title: 廻るオーバーライト・インストール
author circle: 河城重工特車事業部 (or 河城重工特車事業部代表)
authors: いとう , 10式戦車
parody: 東方Project
author website: https://kahi-sv-m6lad8946.vercel.app/works/the-circulating-overwrite-install/
purchase link (i have more but it seems no digital): https://doujinrepublic.com/product/product_page_2000527252.html
first post, so let me know if i'm doing anything wrong (other than begging)
it's a novel about the touhou secret sealing club
author circle: 河城重工特車事業部 (or 河城重工特車事業部代表)
authors: いとう , 10式戦車
parody: 東方Project
author website: https://kahi-sv-m6lad8946.vercel.app/works/the-circulating-overwrite-install/
purchase link (i have more but it seems no digital): https://doujinrepublic.com/product/product_page_2000527252.html
first post, so let me know if i'm doing anything wrong (other than begging)
it's a novel about the touhou secret sealing club