirty years of teaching, Barbara Cottins had never seen such a sight!

Without further detail, Naomi and Eric found themselves marched into a classroom, the teacher's fingers wrapped tightly about their ears.

"Ow, owie!" They yelled. She had made them dress quickly in their outer garments, not even giving them time to put on their underwear. She pushed them ahead of her, as she literally fumed with distress.

"I've never seen such behavior before, and I'm going to make sure this never happens again." Ms. Cottins locked her homeroom from the inside and closed the blinds on the windows.

The two children held each other with fear as the old woman sputtered about the room like a sparkler. They were already crying as she reached inside her desk and withdrew a firm piece of oak wood shaped into a fat paddle.

"Which one of you is the nastiest? Hmmm? You!"

Eric jumped at her implied accusation.

"It's always the boy. Isn't it? I remember when I was her age. A boy tried to play doctor with me. My daddy found us and paddled my ass really hard. I always wanted the boy to have my punishment."

"It's not fair." Naomi had some fight still in her.

"Or maybe little girls are to blame these days what with all the teenage pregnancies going on. I should bend your sweet naked backside over my lap, first. Huh?"

Naomi responded with a burst of tears. Eric felt suddenly brave, feeling for the defenseless girl.

"It's my fault. I started it." He said, trying to sound not so afraid.

Ms. Cottins turned back on him. "You think it's funny? You're both going to get what's coming to you. Sticking your pee pee in this poor girl's mouth and your hand up her - her, CUNT." Suddenly her voice changed. It squeaked the last word out even though she had shouted it. A spasm shook the old woman's body. But her mouth kept talking.

"Youthful girls and youthful boys, that's all this world cares about. Who ever played doctor with an old CUNT (same squeak) like me? I owe the lot of you a hard spanking, and you're going to get it." She grabbed for Eric who was quite shocked at the teacher's language. He had never heard her say such things before! The grip of her hand didn't land as tightly as the revelation that this old woman possessed a whole other dimension, one that hadn't seen use in ages.

Neither of which stopped him from bursting out in sobs as the woman hauled him over her lap sitting on the edge of her desk.

"Now unzip your pants. You little jack off."

Eric only cried. Then the hard wood smacked into his little butt. He screamed.

"I said take down your pants."

The swat hurt so bad, Eric started fumbling for his trouser buttons before he realized it was going to hurt a lot worse without them.

Ms. Cottins was in a hurry. Her mood tipped her into an anger she hadn't experienced before. It was as if all her sexual frustration had to be let out on these two terribly naughty students. As soon as she heard the first button pop, she tugged the back of his jeans straight down.

"Nasty little boy has a nasty little ass." She struck at him with all her strength. The boy howled. She hit his tiny cheeks again and again, and they immediately turned bright red. She felt his tears soak into her skirt. She kept talking all the while striking his ass with the heavy paddle. Something inside her was trying to get out, and she found herself uttering things no one would have imagined.

"What kind of boy sticks his fingers into a girls slick pussy. I bet she got all wet and juicy, and then she had to grab your teen prick and suck it with her mouth. I bet you have been even FUCKING!! (Squeak) I bet you two fuck all the time. You fuck her little cunt, and she fucks your nasty COCK with her mouth. Don't you? I bet you've even fucked her ass, or you fucked some other girl in the ass, and she licks your own nasty ass. Well, now you're going to have a bloody red ass to suck on!" Something inside the old woman was getting hotter and hotter, and the more things she said and the harder she spanked the boy, the hotter she got.

Eric didn't know where he was. All he could feel was the pounding pain in his behind. It kept growing worse and worse. It felt like he didn't have any skin, or fat, or muscle left, just bones and tortured nerves.

"Stop it!" Naomi suddenly yelled. "What are you doing to him?"

Ms. Cottins jerked back to reality and stopped, just before she permanently injured the bawling student on her lap. His incandescent backside was like a fire. Heat threatened to burn the piece of wood in her hands.

Even at her worst, she would have never hurt a child this badly.

"Oh child, what have I done?"

Eric bawled freely, anything to end the awful burning in his behind. He said the first thing that came to his mind. "Yes! Yes! I fucked everybody. I did. I did. I won't ever do it again. I won't I promise! OWWW!! I even promise to play doctor with you, anything. I'm so sorry!! Oww - oww - oooowwwwww..."

It was the worst thing he could have said. The sound of swearing possessed the woman once more, and she started yelling back as she raised the paddle again.

"Horrid child, with a horrid mouth. Where did you hear such awful, FUCKING, words. You nasty girl fucker. I'll teach you to play doctor with me!"

This time her paddle didn't land. Naomi ran up and grabbed her striking arm. The board fell out of the old woman's hand. "NO! DON'T" She was still crying.

Old Barbara Cottins turned her head and shouted. "Give me that back you nasty girl!"

But Naomi stood her ground. She would do anything to keep poor Eric from such awful pain, even if she brought the same pain down on herself. "No you horrid witch!" And she kicked the paddle far across the room.

The teacher's jaw fell open at the pure and righteous act of defiance.

Eric continued to cry, unaware of what was happening. He felt himself lifted. and then laid over the top of the desk. Ms. Cottins got up and started walking toward Naomi.

"What did you say?" She screeched.

"I called you a horrid witch, and that's what you are!" Naomi shouted.

"Well, what do you know, a girl bitch dares call me a witch. I don't care what you call me. Give me back my paddle."

"No. I won't. And you can't make me." Naomi wasn't standing anywhere near the paddle, kicked to the other side of the room, but the whacked out teacher kept advancing on her.

"And just how do you think witches start out?" Ms. Cottins eyes burned with a strange new fire as if the real Ms. Cottins had come suddenly to life.

Naomi was taken aback. "Huh?"

"We start out just like every other girl, except for one thing."

"W-what's that?" The little girl was starting to lose her courage, as this strange new person stood above her and began to lecture.

"We never got fucked. That's what. Oh, we start out just as cute and sweet as any little girl who secretly wishes to fuck and suck a nice hard pee pee. But either our parents keep us locked up, or we learn to believe that fucking is a terrible, bad thing. Then it's too late. By the time we grow up, all old and shriveled and we've learned the truth nobody want's to fuck us anymore."

Naomi found herself looking closely at the teacher's face and figure. Sure she was old, but she wasn't a wrinkled hag like all the pictures of witches she had ever seen. Even Ms. Cottin's figure was still okay, by her inexperienced standards. Her breasts looked firm, and she wasn't at all fat.

"All an old woman has is the suffering of never feeling a hard cock pressing into her cunt or a mouth breaking her open like a peach and sucking on her pussy. All she can do is give that suffering to everyone around her." be continued...
Chapter 8

The girl started to feel that she was not afraid of the old woman anymore. In fact she felt almost sympathetic. She might have said something nice, except Eric said something first.

"Oh please, make it stop. I'll fuck you. I'll suck you. I don't care. Just make it stop." He still wasn't in his right mind.

"Oh Eric." Naomi went to him and held him. But the contact only made the anguished child cringe.

"Let me handle this. I've got some cold cream in my handbag." Ms. Cottins suddenly offered. Now a third personality blossomed from the aging body of a fourth grade teacher. She hurried to the task and brought forth a jar that she quickly opened and dug several fingers into.

Eric's bright red ass lay open like a gutted salmon. Tenderly, Barbara touched the least harmed corner of skin with cold cream. Eric flinched, but he started to come around as the soothing coolness melted into the rest of his inflamed cheeks.

Naomi said nice things to Eric and promised everything would be all right. Barbara echoed those words.

"That's it sweetie. I'll make it better. I was terrible, and I can never repay you for what I did. Please forgive me. Please?"

Eric's crying lessened, but his breathing gasped, trying to catch all the breath he let loose sobbing.

"I don't know. You hurt him pretty bad." Naomi petted Eric's head.

Eric turned his head and looked pitiful, hoping Naomi would keep holding him. The fire in his behind cooled and stilled. He was as tender as a new kitten, but Ms. Cottin's surprisingly gentle touch began to grow on him. She very lightly massaged his buttocks, and the cold cream felt like warm butter chilling the pain. It wasn't the only thing that grew.

"Hey teacher. I think he forgives you." Naomi giggled once she noticed the new life stirring in Eric's wonderful cock.

"What child?" Barbara looked down. "Oh my!"

