Dear Anime Manga Buddies...
I'm a huge fan of the mangaka Ooya Kazumi (Ohya Kazumi おおや和美).
I've been looking all over the Internet looking for her books and scanlations and keeping a collection.
I'm particularly looking for Patio no Ousama tachi パティオの王様たち Vol.01 to Vol.04 and
その女に恋するべからず Vol.01 to Vol.02.
If anyone has any of her books in English, Chinese or Japanese.
Please do let me know. Thank you very very much in advance!!! ^^ :)
I'm a huge fan of the mangaka Ooya Kazumi (Ohya Kazumi おおや和美).
I've been looking all over the Internet looking for her books and scanlations and keeping a collection.
I'm particularly looking for Patio no Ousama tachi パティオの王様たち Vol.01 to Vol.04 and
その女に恋するべからず Vol.01 to Vol.02.
If anyone has any of her books in English, Chinese or Japanese.
Please do let me know. Thank you very very much in advance!!! ^^ :)