riginal Title: Discipline- excellent-
Romaji: Discipline- excellent-
Release Date: 2006/11/
Company, Producer: くるりアクティブ
Getchu link: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=217753&gc=gc
Old games, hard to find :( :(
Links in searched thread are all dead :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Plz somebody help me, almost exhaust:(
Romaji: Discipline- excellent-
Release Date: 2006/11/
Company, Producer: くるりアクティブ
Getchu link: http://www.getchu.com/soft.phtml?id=217753&gc=gc
Old games, hard to find :( :(
Links in searched thread are all dead :(:(:(:(:(:(:(
Plz somebody help me, almost exhaust:(