Eric blushed at that. His face turned redder than his backside. He couldn't help himself. The soft ministrations on his super tender cheeks were like the most delicate sensation, and his body responded naturally. There was nothing he could do. A new fear grew in his stomach. He just knew he was going to suffer all over again.

Big tears squeezed out of his eyes.

"He's crying again. " Naomi pouted. "He thinks you're going to punish him more."

"Oh no." Barbara was still staring at the boy's pee pee. How large would it get? It was already larger than any boy's cock she had ever imagined, and to be truthful, she had imagined quite a lot. Many a night passed while she fucked her fingers into her virgin pussy thinking of hundreds of boys fucking in and out of her pussy, or deep into her mouth, or all the way up her pale white ass.

"No, no. It's okay boy. I'm not going to hurt you. I already hurt you more than anyone deserves, even for playing doctor. Even for this."

Eric snuffled his nose and sighed.

The teacher slowly noticed the room was growing warmer. It was certainly growing warmer inside her layers of clothes. She recognized the feeling. Seeing the beautiful boy's cock standing his full six inches awakened her frustrated desires. Her mouth watered, and deep between her legs she felt herself grow very moist.

"Dear boy, would you like me to help you?"

"Huh?" Eric turned his head around and stared blankly at the changed woman.

"Uh, I mean. Did you really mean it when you said you might play doctor with an evil old woman like myself?" Barbara spoke before realizing what she was saying. Her thoughts were all wrapped up in the firm young cock standing right next to her as she delicately smoothed the last of the cold cream on his glowing ass.

"I did?" Eric was still confused.

"Oh, I guess you didn't really mean it." Ms. Cottin's glimmer of hope fell from her face.

Naomi came to the rescue. "Of course he meant it, teacher. I think he'd like to very much." The thought of Eric playing the sausage game with the now sorry teacher struck her as something strangely exciting. She didn't know what fucking was. She thought playing doctor was just another name for the sausage game. Maybe Eric would play it with all of them. She was getting awful twitchy inside her little cunny. "He's just shy."

"Oh hush child. You don't know anything yet. The boy has to decide for himself."

"Decide what?" Eric was still trying to separate his thoughts from the lingering pain inside him. Only his erection stayed clear in his mind, like it did nakedly in front of young Naomi and the old woman.

Ms. Cottins grew bold. Her new personality realized that this was the opportunity she had always waited for and probably the last one she would ever get, but she also knew that she was just a likely to fail as she always had before. Therefore she called Eric's name as sweetly as she could and said. "Look at me child. Take a good look at me."

The fuzz in Eric's tenderized brain began to clear. He could see the full figure of the strange teacher standing next to him. His hard cock pumped with blood as he looked at her round tits and full thighs. "Ms. Cottins." He gulped. "Ms. Cottins, what am I suppose to look at?"

"Why this old woman, who would do anything you asked to repay you for the awful thing I've done." Now tears started to blur the eyes of that wishful woman. "Ask anything of me. Please."

"Hey, Ms. Cottins. take off your blouse." Naomi shouted. "How can he decide if you don't really show him." Naomi found herself really wanting to see the aging teacher naked. She hadn't even seen her mother naked before, and she was very curious."

"Oh my. Do you think?" Barbara started to lose her nerve. "Suppose he sees how old I am. Wouldn't he say no then?"

"I dunno, but if you don't how will he ever know?"

It sounded logical to Ms. Cottin's currently less than sound mind.

To Eric it was like a dream after a nightmare. He could feel how hard his cock had stretched listening to Naomi's sexy words and the teacher's naive responses. If it continued, he wouldn't care what the teacher looked like naked, he had already traded the pain of his beating for the new pain of his desire to stick his cock back into something dark and hot and wet.

Barbara fumbled with her blouse buttons as if she had never undone them before. Her face was red with embarrassment, but her eyes gleamed. She could see that Eric too was possessed. Maybe the poor boy would take pity on her. She fumbled faster, and her breathing increased.

Soon her bra was exposed, and she finished the last button on her front.

Naomi struggled with her own fears, but her inspired need for action carried her. She stepped up to the teacher and began to unfasten her bra. "Now you have to take off your skirt.

"Oh no, not my bra. Do I have to?" Barbara was forgetting who the child was and who was the adult. Naomi stepped into the roll perfectly.

"You have to or Eric won't ever fuck you."

Eric was almost fully recovered. He began to nod, anticipating every creamy square of flesh on the amazing new woman in his life. The first thing he noticed was how pale and white the teacher was, like a china doll. Her face was red with shyness, but her shoulders and belly were perfect ivory.

Then the bra unclasped, and two creamy tits fell out with only a hint of sag. Ms. Cottins was not nearly as old as she thought she was. Her breasts were an exceptional pair of smooth and delicate globes of succulent flesh. Eric's mouth watered.

The anxious, now un-proud, woman pushed her skirt down to reveal frilled bloomers, white and silky. Naomi wasted no time behind the craving teacher. She pulled the waistband over two large, snowy white buns and took the bloomers down around Ms. Cottin's thighs.

Her cunt revealed a thatch of white hair, barely concealing dark lips within.

Barbara stood naked before poor, young Eric. What would he decide?

"Please, Eric. Can you forgive me?" Ms. Cottins asked with all sincerity.

Eric was stunned. Old Ms. Cottins was a dish! Sure, she wasn't as tight or as large breasted as his mother, but he bet against any woman ten years younger, Ms. Cottins would make his dick grow hard fastest of all. His cock was already so hard he couldn't have said no if he had been beat three times worse.

"Ms. Cottins, your beautiful!"

Barbara's eyes grew wide, and she looked at her own body as if unable to believe what her ears had told her. Then for the first time she saw her figure as it really was, aging, but delicate. Not wrinkled, but supple, and white as in beauty not the color of doom. In that moment she broke down and cried.

Eric found himself able to stand. He went over to the emotional woman and put his arms around her and hugged her. "I'll play doctor with you any time, Ms. Cottins."

"Me too, me too!" Naomi was suddenly afraid of being forgotten.

Eric was only slightly annoyed at the girl's outburst, and to compensate, he opened his mouth and captured the older woman's lightly colored nipple into his mouth.

Barbara gasp at that first intimate touch. She reached around the beautiful naked boy and hugged him dearly. After only a few seconds of his steady sucking on her extraordinarily sensitive nipple she was already starting to cum.

Naomi, still afraid of being left out, reached for one of Eric's hands and placed it between her legs. She kissed the side of his face awkwardly. Eric didn't really mind. He gladly felt up into the girl's cunny as long as she let him play with the very mature Ms. Cottins. His cock wanted more and more attention as he sucked on that creamy, delicate tit. He imagined sucking all sorts of rich creams and chocolates from the long waiting nipple. He would have been in heaven if only his urgent prick could be accommodated, but he was too shy to ask for anything from the incredible teacher.

Pre-orgasmic spasms trembled within her. Barbara held on to the boy for dear life. She wanted to reach inside her legs and touch her never fucked cunt, but for the first time she felt an ardent cock press into her thigh and she silently swore she wouldn't let her last opportunity to lose her virginity pass her by. The fact it was a teenage student who thought she was beautiful made her all the more determined.

Slowly, she began to sink to her knees, carefully holding Eric to her needful tit. Eric was worried at first that she was trying to escape his mouth, but her firm hand on his head reassured him. He too sank with her, sucking precious tit and fondling sweet cunt all the way down.

As the woman's ass touched the cold linoleum floor, she began to lay down on her back, carrying Eric's slight weight on her chest. She was already creaming with passion as he greedily sucked her long untended breasts. Naomi moved where Eric's hand could keep touching her in that perfect way.

Now there was only one obstacle left. Barbara reached down to the child suckling on top of her and she found his powerful dick. As she grasp it Eric moaned most gratefully, but he had no idea what was about to happen. Slowly, she maneuvered his rampant cock into the white nest of her pussy, and with legs wide open she pressed it's head into her waiting cunt.

"Fuck me. Please, Eric I need you desperately to fuck me."

For the first time in his life, Eric suddenly knew everything, and he understood the lingering puzzle of the sausage and his mother's cunt, and Naomi's cunt, and now Ms. Cottins white cunt, and his extremely hard cock. Forgetting all the pain in his ass, he slammed his prick into the woman with all his might. He even forgot he was finger fucking Naomi.

