Title: Mirai Fandisc
Original title: ミライファンディスク
Developer: FlyingShine Black
I found the official support page from archive.org, but I can't download files over 30mb ; https://web.archive.org/web/20161019053518/http://www.flyingshine.com/kuro/support.html
Please upload the patch file
It's the same クイズ修正&演出強化プログラム + patch v1.05 + v1.06
Original title: ミライファンディスク
Developer: FlyingShine Black
I found the official support page from archive.org, but I can't download files over 30mb ; https://web.archive.org/web/20161019053518/http://www.flyingshine.com/kuro/support.html
Please upload the patch file
It's the same クイズ修正&演出強化プログラム + patch v1.05 + v1.06