Title: Your Waifu Foxgirl Konko - Furfect Edition -
Release Date: 2021-07-27
Developer: Megami Soft (めがみそふと)
VNDB: https://vndb.org/v24790
DLsite: https://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ311519.html
I would like to request for someone to please upload the latest English translated version of Your Waifu Foxgirl Konko - Furfect Edition - released by Megami Soft. The translated version of the game I am looking for is the 18+ edition of the game specified in the DLsite link above. While I am aware that the English translated version of the game had been uploaded by others previously but the versions that were uploaded are currently outdated. Those outdated versions that were uploaded do not include the new outfits that were added into the game in updates such as the ones mentioned here, here and here. Therefore, I would like to request for someone to please upload the latest English translated version of the game. Thanks in advance.