His cock tore right through Ms. Cottins' thin, never used cherry, and he proceeded to fuck his prick in and out of the wet, hot, hole like nothing would ever stop him.

Barbara gasp, and Naomi cried. His cock was the most incredible sensation she had ever known, and Eric was plowing into her like a demon. Naomi was desperately aware of the fingers missing from her cunt. She felt good for Ms. Cottins, but she was also terribly envious. She looked at what they were doing and suddenly she wished Eric was doing that to her.

"Oh Eric, you're fucking me. You're FUCKING ME!!!" Barbara yelled.

"This is incredible! I love fucking you Ms. Cottins!" Eric continued to pound his flesh within the exposed school mistress. His rigid cock plumbed deep, seeking hidden crevices unknown by any man. He would be the first to play fiddle in her moist, untouched realm. Barbara urged his actions, harder and harder. Her cunt was rippling with heretofore unknown pleasures. She blathered on about fucking and sucking.

Naomi was still feeling discarded during the main event, but when Ms. Cottins cried out, "My mouth, if only my mouth had something to suck I would be the happiest woman! You fuck so well little boy. I am full of your plunging meat and my cunt thanks you." Naomi wondered if the woman might suck her cunt. It was the only option she saw for release from her desperate desire to climax. Naomi stepped quickly, lest the old woman changed her mind.

Barbara smelled something wet and sweet hovering in front of her nose. She had tightened her eyes shut to experience every possible sensation jerking inside her stuffed pussy. But the new odor aroused her senses further and opening her eyes, she found a lovely cunt descending unto her face. She looked upward and locked into the girl's desperate eyes. How could she not lend her assistance? That she was a woman and a teacher, sworn to bring no harm to her young charges, delayed her not at all. She devoured the dangling pussy in a breath and her tongue sought entry into the delicious cunt offered her.

"Oh please suck me, Ms. Cottins. I need help so bad!" Naomi was almost to tears. Her cunt ached for pleasure. Barbara's mouth took her by surprise - the older female sucked her in so suddenly. "Ohhhh!" Naomi moaned. She fondled the tiny nubbins of her own candy breasts.

Eric barely noticed Naomi squatting in front of him. He still sucked greedily on the tit of the old woman. He thrilled at being so masterful over these two woman. He wanted to fuck and suck and fondle them both forever. His cock swelled harder and harder as his balls began to churn with fresh cum.

Barbara's tongue slid upward, skewering delicate cunt folds and knocking against a wanting clit. Naomi squealed delightfully. Ms. Cottins took great care not to suck too hard but give the child full enjoyment with her mouth. She could barely keep track of three things thrilling her at once, mouth, tit, and cunt. Everything was thoroughly consumed with pleasure. Her brain nearly overloaded. Her body was charged with high voltage, and she knew her biggest come was just about to erupt.

Naomi didn't stop squealing. Her cunt had never felt this good. She knew that it wouldn't be long before her body shook and quivered, and the awesome goodness of cumming would consume her.

Swollen to their limit, Eric's balls could no longer contain the quarts of cum seeming to fill them. His cock tried valiantly to continue it's rampage within the soft confines of the pale white cunt, but a fire hose of cum blasted forth as Eric went rigid and yelled. "AAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!"

Ms. Cottins felt the boiling torrent gush within her innermost folds and she cried out as waves of cumming shook her marrow and every nerve in her body and brain. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!"

Naomi held out only a couple seconds after the teacher blew her breath and yelled into her rippling little cunt. "YYYYYYYIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!"

Cum continued to gush into Ms. Cottins. Eric dug his hands into her back and he smashed his face against her tits. He was lifted by her body arching and bucking to the best orgasm the teacher had ever experienced. And little Naomi rode the woman's bleating face with similar waves of joy slamming into her mind.

The three bodies collapsed together on the linoleum floor, hugging and kissing each other everywhere they could think of. Eric even fucked Naomi before they had to return to the dull constraints of public education. be continued...
Chapter 9

Helen was surprised to find Eric less interested in sleeping with her. Although she had decided to control their sexual explorations, her resolve weakened as opportunities failed to present themselves. He began staying late after school, and when he finally got home her son would act too tired to respond to her subtle suggestions that she was interested in continuing the games they played one morning not so long ago in her big bed.

Helen was too shy to try to entice her son more openly. She offered herself to him by wearing thin shirt tops without a bra, or smiling suggestively during dinner. He only talked about everyday things. She knew she could never bring herself to really seduce her son. She began to worry that she had frightened the boy, but she was more afraid of bringing up the subject.

The most affection her son showed her was returning her intimate hugs, sometimes pressing the side of his face against her trembling tits. He would kiss her cheeks, in response to her more passionate kisses. Eric went to bed early and left for school as soon as possible each morning.

Helen had taken to masturbating with her dildo every night trying to expend her building sexual frustration. She cried out her son's name over and over and then cried herself to sleep. She felt helpless in her own home, unable to confront her fervent wishes and embarrassing fears.

The phone rang one afternoon as Helen stared dejectedly at the flickering television. Her usual tidy habits had fallen into occasional fits and spurts to keep order in her home. Truthfully, neither she nor her son caused much disorder as he was never home long and she sat and moped.

To her surprise, it was Jimmy.

"Uh, hello Mrs. Drost. Is Eric there?"

"Why Jimmy, it so nice to hear from you. No, Eric is still out. He hasn't been home very much lately. Hasn't he been with you?"

"No, and I thought we were best buddies too. Darn him. I wanted to go out and play."

"Well of course you do," Helen was even more surprised that Jimmy didn't know where Eric was. She knew how much her son disliked school. She couldn't imagine him staying late willingly. She briefly wondered if something had happened at school to her boy. "Who else does Eric play with?"

"I don't know. I never seen him with anyone else. I saw him talking to Naomi the other day, but she's just a stupid girl."

Now Helen began to really worry. She knew that her son was just beginning to discover girls in a new and adult way, but she never considered that she might already have a rival. However if she were just another teenager, then she couldn't very well feel jealous. Eric had every right to play with other kids his age. Even, she sniffed, if he played intimate games with them.

"Well, someday you'll want to play with girls too."

"No way. Girls are nothing but trouble. My mom says so."

"I'm sure she's very concerned for you, but girls have lots to offer boys." Helen found herself puzzled at her own words. Why did she say that?

"I dunno, maybe. I like you b-better than any girl." He stammered quickly.

"Well, you certainly know what to say to turn a girl's head." Helen cooed delightedly. She was suddenly thrilled that little Jimmy would think so.

"G-gosh, I wish I could play wi..." Jimmy voice tapered off.

Helen blushed. "Jimmy?" She asked cautiously.


"What were you going to say?"

"I-I just w-wondered, maybe if you weren't busy..." She heard him gulp on the other end.

"Do you want to play with me?" Helen asked very quietly.

"Uh, h-huh."

"That's okay Jimmy. We could play if you really want to." She felt her stomach lurch. Helen could help but remember how she had come watching the boy play with himself as she stood before him naked, and how he had told her she was lots prettier than his mother. Would he still find her desirable after she had so blatantly exposed herself to him? Helen had to find out the answer. If Eric had lost interest, maybe her only other route of sexual satisfaction was through his best friend. "You have to come over right away, before Eric returns from school."

"Gosh, really? I'll be right over."

It didn't take Jimmy more than ten minutes from hanging up the phone to ring her doorbell. Helen fretted and worried the whole time. What had she done? Didn't she realize what kind of trouble she could get into? Maybe she should tell him that she really was too busy to play, she considered.

Helen answered the door and gave Jimmy a big hug as soon as he walked in.

"Oh, I'm so glad you could come over. Now what would you like to play?" Helen threw her cares to the wind. She stood anxiously, trying to smile as friendly as possible.

Jimmy's mouth didn't move for a second. He was staring at the older woman dressed in a loose, thin t-shirt, and short comfortable pants. He could tell she wasn't wearing any bra. His tongue slipped out of his mouth involuntarily and moistened his lips. "I-I..." He stuttered in awe of the beautiful figure waiting for him to make the first move, but still he wasn't sure.

"Yes honey?"

"I-I wish we c-could play, uh you know, on your couch, like..."

Helen almost fainted. She could barely whisper her response. "Oh, you mean like last time?"

Jimmy blushed. The sight of her firm, trembling titties were too much for him. He blurted out. "I think you're so beautiful, Mrs. Drost!"

