Title: Hermit Crab
Release date: Feb/12/2014
Dev: サークルゴリッチュ
All uploads and torrents seem to be broken- and looking for this older title... Any help? Thanks in advance.
Edit: One of the 3 torrents I had queued found a seeder by chance after a few hours. This thread can be deleted.. But I am not sure how to do it myself.
Title: Hermit Crab
Release date: Feb/12/2014
Dev: サークルゴリッチュ
All uploads and torrents seem to be broken- and looking for this older title... Any help? Thanks in advance.
Edit: One of the 3 torrents I had queued found a seeder by chance after a few hours. This thread can be deleted.. But I am not sure how to do it myself.
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