Main Title | Solty Rei (a2858) |
Official Title | Solty Rei |
Official Title | ソルティレイ |
Type | TV Series, 24 episodes |
Year | 07.10.2005 until 31.03.2006 |
Season | Autumn 2005 |
Tags | action, android, bounty hunter, comedy, mecha, new, post-apocalyptic, science fiction, tragedy, violence |
Countless were killed in the unexplained Blast Fall, and those left maimed - the Resembles - had their bodies rebuilt with high-tech prosthetic devices. Bounty hunter Roy Revant was sure he'd seen everything the broken city had to offer - until the day a strange little girl named Solty fell from the sky. Roy and Solty may seek different things, but who wants to search for truth alone?
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