Helen hugged the boy again. This time she made sure his head pressed firmly between her tits. She then realized how much she needed to be with this darling youth. She stroked his short hair softly. "Oh, I'm so glad."

Together they walked over to the couch. Jimmy took full whiffs of air, smelling the woman's warm, soft tits. They smelled like heaven. The two inseparable figures bent to sit down as they hugged each other and fondled all the parts they could reach.

Helen felt the boy's hands timidly trying to approach her tits as she reached down and fondled his ass through his play clothes. She turned her body so her tits contacted his hands and she was happily rewarded when he dropped his pretense and grasp one of them boldly.

"Oh Jimmy you are such a man."

"I think you're really neat." Jimmy petted her tit with one hand and held on to her body with the other.

Helen ran her hands down his back and she kissed him on his cheek and neck, nibbling. "Your hand feels so good on my tits. Would you like me to take off my top. You can even kiss them and suck on them if you want."

"Yeah, take off your shirt, Mrs. Drost."

"Okay." She straightened upright and grabbed the bottom of her shirt. She tugged the piece off with a single movement. Her supple titties bounced heavily.

Jimmy stared frozen at the sight of her amazing breasts. His mouth hung open for a second, but then he reached out a hand to touch her bare skin, brushing against the side of her tit. He stroked one hand across her breast as his other hand lightly grasp the other nipple.

"Owe, thank you Jimmy. I need your hands." Helen leaned into his touch and she kissed him again.

"Wow, I'm playing with your titties, Ms. Drost."

"Yes, and so nicely too." Helen reached between her legs and pushed her fingers against her crotch band. She was already moist from horniness. She cooed. "What do you have that I can play with, hmmmm?"

"Gosh, Ms. Drost, I dunno."

"What do you like to play with when you're by yourself?"

Jimmy blushed deep red. He pulled his hands back from her supple tits and pressed them into his lap.

"Aw, Jimmy, that's okay. Can I see it?" Helen placed one hand on his hands.

Jimmy nodded, still red.

The older woman then peeled one of Jimmy's hands off his lap. The boy slid his other hand away. She unbuttoned his small jeans and zipped down the short zipper. The bulge of his cock burst out from within his white underpants. She had to stand him up to pull his pants down to his ankles. The still embarrassed boy stood frozen, his hard cock was a white, cotton bulge.

On her knees, Helen looked up at the boy's red face. It had a smile on it.

"There, is this okay?" She reached for the stretch band around his waist.

Jimmy nodded.

"Oh, thank you Jimmy. I want to play with you so much!" Helen peeled the boy's underwear down and his wonderful boy prick bounced out. Without thinking, Helen kissed the delightful boner and rubbed her face against it.

A spasm shot through both of them. She felt the boy's hands grab her hair.

"Mrs. Drost, that feels so nice!"

Helen found herself in an slightly awkward situation. She had kissed the child's upthrust penis in a moment of revelation. Now the boy was pressing her head into his sweet smelling crotch. She hadn't realized how much she had stimulated him! His cock rubbed into her face and on her cheek. It even poked into her ear once. Without knowing it, the boy was lightly thrusting his hips into her face, a natural reaction.

"Jimmy. Don't you want to play with my tits?" She tried to get up, but the boy's hands in her hair resisted.

"Un-uh." He moaned, and pulled her hair.

"OOWW!" Helen cried out from the sharp pain. That is when the boy's hard prick popped into her mouth. She tried to dislodge it by turning her head, but then she heard the boy say.

"Wow, Ms. Drost, that's incredible!! I never felt anything like that before." He started thrusting harder, and his hands clenched her hair. It really started to hurt.

Helen didn't know what to do. Jimmy was for all purposes fucking her mouth, although she wasn't sucking on it. She had sucked her husband's penis long ago, but she had never imagined having Jimmy's big cock in her mouth!

Her husband had tasted strong and salty, but she soon discovered that the boy's clean, hairless cock tasted sweet. She found she really liked the savory taste, but she didn't like the fact that the boy was keeping her in a submissive position. She might have even sucked on the boy's prick willingly if he hadn't thrust it into her mouth and kept pounding away against her tongue while he pulled on her hair.

She tried to tell him, but his cock got in the way of speaking.

"Boy oh boy, you're fantastic!" Jimmy kept fucking her mouth. He could feel his balls swell up and fill with cum.

Helen knew the boy was excited. He probably didn't really mean to force her to kneel while he pumped his hard cock into her face, but he was caught up in the sudden whirl of feeling of having his prick inside something warm and wet for the first time. Helen didn't know what to do. If she let Jimmy continue he might squirt his cum into her mouth. He might gag her with his young cock juice.

She turned her head from side to side, but that just excited him more.

"Yeah, Mrs. Drost, yeah!" Jimmy was starting to feel like he could cum at any moment.

Helen despaired. All she had wanted to do was show her body to Jimmy and let him play with his sweet tasting dick while she masturbated in front of him, and let him suck her titties. Now she was forced to kneel in front of the boy while he fucked her soft, hot mouth. Her tits bounced to his rhythm.

The fire in her loins suffered equally. Jimmy was getting hotter and hotter as he plugged away into the woman, but Helen thought she was going to cry.

Jimmy started to yell. "Ooohhh, oooooohhhh, Ms. Drost, Ms. Drost. I think, I think... I'm going to... OOAAAAAHHHHHHGGGG!!!!!"

Boiling cum shot out of his dick and slammed into Helen's mouth. She gagged, and to save herself, she started swallowing the thick, hot goo as fast as he blasted it into her abused throat.

He hugged her head with all his little boy might as his pulsing dick poured gob after gob into the woman's face.

Helen gagged and coughed. Tears welled into her eyes, and she tried to pull away, but her hair screamed at the attempt.

"Mrs. Drost, you're wonderful!" Little Jimmy didn't even realized what he had done, except he had the best cum in his entire life. Only after the last drop of spume squeezed out of his prick did Jimmy finally release the woman's hair.

Helen coughed and coughed, freeing her mouth from the boy's still rampant cock. She swallowed the last of Jimmy's cum and breathed with heavy gasps.

"Mr. Drost, Ms. Drost, What's the matter?" Suddenly Jimmy noticed her distress. Before, everything had been just a fog in his brain. "Oh my gosh, what did I do?"

Helen couldn't answer the boy at first. She still struggled to cough the boy's otherwise sweet tasting cum out of her airway.

Now Jimmy was in tears. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't know. Oh, please Mrs. Drost. I didn't mean to hurt you!"

"COUGH! Oh, ACK, Jimmy, cough - cough, I know. You were just too excited." Helen tried to put on a brave face. She knew she had let things get out of hand. Maybe it was for the best if she didn't play with Jimmy.

Jimmy sat down on the floor next to her and hugged her.

She smiled at that. Her breath finally returned. Helen even secretly delighted in the sweet warm flavor that remained in her mouth. She hugged Jimmy back.

Helen wasn't the only member of her family that was feeling down. Little Eric Drost had been hurt twice in one day. Right after school, he had raced down the halls to Ms. Cottin's room. Almost everyday since he had fucked the graying haired woman, they had locked the door and played lots of games together.

When Ms. Cottins had been busy, like today, he could always find Naomi somewhere between school and her house, and they sucked and fucked until both of them came, and then they would do it all over again! In fact Eric had been fucking so much lately he had forgotten all about how his mother had let him suck her breasts and how she would let him jack on his dick and squirt cum all over her. He never imagined that maybe she would like to play even better games.

But today, Eric couldn't even find Naomi. When he went to her house and knocked on the door, nobody answered. He had thought about just jacking off in the bushes nearby, but it just wasn't the same as being surrounded by a soft, juicy, hot cunt or sucking mouth.

Discontent, he wandered back home. When he opened the door and walked into the living room, what he saw there stunned him. be continued...
Chapter 10

As Eric opened the door, he heard something strange that sorta sounded like Jimmy. Both Jimmy and his mother were just finishing up their misaligned act when Eric came in, and neither noticed the door open and close. Helen's son crept slowly into the living room and peeked around the corner just as his mother was returning Jimmy's sorrowful hug. There, the two of them lay against the couch mostly naked.

Eric penis jumped in his pants at the sight, but at the same time he was immediately jealous. What were they doing? That was HIS mom lying next to Jimmy who's pants were down around his ankles and who's dick was hard. (still hard after a terrific cum!) He could see it glisten with drying cum, just like his did after he fucked Ms. Cottins in her white haired cunt. His mother was naked only on the top. Then it struck him. His mommy's face was also smeared with glistening cum. She had been sucking Jimmy's dick!

