Original Title: エンジェルメイド
Romaji: Angel Maid
Getchu links: 37223; 531385
Publishing Date: 2004.03.19 (Carriere) / 2008.05.23 (Anise)
Producer/Publisher: キャリエール (Carrie're) / Anise
Both links seems to be the same game, with different release/editions
I searched the forums beforehand, but I only found HCGs.
Thank you in advance
Romaji: Angel Maid
Getchu links: 37223; 531385
Publishing Date: 2004.03.19 (Carriere) / 2008.05.23 (Anise)
Producer/Publisher: キャリエール (Carrie're) / Anise
Both links seems to be the same game, with different release/editions
I searched the forums beforehand, but I only found HCGs.
Thank you in advance