<img src="https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-yIpuIFKeR-I/WEaDTXIAhiI/AAAAAAAAEdA/iBRbx2cGcNUH7EYDT0Hp3OXa5BIPlr5xACLcB/s1600/THREE1989-Ticket-to-Ride-758x758.jpg"/>
THREE1989 初となる冬のダンスナンバー。サウンドの特徴でもあるキャッチーでありながらも抑揚の利いたメロディラインと、時代を反映させた洒落た歌詞。ファンキーでありながらも都会的なサウンドが前面に出た一曲。 「One.Two.Three.」のカウントで始まるアナログリズムマシーンのイントロ、ファンキーなホーンセクションの炸裂するサビも注目ポイント。
The winter dance number that becomes first among THREE1989. The witty lyrics that let you reflect melody and the times when the intonation worked while being the catchy which the sound featured. One piece that the sound that was urbane while being funky was given to the front. "One . Two . Three . Introduction of the analog rhythm machine beginning with a count of ", the exploding rust of the funky Horne section are attention points.
1. Ticket to Ride
<strong><a href="http://link-zip.com/?p=11831]DOWNLOAD From : Rapidgator, Uploaded, Bigfile, Datafile, Katfile, Faststore</a></strong>
THREE1989 初となる冬のダンスナンバー。サウンドの特徴でもあるキャッチーでありながらも抑揚の利いたメロディラインと、時代を反映させた洒落た歌詞。ファンキーでありながらも都会的なサウンドが前面に出た一曲。 「One.Two.Three.」のカウントで始まるアナログリズムマシーンのイントロ、ファンキーなホーンセクションの炸裂するサビも注目ポイント。
The winter dance number that becomes first among THREE1989. The witty lyrics that let you reflect melody and the times when the intonation worked while being the catchy which the sound featured. One piece that the sound that was urbane while being funky was given to the front. "One . Two . Three . Introduction of the analog rhythm machine beginning with a count of ", the exploding rust of the funky Horne section are attention points.
1. Ticket to Ride
<strong><a href="http://link-zip.com/?p=11831]DOWNLOAD From : Rapidgator, Uploaded, Bigfile, Datafile, Katfile, Faststore</a></strong>