"Mom, how could you!" Eric yelled.

Helen jumped at the sound. Her heart flew into her throat. It was Eric! She and Jimmy were lying naked, in plain sight of her son.

Jimmy's eyes went wide. He had heard Eric yell before. He knew that he was in terrible trouble, but he tried to hide behind Ms. Drost.

"Eric, let me explain."

"What are you two doing?"

"It just happened. I didn't mean for you to see."

"Jimmy get out of my house. I never want to see you again."

"That's not fair, Eric. Now hush up and listen." Helen found her voice. After the initial shock, she was still Eric's mother.

Eric quieted down.

"Now, I know this looks bad, but it's not Jimmy's fault. It's my fault. He wanted to play, and things got out of hand."

"I was looking for you. Where have you been? Playing with that girl? Well I just wanted to play too." Jimmy sniffled.

"See, Eric, I've missed you too. Th-that's why it got out of hand. I wanted you, but you've been so distant lately."

Eric was taken aback. He never dreamed that his mother would want to play with him too, but he still had difficulty forgiving Jimmy. He stared at his friend, miffed that his mom had never sucked his cock. The thought of it made his dick harder.

Helen knew Jimmy was embarrassed. He was trying to hide his now soft penis.

"Maybe you'd better put your pants back on dear. Eric and I have to have a little talk. Don't worry about him. Tomorrow you'll both be right as rain. I promise."

"Okay, Mrs. Drost." Jimmy grabbed his pants and shirt donning them swiftly.

"Now Eric. Don't feel bad." Helen reached for her top and struggled to cover herself. "I love you just as much as ever. I was lonely, and so was Jimmy, and there's nothing wrong with what we did." She tucked her tank top securely back over her tits.

"But you never..." Eric couldn't complete his sentence.

"I'm going now, Mrs. Drost. I'm so sorry." Jimmy got up. He shied around Eric as he headed out the door. "Eric, please don't hate me."

Eric scowled, but he nodded. After all, he had forgotten all about Jimmy in his rush to play with old, Ms. Cottins.

Helen opened her arms to her son.

Jimmy shut the door behind him.

Eric frowned, but he walked over to his mother and curled up with her.

They hugged for a very long time.

"Mommy, did you really suck Jimmy's penis?"

Helen self-consciously wiped her mouth. "Well, not so much like that. He was grabbing my hair, and I don't think he realized what he was doing. I didn't really suck him. I just couldn't get it out of my mouth. It's so big!"

"Oh." Eric looked down.

His mom noticed her son's natural concern. She too looked at his crotch. His cock was still hard and ready for action.

"But it isn't quite as big as yours. Goodness you have a really big one." She couldn't stop herself from patting it.

"Are you sure mommy?" Eric smiled up at his mom.

"Well, I'm pretty sure. Do you think I should check yours again?"

Eric blushed. He thought maybe his mom would play with him. Maybe she would even suck him! He nodded.

Helen reached for his pants and unsnapped them. Then without a pause, she reached inside his underwear and grabbed the huge length of his prick. Eric took a quick breath at her touch. She felt around for a little bit before she said. "We'll it feels bigger, but maybe I need to see it to be sure.

At her indication, Eric's smile widened, and he stood up while pulling down his pants and underwear. His engorged shaft popped out in full glory.

Helen gasped in amazement. It really was bigger. Her own son's cock was bigger than anyone else, she thought proudly. So did Eric. What he didn't know was his mother's cunt was longing for a big cock. It creamed and trembled at the sight of the boy's oversized erection.

Helen's hand reached out and held her son's prick. It too looked as tasty as little Jimmy's.

Eric gulped, he was so horny now he couldn't help asking. "Mommy, I promise I wouldn't pull your hair if..." He lost his courage.

"I know that honey. You are a good boy." Helen needed no asking. She fell to the boy's cock and sucked it into her mouth with an eagerness that surprised her. It tasted even better than Jimmy's.

"Oh wow, you're sucking me off, mommy!" Eric was careful to just pat his mother's head.

Helen thought she must be going mad. But inside, she knew she had wanted to give her son as much pleasure as she wanted him to give her. She was so desperately in need of a hard cock. She didn't care where it was put.

She lollipped the hard rod of her son's flesh inside her mouth as she slid it down her now willing throat. Her face bobbed back and forth giving his length of flesh the maximum amount of friction she could give without biting.

Eric moaned with pleasure. His mom sucking his cock felt better than anyone else. Even Ms. Cottin's eager but inexperienced, soft mouth couldn't match his mother's deep throating. He was feeling so good, he wanted to share the wonderful feelings inside his cock with his mom. He groped expertly for her tits. He knew she liked it when he rubbed her tits. He only wished he could suck on them in return. Unfortunately, his mom had put her top back on, and all he could do was squeeze her nipples lightly through the cotton material.

Helen felt her son touch her breasts and she exhaled through her nose in gleeful response. Helen gobbled his prong and released it as lovingly as she knew how as her nipples hardened beneath his rolling fingers. Her mouth gorged repeatedly on her son's cock, slipping it between her puffed lips and sucking it ever so seriously. Helen's cunt was smoldering. She wanted desperately to push her hand inside her skirt and touch the puffy flesh quivering between her thighs, but as Eric tried to fondle her tits, she first wanted to help him take off her shirt. With one hand she pulled the bottom up to where Eric's hands were roughly pulling on her soft mounds, never missing a stroke tasting his sweet young cock.

Her son caught on immediately. He used both hands to tug her top up and over her large globes as they bounced to her rhythm as she laved his rock hard prick. He almost didn't make it. The feelings inside his cock wracked his brain with electric signals of joy.

For just one beat, Helen backed off of her son's cock and pulled the top completely over her head just in time to swallow the large prick once more and continue plunging it in and out of her mouth.

Eric gasp at the sudden coolness on his prick just before his mom slammed her mouth lovingly back over it. He reached for her naked tits and squeezed them with joy.

His mother's main thought was to give the best cum her son had ever had and then to meet her own needs. She slipped one hand into her skirt and felt the wetness flowing there.

Helen's son didn't miss her motion, even in the state of ecstasy he was experiencing. He knew what she was doing, and he longed to give her everything she desired. Without a second thought he pushed his own hand next to hers and began to fondle her pubic mound.

Helen was amazed! Her son acted as if he wanted to finger fuck her, and hoping just for that, Helen removed her own hand and concentrated on sucking her son's rigid dick. Sure enough his hand pressed further until his fingers actually slipped inside her cunt and electrified her clittorus.

"MMmmmmm, oommmmmm." Helen moaned in response.

Eric felt a surge of power. He was simultaneously giving his cock to his mother's sucking mouth and finger fucking her hot, wet cunt!

But Helen wanted more. She knew her son was being hindered by her skirt and panties. She reached down and pushed her clothes away from the spot where his fingers roamed so magnificently.

Suddenly Eric could press all of his fingers into his mom's cunt and he fucked them vigorously in and out. She responded by sucking him even faster.

It still wasn't enough for Eric, and all at once he pulled his cock clean out of his mother's churning mouth.

"Honey, what's the matter?" Helen could barely speak. The boy's hand continued to plunge inside her legs.

Then with a strength that betrayed his age, he turned his mother over onto her back and stepped across her quivering, naked body.

"Oh, my goodness!" was all Helen could say as he bent down and quickly slipped his rampant cock into her dripping pussy.

Eric fucked her with abandon, and he grabbed her tits once more and he sucked on them. He was in heaven. His balls were tight with cum, and his head reeled from the sensations of plunging his hard cock into his mommy's hot cunt.

"Dear God, I'm cumming!" Helen cried out, but for her it was just the beginning.

Eric rode her as if he had been riding horses for years. In the past few weeks he had learned much about fucking cunts, old and young, and with the most sincere love a boy has for his mother, he fucked her cunt as well as he knew how.

Helen continued to climax. Waves of delight skewered her thoughts and blasted her nerves. She couldn't help but shiver and quake, beneath the small frame of her loving son.

Soon Eric had reached his limit, although he tried mightily to hold back the gallons of cum that filled his balls. Her wet cunt was too much as she rocked all over. He dug his dick into her hard and deep, and it exploded. Cum shot out, filling her cunt.

