Studies in Japan ?


New member
Apr 2, 2012
I'm in business school in france and in 2014 I'll have to choose a foreign university for study and I thought about Japan because I would love to start my active life by making commercial/cultural exchanges with it.:)

But the problem is that since Fukushima's disaster my parents are opposed. They think japan is a too dangerous place (my doctor said there will be many long term consequences).:(

So, I ask for you to know your opinion about this project and if there is a safe place in japan when I could search a business school.

Thanks ^_^
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Which university would you planning to go? That's what's important.
If your parents worried about Fukushima thing, just tell them that Japan is big country. It not gonna effect the whole country, or else we would hear something like mass evacuation of foreigners from Japan.
Even if you're going to study at Tokyo, it still far from Fukushima.
It would be much further, hence safer, if you are going to study at Kyushu or Hokkaido.
And if they still insist on the nuclear reactor issue, then how about all those nuclear reactors in France then?
Show them this map of nuclear reactor in France:

Location of nuclear reactor in France(in wikipedia).

The only thing that I would like to advice you is that stay away from eating dolphin meat. They have higher mercury contain, compared to us human.
One of the reason why dolphin meat is cheaper than whale.

It doesn't matter where you go, truthfully, they just worry about you. Parents will be parents.
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Just like alexsdu said. Parents are parents and they would worry even if there would not be any risks involved.

Go for it :)
I'd be more worried about money than radiation. Last I checked I think they required you to prove you can make like $30K a year to study there.
The year of study is paid by my high school ^^

And apparently, the japanese school is in Hiroshima/Nagasaki, at the opposite of Fukushima (the radioactive cloud didn't fly over this part of japan).

But my parents say earth and food are contaminated.

I'll meet my director next wednesday ^^
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Lol Japan is not a wasteland. Crops are still grown and eaten.

If money is no objection, enjoy your abroad studies. :)

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