Various Tools Learning Japanese + Translate Psp Games And Visual Novel without Hack

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New member
Dec 18, 2013

  • i cant upload the program because i have slow internet
    but it can be search through across the torrent if you have the files please volunteer to upload these files for the others and if you like the program and feel its helpful please do support each company by buying their products im not advertising so iddnt link any site but by typing them at search engine search will lead you there
  • Expect a lot of Spoiler Tags Because I want Organize and Easy Searching
  • Sorry For Bad English because english is not my main language or iddnt focus learning english i uploaded a video for easy understand or
    help me by thinking what description is appropriate to write in each program or fixed my grammar so it will be understandable and not disturbing when reading
  • All The Apps i Listed Here is for Study Purposes take note its not mine
  • please dont ask me any japanese question like grammar kanji or translation im new to japanese language as well i just want to share some useful apps

  • if you find this useful you may share this post or make your own tutorial about this at other site forum blog etc without consent or permission to me Request = please dont mention me or to be credited thank you
    Reason is im not a legit user iddnt buy any single of those mention below !

  • if you find this disturbing or not useful or misleads people you may freely delete this thread

Translates JAPANESE PSP. Visual Novels or Any Japanese Game

Text aloud - Narrator [shows or misaki voice Required]
when you copy the text it will automatically send to clipboard then you can customize if you want to speakhim up everytime you copy a text or manually press the voice command

Abby Screenshot Read -Character Recognizer
capture tool and character recognizer. You may use this application to select any part from the screen, recognize text, and save the characters in TXT format. can use also on running application image ebook visual novel

Translation Aggregator - Translator Japanese to English
auto translate the copied text from clipboard but not accurate all the time esp long sentence or paragraphs

  • Interface is Userfriendly can assign hotkeys easily so you can snapshot easily or read the text
  • Can Translate any text easily by Capturing Screen without injecting the Program
  • The Screenshot Reader is accurate i assume 89%
  • Text Aloud + Screenshot Reader can add Narrator to game
  • The Translator AGG is not right always which leads to wrong information and confusion to user good only at single text or not complicated structure of sentence
  • You need to manual Screenshot every dialogue in order to translate which is not convenient
  • Trio Combination - the Text Aloud + Screenshot Reader + AGG is good when translating a single or short sentence or simple
  • Duo Combination - the Text Aloud + Screenshot Reader good is for reading guidance and pronunciation since it is accurate most of time and can add narrator to Visual Novel or can act as your voice sensei for instance you read the J text 1st then play the Text Aloud if it reads correctly
  • Single Use -text aloud or Screenshot Reader can do its job independent try visiting a japanese website
while AGG translator is not precise thats why its not good for use in studying because sometimes it is is right sometime wrong but most of time give us wrong translation and gibberish text ii just give us thought and idea of the sentence thats why we need another reference material

Before Translating
Assign hotkeys for easy access
  • for instance my hotkey for reading japanese is CTRL + Page up while English is Ctrl + Page down for toggling Reader Screenshot it is set to my wacom bamboo tablet button

Dissecting Long Word
if the result is weird try to Dissect each word and try to analayze if there a thought in that sentence sometimes it works pretty well

Removing Special Character
if you found special Character like ] [ ! @ # etc try to elimnate them at notepad and translate

Make him Read !
some visual novel or japanese game theres no game voice narration and some of us cant read japanese but can Understand japanese if spoken so use
OCR + Text aloud to understand
Enumeration of List that can be translated!
so far this tool combination translates and Read Japanese text - - -

PSP games
we know that PPSSPP cant be hook so we use the screenshot method but not convenient and takes time
this is good if psp games like God Eater or Monster hunter or FF AGITO because it large database if you want to know the menu and item Translation
it can also translate the Dialogues too but dont expect accuracy

and lastly the visual novel in psp games

Translate Visual Novel PC
the accuracy of this screenshotreader VS Hooker is almost like the same
the only difference is Hooker is More convenient because no manual Screenshot just hit next and it translate but some games even VN has security and cant be Hook easily so there pros and cons in each tool