Helen felt the blast of hot cum rush inside her and the sensation blew her mind. She screamed from orgasmic ecstasy.


Eric grunted pouring shot after shot of hot white cream inside his mother's pussy. His mother's yells were music to his ears.

Spent at last, he fell upon her naked breasts and hugged her whole body.

Helen gasp and gasp. She came so hard she stopped breathing. The world spun around her, and her arms instinctual grabbed hold of her son as he dropped from his own massive cum.

They lay together in the warm, dark house for hours.

From that day forward Eric fucked his mother ever chance he got, and Helen was rarely in the mood to deny him. Her only concern was that Eric might rely too much on his mother for love and affection. It pleased her then when Eric still went out to play with his friends. He and Jimmy soon returned to their regular games, but Jimmy always acted so shy when he came in the house to play. Helen hoped that the boy would keep their secret. She still thought of him very kindly. He had been the one who opened her passions, even if she only shared them with her son. She always greeted him with a big smile and gave him all the cookies and milk that he wanted.

The problem was that Jimmy wanted more, but he was just too shy to ever bring up the terribly embarrassing event when Mrs. Drost's son had caught them naked together. Eric seemed to have forgotten the whole thing, and now wanted to play games as often as they ever did, but poor Jimmy didn't know what to do. Now that he had felt his prick punching into a hot mouth, his own jerking off didn't satisfy him the way it use to.

Secretly, Jimmy hoped that Eric would stay late at school like he had used to so he might catch Ms. Drost alone at home again, but everyday Eric would race home as quickly as possible. Jimmy didn't realize that Eric would fuck his mother like crazy when he got home.

Day after day, Jimmy fell more and more depressed about ever having his cock in such a wonderful place again. He would masturbate and pretend to be fucking Eric's mom, but it just wasn't the same.

Then one day, he began to notice that old hag, Ms. Cottins, would come by Eric's school room everyday and ask Eric's teacher if he might still be present, but she missed him every time. Jimmy witnessed this several times because he had the same class Eric had. Jimmy began to form a plan.

"Hey Eric, wait up just a second." Jimmy had raced after Eric one bright, sunny day right after school.

"What is it?" Eric acted as if every second lost was a year of his life.

"Teacher said she wanted to see you after class, but you ran out too quickly to hear her."

"Oh man, I'll see her tomorrow. Can't teacher wait until then?"

"I dunno. You might get into big trouble if you don't see her right away. Maybe she will keep you after class for a whole week if you leave now."

"Drat! I guess I'd better." Eric's disappointment covered his whole face. He drooped visibly as he turned around and trudged back to school.

Jimmy suppressed a smile. If he were lucky he might have plenty of time to play alone with Eric's mother. As soon as Eric was out of sight Jimmy raced to Eric's house. be continued...
Chapter 11

Just as Jimmy had planned, Eric soon encountered Ms. Cottins.

"Eric, my dear boy what ever happened to you? You haven't seen your dear old granny in weeks. I missed you terribly."

"Oh my gosh, Ms. Cottins. I-I don't know." Eric had totally forgotten the old woman and Naomi ever since the day he first fucked his mother. He loved fucking her so much no one else occurred to him. "I - I had to work at home."

"I should punish you for being so tardy." Ms. Cottins' eyes lit up at the thought of spanking the dear child once more. "Why don't we go into my classroom and discuss it. If you're very nice to me, maybe I'll spare the rod a little."

Eric felt trapped, but for some reason his cock seemed more than willing. When Ms. Cottins smiled like that, he suddenly remembered when the teacher had spanked him beyond pain. His mother had never done anything like that. Eric's prick swelled up as he imagined the old woman once again spanking his ass with a hard piece of wood. He didn't really think that she would ever hurt him again. She was so very nice, but if she spanked him just a little bit, he thought that might be really fun!

"Golly, Ms. Cottins. I guess I've been pretty bad."

Barbara was hotter than blazes. For weeks now, she had desperately tried to quell the need for the boy's stiff dick, but it was no use. She even tried to seduce another boy at the school, but before she had said anything overt, the boy had broken down and cried. She knew that Eric had been special. Now only he could satisfy the fire in her body. And now she had caught him, and she wasn't going to let him get away again, easily.

Jimmy's thoughts grew darker and darker as he raced to Eric's house. If he were lucky Eric might be gone all afternoon. His hard cock started thinking for him. Maybe Mrs. Drost would even show him her tits again. If she did then he would pull out his cock and jack off until he came all over her. Then maybe she would lick the cum right off his dick, and then maybe he would stuff it inside her mouth again! Jimmy drooled as he reached the quite home. He rang the doorbell.

"Hello? Why Jimmy, what a surprise! Where's Eric?"

"I guess he had to stay at school today. I just came by to tell you."

Helen suppressed her disappointment. She had been so ready to fuck Eric when he got home she wasn't wearing a bra or a pair of panties. She simply wore a tight tank top and a loose skirt. Jimmy's sudden appearance startled her.

"Why thank you, honey. Do you know how long he will be gone?"

"No. Maybe it won't be long. Maybe I could wait for him here?" Jimmy hoped Eric would be gone for a very long time.

"I'm not sure. Maybe I should just have Eric call you when he gets home." Helen had a sudden funny feeling about Jimmy. He wasn't usually this forward.

"Aw gee. I don't want to go home. I'd much rather be here. My place is boring."

"Well, I am busy right now." Helen made up an excuse.

"That's okay, I just want to play with some of Eric's toys. Wouldn't that be okay?"

Helen bit her lip. Jimmy was suddenly beginning to worry her, but she secretly she also worried what might happen if she upset the boy. He knew a terrible secret about her, and if he should ever tell, her life would be ruined.

"Well, maybe for just a little bit, okay? If Eric doesn't get home soon. You'll have to leave."

"Uh, okay. I promise I'll be real good and I won't break anything."

"You always were a good boy Jimmy." Helen opened the door to admit him.

Inside, Jimmy felt a little dizzy. His bravado was just about used up. Now he was actually in the house, alone with Ms. Drost. He swallowed and ask. "Could I have a drink of water?"

"Oh, yes, sure Jimmy. I'll go fetch one." Helen was grateful to leave the boy in the living room. She was going to take her time filling the glass, but little Jimmy followed her right into the kitchen.

"Can I help?" He asked innocently.

"That's okay dear, go on back into the living room, and I'll be right out."

"I'd much rather stay with you. You're so pretty."

Helen was of course flattered. She had always liked it when Jimmy told her so. Even so, she said, "I thought you were going to play with Eric's toys."

"Um, I will, but I haven't seen you in a long time. I-I missed y-you." Jimmy couldn't bear it any more. He reached out and hugged Ms. Drost's waist. He wanted to hold on to her forever.

Helen was shocked! The poor boy, she blamed herself. If she hadn't ever let him pull down his pants this wouldn't be happening. Her heart reached out to the desperate child. She petted his hair and whispered softly. "There, there. It'll be all right."

"Gosh Mrs. Drost, I never meant to hurt you, or Eric."

"No, no It's my fault, poor Jimmy. I am the one to blame."

"But I hurt you. I know I did. You didn't say anything, but now I'll never see you again."

"It's all right. You didn't hurt me. We just should never have gotten so close. Now that it's over, you're the one who's hurting."

"Uh hmmm." He buried his teared face into her tummy. He remembered how good her tits had smelled. He could smell them right now.

Helen didn't say anything more, but she held the child like he was precious to her.

Jimmy suddenly noticed that Mrs. Drost's nipples were standing fully erect, jutting right out of her tight tank top. He couldn't help but stare up at them. The sight of their joyous strength inspired him. Without a further thought he simply said. "Take off your shirt, Mrs. Drost." His voice was steady and deep. It was his first test of giving a woman a command.

The words struck Helen where she never suspected. They hypnotized her at a blow. Suddenly, her world was reversed, and the innocent child was now her master. Consciously, she simply blinked at the request. "Excuse me?"

"Take off your shirt, Ms. Drost." Jimmy repeated simply. He kept staring at her tits.

It was obvious to Helen what had attracted the boy. Now she realized she was going to pay dearly for having never put on a bra that day.

"Jimmy wouldn't you like to have a glass of water instead?"

"Un uh." He looked briefly into her eyes. His smoldered with desire.

