Sono Hanabira ni Kuchizuke o: Amakute Hoshikute Torokeru Chuu – english patch

Title: ni Sono Hanabira Kuchizuke that: Chuu Torokeru Amakute Hoshikute

Title: ni Sono Hanabira Kuchizuke that: Chuu Torokeru Amakute Hoshikute
Original title: その 花びら に くち づけ を あまく て ほしく て とろける ち ゅう
Length Short (2 - 10 hours)
Developer Fuguriya
Publishers Fuguriya
Hanabirakun & AXYPB World
Series: ni Sono Hanabira that Kuchizuke
Size: 234 MB
The 7th installment in the popular series SonoHana yuri eroge.
Introduces a new couple this game: Suminoe Takako, a young and still inexpert teacher at the elementary department of St. Michael's School for Girls, and one of the Students, the daring ojousama Houraisen Runa.