Title:Irotoridori no Sekai World's End Trilogy BOX Binaural Recording Drama CD "Watashitachi no Shiawase wa, Zuttozutto, Eien ni"
Original Title:いろとりどりのセカイ ワールズエンド・トリロジーBOX バイノーラル録音ボイスCD 「私たちの幸せは、ずっとずっと、永遠に――」
This is probably a longshot as it seems to only have come with the Irotoridori no Sekai World's End Trilogy BOX Nikaido Shinku Memorial Edition but any help would be greatly appreciated.
Original Title:いろとりどりのセカイ ワールズエンド・トリロジーBOX バイノーラル録音ボイスCD 「私たちの幸せは、ずっとずっと、永遠に――」
This is probably a longshot as it seems to only have come with the Irotoridori no Sekai World's End Trilogy BOX Nikaido Shinku Memorial Edition but any help would be greatly appreciated.