Title: ~もみじ~ 「ワタシ...人形じゃありません...」
Romaji: ~Momiji~ "Watashi... Ningyou ja Arimasen..."
Release Date: 2001-04-27
VNDB Link: https://vndb.org/v1123
Hopin for a kind soul to upload this one. I normally just look it up myself in other sources, but sadly got no luck. So this is my last resort.
Romaji: ~Momiji~ "Watashi... Ningyou ja Arimasen..."
Release Date: 2001-04-27
VNDB Link: https://vndb.org/v1123
Hopin for a kind soul to upload this one. I normally just look it up myself in other sources, but sadly got no luck. So this is my last resort.