Translate Japanese Games has Security or cant Be hooked easily without risk of getting banned
games like Phantasy Star Online 2 or any other MMO that has security and has risk if you inject the program
i tried the game KOEI romance of 3 kingdom series its a offline game do its job pretty well

Translate Manga
i find this usefull some of how to draw manga is japanese i use this tool to understand or to have idea what is the thought
or make my text aloud to read the japanese because some of us cant READ japanese but can Understand Japanese if Spoken just like me

PDF Images !! System Error !! Image text Flash or even Poster Ads
find this useful especially in japanese site build in flash we know google Chrome cant translate flash video text
system error if Eroge game or VN error so you will know what causing its problem quickly

more info here - link

VoiceRoid Let Vocaloid Read it For You
irritated at Robot Voice misaki and show
then try this VoiceRoid you can choose variety of Reader example is l Vocaloid Like Miku Yukari Zunko you can even edit their Pitch
with no downfalls unlike Textreader if you edit the pitch it will become creepy and you feel Uncanny Valley

moreinfo here -


Study Japanese Anywhere With Your Portable IPAD device
-Best Program you should try it for yourself this is where i study mostly Kana because it has Flashcards + memo and it has dictionary with samples

Learn Japanese
for Situational Japanese Communicating how to approach and reply

for learning Quick and proper Grammar usage

More Info Here

Most Useful Audio learning Tutor
Pimsleur's Japanese
The Pimsleur Approach is a unique audio-only method for quickly learning a new language. teaches you how to Response and Reply in different situation
For Example in Unit 1 or Audio Track 1 is the introduction of sumimasen at first the Audio will give a Brief Demo of conversation of Japanese using suimasen then after that the Narrator will explain what is Suimasen then after explanation theres a Q and A where you can Practice your Pronunciation

more Info Here -
Most Useful Video learning Tutor
Let's Learn Japanese -Old classic 90s most funniest and hilarious learning japanese video there's a skit play or story in every topic really useful i highly recommend watching these

more Info Here -

Most Lightweight Learning Japanese for Microsoft Windows and MacUser
Human Japanese - For Starters
For japanese introduction if your totally new and fresh no idea to japanese and doesnt want to read long text Like most pdf do or you want direct to the point choose this it tackles hiragana katakana with animation of stroke order basic sentence formation and grammar the use of desu - E - kudasai - imasen - imas etc !!

Rocket Language - Auto Quiz with Audio

Lingosoft Picture Dictionary - Compose of Picture and has EVoice and JVOICE

more info here -

Productivity tools Aid
C-Organizer proNo Time Management? then this App is the Best Time Scheduler it automatically buzz you if you reach the time for ex when you program or plan schedule that every mon to friday from 6pm to 8pm yore planning to study japanese this program will buzz your before 6pm and then chime again at 8pm every monday to friday

Keyboard Tweak
change or swap keyboard keys easily good if you want to tweak your IME or language bar swapping english to Hiragana with

Sumatra PDF
most lightweight and Clean PDF VIEWER no annoying scattered icons or themed like other pdf and use low system memory

Clip Studio Paint or Manga Studio 5
for people who want to practice handwritting at computer japanese style can be created here and feel natural stroke and pressure and also have 2ndary Navigator where you can place picture for reference

customize your own deck or download large resources from web its basically a Flashcard helps you to memorize

more info here -


  • rocketlangugage.png
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Re: JAPANESE LEARNING TOOL AIDS PC for and IPAD recommended Application

Uhm... Is there no thread content because I only see a title..?

Edit: Since I'm the first poster here I'm assuming your question is the thread's title. But what exactly are you looking for? A virtual textbook?
Re: JAPANESE LEARNING TOOL AIDS PC for and IPAD recommended Application

Maybe you should ask in the Site Support section about what happened.

