[Request](C92) BC Strikes ALL! 榛名総集編


New member
Sep 5, 2017
Hello anime-sharing community,

I'm currently on the hunt for a doujin.
Name: BC Strikes ALL!榛名総集編
Artist: Ryu-Akt
Circle: Napier Sabre
Release Date: 2017/08/13

I found this artist a few months ago and really liked the work. However, I found that only a small number of the artists work ever appears on the internet as scans and the occasional place that sells them with limited to no stock. I just discovered this doujin which is a compilation of all of their previous releases, but I'm only finding it purchasable as a physical copy and I'm not sure if any of these doujin sites ship internationally. Is anyone able to help provide a scan or point me to a place that sells scans from the artist?

One store I found it at: http://www.toranoana.jp/mailorder/article/04/0030/55/50/040030555067.html?rec=genre
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