Without another word, Helen found herself reaching for the base of her shirt. Jimmy stepped back as she grasped the soft material and lifted it.

"Higher, Ms. Drost, higher. Take the whole thing off."

Helen bit her lip as she raised the shirt over her pillowy tits. They felt the cool air and her nipples hardened even more.

Jimmy felt his jaw go slack. She was actually doing it! Ms. Drost was taking off her shirt because it was what he had told her to do. His cock leapt inside his pants. Her tits were like great globes of delicious skin and jello. Jimmy knew, because he had tasted them. He reached out.

Helen's shirt still covered her face when she felt the boy's warm, trembling hands catch and hold onto her bountiful knockers. He squeezed them delighted, and Helen flinched. She finished peeling her top over her head, but her heart sank to the floor. Jimmy was in total charge of her. She knew not what he might do, or worse, what she might do at his command.

For the moment, Jimmy was still waxing his joy at being once again able to fondle Ms. Drost's beautiful titties. He rolled her dark nipples in his fingers. His mind was totally focused.

Helen covered her mouth with her hand. She was inexplicably drawn to the child's words. A wave of nausea ran through her, and to her horror she began to listen to her body's reaction to the boy's delighted caress of her adult breasts.

"Oh, Jimmy your hands feel good. Don't stop."

"I like your titties, Ms. Drost. I wish I could play with them all the time."

"I-Is that all you w-want to do?" Helen asked nervously. She didn't know why she asked. Her own son kept her well at hand. He sucked her tits, and fucked her in the nicest way. Jimmy was just another child, but still his eager hands reduced her to her base emotions.

The boy looked again at her, as if he made a snap decision. "No, I want to suck on them too." And saying it, he lifted his head and opened his mouth, and in one breath he sucked in one of her hard nipples, and he began to suck it, slowly, deeply. Helen felt her knees go weak. Her cunt hissed with moist beginnings. The boy kept sucking and sucking, drawing the nipple onto his tongue which laved it, while one of his hands squeezed the other tit meatily.

Helen grabbed the boy's head and pulled it tight against her. It was then she felt the boy's hard prick pressing into her thigh. She prayed his thoughts didn't stray as her own had already begun. The boy's personal sweet flavor echoed on her tongue. His cum had tasted so good. She trembled at the thought. Perhaps the boy would be satisfied by just sucking on her tit, which he continued with passionate concentration. But would she?

"Ooooohhhhhh... Jimmy." She moaned.

"Mmmmmmmmnnnngggg." The boy suckled her with strong lips. Jimmy was aware of his hard dick, and he knew soon that he would have to touch it. He thought he might have the courage to take it out and show it to the adult woman after he was thoroughly satisfied with sucking on her breasts. That might be a long time. He kept sucking the same tit for wonderful minutes, as the two stood locked in a passionate embrace in the cool air of Mrs. Drost's kitchen.

Eric too, had found himself embraced as he followed the outwardly prim Ms. Barbara Cottins to her homeroom and stepped inside. Her hands trembled not from age, but excitement as she hastily locked the door behind them. She fell on the boy with a deliberate rush, nearly crushing the child with her desperation.

"Thank heavens you returned to me!"

"I'm sorry, I guess I was not thinking right." Was the only excuse Eric could think of.

"Oh, yes, you were so thoughtless. I should punish you severely. You hurt me far more than I could ever pain such a dear child as yourself."

"Please, Ms. Cottins. If you really think so. Maybe I deserve it."

The request was too strange for old Barbara Cottins. Never in her life did she hear a child ask to be punished! But her secret pleasure at spanking naughty boys came to her aid. "Well, how impudent can you be? I'll punish you if you deserve it, and not a lick until then."

Eric realized she was playing a game with him, but the results of the game would end up on his own rear end! He had better play it to win. "I don't mean to be bad. I just want to be fair."

"Hmmmph! You are already too close, child, and I'll decide what's fair. Don't push me."

"Aw, I bet you just like paddling students." Eric dared her.

"That's enough, Eric Drost, I am going to have to teach you to respect me." With that Barbara grabbed his ear, at which he yowled, and she marched him right over to her desk. "Lean over this instant!"

Eric humbly obeyed. The pain in his ear was a wake up call. All of a sudden he wasn't sure what he had gotten himself into.

Barbara wasn't really mad, but she had to keep up her pretense. She thought, the boy might never come back again. She had decided that the only way to ensure the boy's future attention was to put him on a strict diet of punishment.

"Do you realize how long you left me alone, child."

"No ma-am."

"Nearly TWO weeks! And that's not all, if I hadn't caught you sneaking around today, you might have never got what you deserved."

"But Jimmy said..."

"I don't care about any other boy. You are the thoughtless scoundrel who hurt my feelings, after what we had come to mean to each other. Suddenly you vanish without a word, well it's time I had a word with you. Unbuckle your pants this instant!"

Eric began to worry. The teacher sounded mad enough, but was she really? He very quickly complied with her order.

"I'm going to teach you this time, and if you should skip out of school before you see me the next time, then I'll teach you just the same, if not harder." Barbara pulled the boy's pants down past his knees. She reached for his white cotton briefs with one hand while she grabbed the paddle with her other hand.

As soon as she had pulled the nervous boy's pants down she gave him a resounding whack on his ass. Barbara loved to spank naughty children, especially with their naked asses quivering just before she struck. It gave her a sense of power that was otherwise denied her sex and age.

Eric yowled in surprise, but he also felt that she was not hitting him as hard as she had the first time. He hoped he would never make her that angry again.

The paddle struck once more. His ass was already red with two wide bands across both cheeks. "That's for the first day you were missing." She counted. Each strike was meant to remind the boy just who was in charge of who! For every day the boy had stayed away, she whacked his pale white ass, soon covered with bright red.

Eric felt tears in his eyes, but still he knew that the old woman was just playing. His dick knew it. Already it was hard with expectation. It was only a matter of a few more strikes before he could turn the tables on her.

Those strikes seemed like an eternity.

"And this is for trying to bait me." WHACK!

"And this is for being rude." WHACK!

"And this is for your attitude, young man." Whack. She began to lessen her blows. The boy was already trembling. But Barbara was no fool, she knew all along how Eric's fine penis had grown hard, hard for her. Already, her white haired cunt was leaking with wonderful wetness. She felt as hot at the boy's red backside.

"And this is for your hard cock!" Whack. She finished and found herself hugging the prostrate child. "Oh, dear thing, how much I need you. You won't ever leave me again will you?"

"N-no, never!" Eric would have said anything.

"That's good. I missed you so much, sweet Eric. Let me help you. Barbara touched the boy's hard prick and wrapped her fingers around it. She gently blew on his fiery buttocks as she began to stroke the erect truncheon.

Eric sighed with release. His dick felt strange. The pain in his ass had given new pleasure to his penis. It had never felt this way before. He thought he might grow to like it more than anything else. Ms. Cottins' soft hands felt fantastic, stroking his meat tenderly. The more she gave him pleasure, the more he wanted to take it from her.

"Oh, thank you Ms. Cottin's, but how can I make it up to you?"

"Sweet thing. Here." Barbara began to unbutton her thick dress from the top. Then as her massive wire bra was exposed and she released it's front catch. Two soft piles of warm flesh rolled out naked before the young boy. Barbara leaned into him as she continued to jack fervently on his solid man-shaft.

Eric kissed each one before he settled on sucking the sweetest of her two very sweet titties. Even though they were softer than his mother's bountiful tits, they tasted just as good, and Eric even thought that Ms. Cottin's derived just a bit more pleasure than his mother when he sucked on them. The sure hand on his cock may have helped persuade him.

"Oh yes, suck on your granny's nice tits. They love you almost as much as I do."

"Mm-mmm." Eric mumbled, but he was stopping there. Now he reached for Ms. Cottins' skirt and he pulled it up from the floor until he could reach underneath it and play his hands along her thighs. To his surprise, the older woman wasn't wearing anything beneath them. Always before she had worn multiple layers of old fashioned protection, but on this strange day her pussy was completely exposed to his eager hands.

Barbara smiled as she felt his hand reach so boldly up her dress. It was her surprise. For days now after she had worried that Eric had abandoned her she wanted to show how eager she was to give the boy pleasure and to receive it. Now she received the benefit of her daring. Two small hands touched her little used cunt and felt its great wetness.

"Why Ms. Cottins, you don't have anything on!"