Would you mind repeating what you were going to post as a post here?

it is kinda long text i tried copy paste it again but these one appear

Thank you for posting! Your post will not be visible until a moderator has approved it for posting. tried it several times
Re: JAPANESE LEARNING TOOL AIDS PC for and IPAD recommended Application

That's right, sent to moderation queue so I had to delete all your other duplicates but, it seems I accidentally deleted this one too in the confusion from all the posts you've been flooding the queue with. Sorry about that.
Re: JAPANESE LEARNING TOOL AIDS PC for and IPAD recommended Application

That's right, sent to moderation queue so I had to delete all your other duplicates but, it seems I accidentally deleted this one too in the confusion from all the posts you've been flooding the queue with. Sorry about that.

hello iwanna request if you can change my limitation posting video
thank you very much
Re: JAPANESE LEARNING TOOL AIDS PC for and IPAD recommended Application

hello iwanna request if you can change my limitation posting video
thank you very much
Try using different posts for the time being to post your videos and use the original post to link to them. A good idea you know is to reserve posts in the thread beforehand in case you wanted to add things.
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Re: JAPANESE LEARNING TOOL AIDS PC for and IPAD recommended Application

Try using different posts for the time being to post your videos and use the original post to link to them. A good idea you know is to reserve posts in the thread beforehand in case you wanted to add things.

ok i do it next time im kinda new to forum iddnt know that 1 video is only allowed per post

There can only be one video per post if I'm not wrong.

yes didn't know about that its my 1st thread btw here
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Study Japanese Anywhere With Your Portable IPAD device

click vimeo so that it will toggle fullscreen

please check this video its not mine and credits to him !
i use same apps like him its called 25pp and the launcher of exe is ihelper exe for non jailbreak and jailbreak user
if i violated rule please notify or remove if you found this ipad app useful please buy them !

  • i demo how the application looks like and whats inside
  • This is an Ipad Application not Windows
  • i use reflector computer application to transfer my ipad screen to computer abd you cant control the ipad through your Computer
  • the Japanese App doesnt have Voice so if you want how things pronounce use The OCR Screen Reader + Text Aloud
  • go to 618 for Learn Japanese how it works
  • i recommend installing Japanese if you youre Memorizing Kanji while Learn Japanese if your want to know different Approach Response when talking to person
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Re: JAPANESE LEARNING TOOL AIDS PC for and IPAD recommended Application

Japanese Video Learning

this video is demo
its chapter 1 and is not mine credits owner who uploaded this video

untick all and Select Japanese learn 1 and 2 if you just want the Video ! and take not this is not mine and credits to uploader ! if this is helpful support the company buy buying the product if Rule is violated please notify or remove

  • if you hate reading PDF or type of person who learns much faster watching then try this
  • this video is Funny and Easy to understand and it tackles most of Japanese Basic Approach to a Person how to response and The good thing about this is theres a story or skit in each Chapter of Lesson and has sense of humor that makes you not bored to watch and most of us get bored easily if watching learning Education but this video will make you like watching Anime
  • as i remember each video clip is composed of 30minutes and theres a chapter review of previous lesson

More Screenshot

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Most Lightweight Learning Japanese for Microsoft Windows and MacUser

click vimeo so that it will toggle fullscreen

it can be download easy and quickly by searching and typing in any torrent site if you found this useful please support them by buying if rule is violated please remove !

Combine These 3 and you will quickly learn japanese
if you have dyslexia like me or lazy to read use text reader aloud then Bridget Voice

Human Japanese is for Learning and Introduction
it is good because have Bookmark Function
table of contents is organize from Beginner to Immediate

it is Summarize or Direct to the Point no blahblah Word which is irritating thats why i gaveup reading PDF or EBOOKS

Mega Japanese is For Quiz
if you want quick quiz to be ready then use this its good because it is categorize and in Game Form
the alternate for this is ANIKI if you want to make your own Q and A

Lingosoft For Common Nouns or Commonly Seen in your Environment

Examples are
object = Train - Computer - Bike - Mountain
Direction = North - South - East Left Right
Month and Time = Jan to Dec - Morning Evening Night
Profession = Doctor Janitor Waiter Police etc
translated into Japanese

it is good to have
because it is categorize and search function and Picture can quickly browse
Voice Pronounciation English and Japanese
it has Q and A Like Aniki function the Memorize or Not Memo Function
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Translator Previews
click vimeo for fullscreen

