Title: ハーレムファンタジー この世を救うは善か悪 Ver1.10
Company: 神乳
Release date: 2016/07/28
Update Data: 2016/07/31
Offical Link: http://kamichichi.com/
Dlsite link: http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ178610
This game has updated to ver1.10! I heard it adds new things such CG and Story! Please somebody upload~~~ Thanks
Company: 神乳
Release date: 2016/07/28
Update Data: 2016/07/31
Offical Link: http://kamichichi.com/
Dlsite link: http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ178610
This game has updated to ver1.10! I heard it adds new things such CG and Story! Please somebody upload~~~ Thanks