"Ohh, Eric put your hands in my cunt, and rub it. You can put anything you want there, just do it now!" Barbara commanded. She began to stroke the boy's swelling cock faster and faster. Two hands probed inside her cunt, rubbing her clit and fingering her pussy lips like a demented octopus.

"Can I really put anything at all in your soft, wet cunt?"

"Anything, Eric, oh anything, just don't stop."

"Would you like me to put my cock in your cunt, Ms. Cottins? Would you like me to fuck your wonderful cunt with my cock?"

"Eric! YES!!! Oh please, yes, do it now!" Barbara cried with sweet pleasure. She sank to the floor and pulled her dress up over her wet, hot cunt. She exposed her white haired cunt to the teenager whom she had spanked only moments ago.

Eric fell on her like an animal and thrust his powerful prick into the old woman like a dog. He stuffed it into her cunt all the way as he landed on top of her. He pumped his cock in and out of her drooling pussy like a mad thing.

"Thank you, thank you. You're fucking me, dear Eric. I needed you do fuck me so badly."

Amazingly Eric could feel the raw heat still beaming from his ass cheeks, but now they didn't feel at all bad, all he could feel was his thick cock, rock hard pressing deep into the soft folds of a grateful old, woman.

His dick skewered her and drove between her womanly thighs like a piston. She moaned and swore he was the best boy in the world. Eric felt his cock slip between hot juicy pussy lips and he started sucking again on Ms. Cottins' wrinkled nipples. He could feel the cum rush into his balls and pressurize like a fire engine.

"Oh Ms. Cottins you feel so warm and slippery. I want to fuck you forever."

"Yes, yes boy, fuck your old teacher. Teach her what a good fucking should be. Suck on my tits, OOOHH yes, like that. I promise I'll spank you real hard if you don't fuck me every day."

"I dunno, you spanked me pretty hard. My bottom is all sore. If my dick didn't feel so nice inside you I might even cry."

"Poor boy, fuck me to take the pain off of your rear. Take it out on me. Fuck me as hard as you like. I deserve it."

"Yeah, you deserve my cock, Ms. Cottins. You spanked me too much."

Eric's balls burst forth with boiling cum. His dick spewed hot spunk inside Ms. Cottins, as she slithered on the floor from orgasm after orgasm. Eric had never felt anything like it. His burning backside seemed to cool as all the fire inside him exploded into the old woman. She held him for dear life as he shook the last of his white hot sperm up her previously neglected pussy.

"Oh dear boy you fill me with such joy! I couldn't bear it if you abandoned me again. Promise me you'll come back to my arms, and I'll do anything you want."

"Gosh, if it means that much to you, I guess you better make sure that I don't. Maybe you should spank me every time."

"Yes, yes dear, sweet Eric. I'll spank you. You make an old woman so happy." She released her grip on him and he pulled his young cock out of her satisfied, aging cunt.

Helen was sucking Jimmy's little cock in the kitchen. Her tits hung down like two fresh melons and Jimmy giggled as he played with them. He felt wonderful!

Helen's mind swirled. Jimmy's cock tasted even better than her son's. It was the only thing she liked better about Jimmy. His cock melted in her mouth, but at the moment it was very stiff, and the little boy was poking it deep. Her tongue laved over it.

Jimmy had already come in her mouth once, but she didn't even slow down. His young prick hadn't a chance to get soft. This gave Jimmy time to explore Mrs. Drost's back. He had already tugged on her skirt, but now he drew its full length up and over her ass. He remembered that she looked so neat without her clothes. He squealed with delight as he tugged the skirt up and down over her plunging head. Her creamy ass bounced suggestively.

Helen didn't even notice how dark her skirt made the room. Her eyes were closed in order to taste every bit of sweetness from Jimmy's perfect cock. She had already swallowed a surprising load of cum from the youth. In her opinion Jimmy had cum too quickly, and she wanted to go on tasting his cock until she never forgot its grand flavor.

When two small hands probed the cleft of her ass she paid more attention to the rest of the boy suffering her succulent abuse. But Jimmy couldn't quite reach past the wide vee of her behind.

Jimmy remembered the inviting thatch of dark hair on Mrs. Drost's front side, but he couldn't see much of her rear side. Maybe she was different from him there too. Of course, he had seen his own mother's ass every day of his life, but somehow Ms. Drost's body seemed magical in appearance. She was built so much better than his mom.

When he jumped up to try and see her full ass, his cock popped out of Helen's mouth.

"Jimmy!" Helen was rudely disrupted from her fascinating meal.

"Gee Ms. Drost. I want to see."

"Oh, Jimmy it's just my ass. Don't you want me to suck you some more?"

He pouted at that. He had already cum, and though he liked her sucking very much, he was now more curious about other aspects of the older woman.

When he didn't answer, Helen straightened up and her skirt slipped back down over her ass. Her tits jiggled naughtily in the cool air.


"Jimmy, I don't know how much longer little Eric will be gone. You don't want to make him mad again do you?"


"Maybe you should go home." Helen started thinking about Eric again as the euphoria of sucking Jimmy's sweet prick subsided.

Jimmy walked around her as she kneeled on the cold, hard kitchen floor tiles. She watched him bend down and pick up her skirt's hem.

"Please!" Jimmy looked pained. He began to peer under the cotton folds of her dress.

"Oh, Jimmy what am I going to do? I can't refuse you anything. She stared longingly at his semi-erect dick.

It perked right back up when he saw her beautiful adult ass.

"Wow!" he gave her a quick look of astonishment before returning his gaze to her broad ass cheeks.

Helen shook her head and smiled. He was too much, the little darling. It was just her ass.

But Jimmy had already learned from her that if he saw something he liked on Ms. Drost's body, it would be even better if he touched it.

Helen was a very clean woman, showering twice a day, and her asshole was spotlessly clean. Jimmy never would have guessed it was just like his asshole only bigger. He looked closer and reached out his hand.

"Oh my! Jimmy!" Helen hadn't expected the gentle touch on her crinkled ass ring as his hands were hidden behind her skirt. Her eyes were satisfied to look at the boy's bright little dick as it bounced in unison with his delight of discovery.

She thought it only fair that as he began to probe her ass cheeks, she might reach out and touch his beautiful young cock.

"Oh, that feels nice." He responded.

"Jimmy, are you sure you want to be doing that? I could make you feel so much better."

He didn't say anything, but continued to enjoy her light touch on his prick. His first finger poked into the circle, but it was met with natural resistance. He withdrew and tasted his finger, but due her rigorous cleanliness, it tasted just like the rest of her, but stronger. It wasn't at all sweet like her titties. He wasn't sure if he liked it or he didn't.

Suddenly, he spanked her with his whole hand! "Bad mommy!" He laughed playfully.

"Hey!" Helen reacted. "Jimmy, what's gotten into you?" The slap hadn't hurt at all.

"I just remembered when my mommy spanks me. Your ass is really pretty, Ms. Drost." He slapped it again, giggling.

"Oh, you silly! Maybe I should spank you?"

Jimmy's eyes saddened. "No no. You're the bad one today."

"I see." Helen decided to play along with the harmless game. "Well you better get at it. We don't have a lot of time before Eric comes home."

Jimmy delighted at this and started to rain a regular snap-snap upon Helen's nicely plump ass cheeks. She smiled and began to jack her hand on his stout little dick. He stood next to her spanking her from the side.

She reached with her other hand into her thighs to finger her cunt. It was boiling with want. Her ass started to twitch, and she was amazed at how long Jimmy kept up his paced, but continuous smacking. Helen dug into her clittorus and cunt lips with vigor. The boy's hands where really beginning to warm her ass.

"You're a naughty mommy. I can spank you good."

"Oh, yes Jimmy, you are spanking me very, very good!" Helen was already about to burst. She only hoped the boy's dick would cum soon. At some point her fear of being caught again by Eric would override her impending orgasm. She didn't want to ruin it for dear little Jimmy.

She needn't have worried. He kept spanking and laughing until his cum juice spurted out and splattered on her ass. Helen buckled right away from her own orgasm, and she rode her hand to penultimate bliss.

"There," Jimmy spoke with confidence. "You're a good Mommy again." He wandered over to his clothes and put them on. Soon he was whistling his way out the back door.

Helen kept perfectly still. The warm cum on her ass congealed and cooled. Her eyes were closed. She dreamed of love soon to arrive.

The End

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