I'm looking for specific releases of:
Angel Sanctuary | Tenshi Kinryouku (https://anidb.net/anime/29)
Name of the release group:
anime.fin | anime_fin
I'm looking for these specific files:
Episode 1:
CRC Hash: 9ee2e7da
233.097.216 bytes
Episode 2:
CRC Hash: 6d5684be
229.871.616 bytes
Episode 3:
CRC Hash: 49d810a7
223.987.712 bytes
No re-encodes please.
Thank you in advance.
Angel Sanctuary | Tenshi Kinryouku (https://anidb.net/anime/29)
Name of the release group:
anime.fin | anime_fin
I'm looking for these specific files:
Episode 1:
CRC Hash: 9ee2e7da
233.097.216 bytes
Episode 2:
CRC Hash: 6d5684be
229.871.616 bytes
Episode 3:
CRC Hash: 49d810a7
223.987.712 bytes
No re-encodes please.
Thank you in advance.