"So Long, and Farewell"


Elite Member
Apr 5, 2012

Meguro river, 6 April 2010
(Pic kind of related)

Haha no I'm not leaving (*ゝω・*)

Just wanted to dump my thoughts on here before I leave tonight,
but today was my last day of school this year.
Being in international schools pretty much during my whole education so far, many of the people I meet and make friends with at school are most likely children of (temporary) expats, those working at MNCs and MNEs, thus will move around every once in a while. Heck, I'm one of those kids too and I had to say goodbye around 5 times to great great friends I've had precious relationships with. Well today I've said goodbye to a lot of good friends during my stay so far of two years here in this school. Some are moving cities, some countries, some continents. And I'm sure all of you agree with me that it's hard to say goodbye, like for example parting after primary school, high school, or whatever other occasion - so how do you cope with parting with friends, family, etc.?
I'm curious! (●っゝω・)っ

♥The Hague
♥Peace to my homeboys leaving The Hague

Stay strong, one love and rest in Peace Tohoku region, and rest easy my man Jun, I fucking miss you and wish I could hold you when I visit, but damn bastard had to leave us way too early. Any of you in Kanto region please protect this guy's and millions of other Japanese people's homeplace - no, our homeplace - on the 12th this month (2-3-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo), along with tens and thousands of others. Please see http://coalitionagainstnukes.jp/?p=689

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I can't say dude.. I mean, I'm not like you keeps on moving on traveling a lot so maybe I wouldn't really or understand exactly how's it like.

Wouldn't hanging around with your friends one last time before you leave and exchanging mementos like a simple token of remembrance be a good idea?
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Hmm to cope... im usually just sad for a while and find stuff to distract me... might try to stay in contact if possible... talking helps a lot...
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I'm not one to fully understand with coping when it comes to leaving or saying farewell.

I lack... sensitivity.

Still, you're a great person Pachi. It is a true gift and wonderful in yet bittersweet moment for you.

People tend to keep photos and use video chats nowadays.

Personally, I enjoy writing letters to keep in touch.

To cope... perhaps finding new activities or do like you usually do and live each day with a bit of nostalgia while looking forward to the next day.

There's no easy or permanent way, but a little laughter each day should work. Keeps things in check and releases some stress. Finding humor in things is very enjoyable.
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I can't say dude.. I mean, I'm not like you keeps on moving on traveling a lot so maybe I wouldn't really or understand exactly how's it like.

Wouldn't hanging around with your friends one last time before you leave and exchanging mementos like a simple token of remembrance be a good idea?

Oh well thanks (ゝω・)
It's nice to mov around and discover and learn different cultures but I think doing this starting at a very very young age can be quite painful at times.

Though yeah one last time hanging around is normally what we do on the last day - although I've said goodbye to lots of friends earlier today tonight we'll be going out, yesterday had a last time skating at the "memorable" skatepark (*´ω`)

Last year had a good sleepover with a crap load of friends, had a great time, ended up discussing great moments in the year and eventually lead to a bath of manly tears (〃´ノω`)

Hmm to cope... im usually just sad for a while and find stuff to distract me... might try to stay in contact if possible... talking helps a lot...

Yeaah I like to stay in touch through Skype, sometimes I'll hop onto Facebook or Mixi as well just to keep up to date with everything that's going on with people I know around the world. Especially in this day and age when we're making the world smaller the Internet is probably the best tool to stay in touch (○・∀・)

Hey thanks so much [MENTION=18465]renano[/MENTION] ..
..You guys are all amazing as both individuals and a group! ヽ(○`・v・)人(・v・´●)ノ
For me letters are a little inefficient nor do I ever receive any in this country but I can understand why people still use handwriting, I feel it also carries a lot more personal depth as well (〃´∀`〃)

Once in a while I'll go to the skatepark to skate or where ever and remember a time I was there with them

I'll be saying goodbye to a great friend I've had since primary school, back in Years 5-6 we were incredibly close then it sort of died out in middle school and when I came back a year or two ago it went boom again then it started to die out again.. Kind of a sad story but I don't regret meeting this great person (*´ノД`)
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Hmm well a random friend which i guess i would consider my best friend during elementary and middle school finally got a fb and we chatted about random stuff~ Was quite fun and didnt really feel all that odd despite not having contact for 5 years xD
Haha yeah I recently got a friend request from a guy that went to my primary school in grade 2, it was great to talk to him again - it was my first English-speaking school so I had a hard time getting along with others because I barely knew any English but he was always there for me at the time (*´∇`)

Verstuurd via Tapatalk
Lol yeah quite fun to just poke some random friends when im bored xD Theyre sitting on the list anyway so why not~
Bromance and nostalgia has commenced.

If you have a yearbook signing, you can make more memories and possibly keep contact.

/me slept-in that day and went to some politician's party who tried to 'bring in the Khmer voters' (Governor Deval Patrick) later in the evening. Besides, I forgot there was a signing anyway. :s

So, go make memories!
Lol xD Bormance and nostalgia~

I was being odd during the yearbook signing part of the year... quite a few that didnt sign :/
Having to say goodbye to someone can be really hard.. I can't handle stuff like this really well. I get attached to kind people quickly and it hurts me when I have to leave them and vice versa...
I have some really great friends I kinda met during holidays that I had to say goodbye to..
But thanks to today's technology we can still keep in touch now and then.
It's a really great feeling to talk/chat/mail/see people you love that you haven't seen for quite some time ^^

I don't really know how I cope.. I think I'm busy enough not to think about it.
Being busy with my own personal life does help to keep my mind off of it :3
Hmm... aren't you usually 'odd'? At least, that is how you describe yourself sometimes.

All I remember was a majority of the people whispering about what happened to me some days later when I wasn't there. Lol~

Don't want to say I forgot. >_>
Hmm yes but odd doing different stuff~ I had two groups i hang out around and i was around one group more than the other near the end >.< mehs...
Lol cats think I'm a thug with an "I-don't-give-a-fck" attitude

That's until they actually get to know me (●^o^●)

Verstuurd via Tapatalk
Usually when I know I'm leaving or someone else is, I make one last plan to go out and make his/her last day with me one of the best times of their life~
Well try to make it one of there favorites...
And in the end just give a hug and say Peace bro!
/me glomps Para

You're such a sweetie, Pachi like a big teddy bear~

Oh... :/ That explains the 'odd' situation. Perhaps that other group was understanding in the end.
Hmm well since im always odd anyways i doubt it had much impact on anything xD Nothing negative really came out of the relationship with both groups anyway~

Big teddy bear O.o
Haha daw, big teddybear (●^o^●)
Though I'm actually pretty short, actually very short, just a rather wide build so yaaa (^u^)

And not so sweet either as I know I've been a giant dick plenty of times, done and said things I wish I didn't - like near the beginning of the year been a dick to the best girl friend ever and I've never grown the balls to say sorry, wish I did and it's such a bad way to part but in the end we both move on if I think I'm right

Verstuurd via Tapatalk
I've never really said goodbye to anyone. I'm one of those people who are going to be moving gazillion times in their life time (I've already done it six times) so I never get close enough with anyone to need a long winded goodbyes. I was only sad first time around when I parted with my childhood friends in Japan because that was the first time I made any friends at all. Now it's like "eh whatever" and shrug it off.

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