Other Screenshot

now uploading please wait

System Error
now uploading please wait

Flash Website
now uploading please wait

now uploading please wait

now uploading please wait
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now uploading Video Please Wait

untick all and Select Primslur you just want just Audio and take not this is not mine and credits to uploader ! if this is helpful support the company buy buying the product if Rule is violated please notify or remove


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I can move all of your post to the number you want, just give the word
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Download Link
This Link is not mine
im not Me Who Uploaded credits to the uploaders if i violated rule please notify me

Single !
Multiple Voice !
alternate to textaloudReader
dont like misaki or show robot reader and no life
then use voiceroid ! its a vocaloid even miku can read for you!

Pros and Cons

Very Lightweight and Simple Menus
the narration is good compare to textaloud
you can choose your favorite vocaloid
can edit pitch + no creepy result

Cant customize your own shortcut keys
the menu is Japanese for people doesnt know how to read yes its a disadvantage but use the OCR if you want to know
Doesnt have auto copy paste to clipboard so you need to manual paste but you can hit CTRL + V

Tip Misc
If youre Hardcore Programmer or have Knowledge about CC++ I recommend Using
Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking
please check this out

Vocaloid voice [ if your shy type person doesnt want to speak in mic or someone might think that your freak everytime you command ]

for example is
Voice of Vocaloid = Onegai Google Chrome
or Shimete Google Chrome
A google Chrome Will Open or Close

Nuance Dragon Naturally Speaking = U need to Put Codes and The recorder Voice of yours or if you prefer any vocaloid voice
i think theres a preset included like go to start! shutdown! open browser! search keyword ! you just need to input the vocaloid voice recoreder to dragons recorder

if you want complicated things like installing uninstalling a program for example
etc it will be harder
exp to those who doenst have knowledge in CC++ or prgramming [ just like me ]
but i think the forum dragons reader has a database for it they make a preset all you need to do is copy paste

after you done the programming all you need is a handheld device play it if vocaloid voice
or just type in vocaloid application and have a large speaker around your room

this is good if you have Multiple Computer or the 2nd computer is far away ! not connected to PC1
or you want to command your computer if your far away like Shutdown !! without going there
and lastly a showoff to your FRIENDS LOL !

but you need To teach your Computer and its kinda complicated i tried the program and i gaveup
because i dont have good quality MIC

But its Cool if you manage to do that ! though u need a good quality MIC ! and good skill in computer !
so check it out if you have those material and skill !!

im searching for a program similar to Dragons Reader but With Anime on desktop and can animate different emotion and can teach be teach command and add audio files to it

i post it here if i found that kind of program
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Does anyone here have a copy of the ABBYY screenshot read? Mine does not support Japanese tho :(

Hello, Sakimichi.Nice To Meet You!

I have read and Starry Sky.(Star-Lee-- Sky)
I think that it is reading close to the pronunciation in parentheses.
If I Ready to sorry if I wrong.
I do not know whether the implications of what you are talking about you.
Hello, Sakimichi.Nice To Meet You!

I have read and Starry Sky.(Star-Lee-- Sky)
I think that it is reading close to the pronunciation in parentheses.
If I Ready to sorry if I wrong.
I do not know whether the implications of what you are talking about you.
Hello! I was referring to the latest ABBYY screenshot reader :D
I got the old version version 8, and it does not support Japanese OCR.
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ProfProcPlot wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Could you please re-upload;

[210226][株式会社 HIKARI FIELD] Re:LieF ~親愛なるあなたへ~ / Re:LieF ~献给亲爱的你~18+ [JPN/CHN] ?

I need Japanese version only.
And quite sorry but RG doesn't work for me.
Rosemerta wrote on Ryzen111's profile.
Hello, can you re-upload this [221013] please? Thank you :D
NIKKA wrote on Esan's profile.
Could you please reuploadらぶきゅばす!おんなのこ-あくま-おとこのこ-あくま.1193778/
alaadria wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
is it possible to reupload RJ188070 with a mexashare link?