Title: まじかるバニー
Romaji: Magical Bunny
Release Date: 1997/10/24
VNDB Link: https://vndb.org/v11655
this game can get from the archive.org and h-suki,but the files there seem to be missing the video files and CD-DA tracks and omake etc
The complete version is probably 170mb
(つ旧作)(18禁ゲーム)[マニュ無][971024][AQUARIUM]まじかるバニー (ccd).rar (170M)
If anyone have a complete version, please upload it
Romaji: Magical Bunny
Release Date: 1997/10/24
VNDB Link: https://vndb.org/v11655
this game can get from the archive.org and h-suki,but the files there seem to be missing the video files and CD-DA tracks and omake etc
The complete version is probably 170mb
(つ旧作)(18禁ゲーム)[マニュ無][971024][AQUARIUM]まじかるバニー (ccd).rar (170M)
If anyone have a complete version, please upload it