Original Title: Sweet Pool
Romaji: スウィート プール
Released Date: 2018-12-19 (pc)
Company, Producer: Nitroplus
Link: https://vndb.org/v1399 https://jast.blue/sweetpool.html
Hello, I would like to request the sweet pool dlc https://jastusa.com/sweet-pool-dlc
I'm going to buy the game with my saved up steamwallet, so I can support the devs. Unfortunately I don't have much to spend on anything else atm, would anyone be willing to share the dlc?
Romaji: スウィート プール
Released Date: 2018-12-19 (pc)
Company, Producer: Nitroplus
Link: https://vndb.org/v1399 https://jast.blue/sweetpool.html
Hello, I would like to request the sweet pool dlc https://jastusa.com/sweet-pool-dlc
I'm going to buy the game with my saved up steamwallet, so I can support the devs. Unfortunately I don't have much to spend on anything else atm, would anyone be willing to share the dlc?