Original Title: 殴られる女 -さいこミュージアム-
Romaji: Nagura reru on'na saiko myūjiamu
Released Date: 2013年08月13日
Company, Producer:ギミックス
DL Maniax link: http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ119735.html
Original Title: かぼちゃ -さいこミュージアム-
Romaji: Kabocha saiko myūjiamu
Released Date: 2013年12月11日
Company, Producer: ギミックス
DL Maniax link: http://www.dlsite.com/maniax/work/=/product_id/RJ126205.html
TBH it is not that old but don't know why I can't find them anywhere. I can find one of them though but all the link in this world are dead so this gonna be
my last resort.
btw, Theres alot more Gimmix products that look promising and all dem link are dead *sigh* , don't understand why they are not popular.