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Feb 6, 2016
[Versus X Studio] Punished Mai [Full Game] v2.4.4


(1-3-2018)Version 2.4.4 has been released

Hello everyone!
I'm from Versus X Studio, and here i want to present to you our main game we're working on: Punished Mai. A hentai kind of mix between action-rpg and survival horror (mechanics).

Before going into any further. Maybe you don't want to read wall-texts and such so first thing first: There's a DEMO you can try right now. To download it just go ahead to the Patreon link (it's FREE of course) (actually due to the new Patreon terms the link to the demo is now in our blog. You can find the link to it at the bottom of the post) where you can find also some more wall-texts xD

PATREON <---------- DEMO INSIDE :) - No additional installed software is required to play (ie. No RTP needed)

Now it's time for some info:


  • Genre: Action-RPG / “Survival Horror” / Hentai
  • Engine: RPG Maker VX ACE
  • Release Platform: PC Windows
  • Size: TBA
  • Status: Complete.
  • Languages: English & Spanish
  • Players: 1
  • Development: September 2014 - January 2017
  • Release date: 1-20-2017
  • Lattest update: 2.4.4
  • Classification: Adult-Hentai



Mai is a 28 years old young woman with a sad and dark past from which she remember almost nothing but a deep pain.
Without knowing how, or why, Mai wake up one day in a motel room, wondering, she comes out only to find that she’s in a place that she never saw on her life and which has nothing to do with her usual reality.
The girl, who initially thought she was alone in this city, ends up discovering that there is more life than she thought: monsters, demons, strange people and, last but not least, a kind of sect of people in cassocks who seem to be the ‘lords of the place ’. Under such conditions, Mai, plucks up courage and starts to seek for a way to get out of there, but unfortunately for her, after several months of searching she finds nothing.
However, someone has been watching Mai most of this time, a mysterious man who appears infront of her. He calls himself the ’Driver’ and hides his face behind a mask.
Despite the initial distrust, Mai has no choice but to accept the help of the ’Driver’, which, promises he will help her get out of the town.
Time passes and Mai begins to lose patience, strange dreams beset her, surviving in the town is becoming more dangerous, the doubts of what the town is and why is she there and above all that, a deep sense of sadness, are making the she starts to doubt on his sanity and to top places of her previous life started to appear in the town, including the house where she lived before appearing here.
All seems lost, but one day the ’Driver’ appears and tells her it’s time to leave the town, but first she shall pass a test…
And this is where our journey begins with Mai in the pursuit of a way out of this cursed town.

Character's Profile: (Will be updated as progressing)







+18 Screenshots:



Gameplay Teasers on Youtube:
Gameplay 1
Gameplay 2
Gameplay 3
Gameplay 4

I really hope you like it. I'll keep everyone updated through this topic. In the meantime if you want to take a look at more info on the game aswell as other games/ero-stuff we make please pay a visit to:
Tumblr || Blogspot

And please remember, your support and feedback is needed and deeply appreciated :)
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We've been very silent lately, the reason is that we're working on 3 BIG changes for the game which have slowed us down but not stopped us.

Let's talk about the status of the chapter 2:


- Programming: With the core systems already in place we're working now on programming the puzzles and the enemy "AI".

- Story: The script is almost finished. We hope this to be ready before the end of the month. The next step will be translate it into the game.

- Hentai CGs: This is the biggest affected part by the aforementioned 'big changes'. Not much to say just the first HCG is ready for render.

- Graphics: 50% of the graphics are already done. The other 50% are enemy graphics and some animations.

- Maps: Almost all the parallaxes are ready. The next step is to import them on RPG Maker and create the maps.

- Audio: All 'normal' SFX are ready, the OST is 50% done. We need to find some H sounds for the adult CGs.

- Translation: All common texts for every chapter and the new items are translated but the script remain intact in its original language.

Now it's time to talk about the new features:

1 of 3


Something like this has been requested by people, so after making some researches we found our own way to include it on the game.
The battle system remains almost the same; what we've made is to add some attacks to some enemy types. So don't expect every enemy to be able to h-attack Mai (it would be impossible to achieve right now).

Another important detail: due to the advanced development of the battle system instead of adding sprite-based H-attacks, you'll enjoy CG-based H-attacks.

Please note, that this doesn't change our politics about the "do it bad to get rewarded" meaning there's no H-Game Over whatsoever.

2 of 3

Well we should call this "Change" instead of "feature".
This change has been a real hard to take decision, because it is: a complete graphic overhaul for the CGs.


The "why?"
  • We weren't very happy with the achieved quality...
  • ...Also our dinosaurs-era's PCs wouldn't let us improve the quality or try to achieve any better in a reasonable time span (8h+ for a single render is too much :/)
  • To be honest it was just "another game with 3d cgs" and we didn't wanted that. We wanted to have our very own style. Because we can't afford an artist to make drawings for us, we decided to make our kind of mix between 2D and 3D art style. At first it's been risky but right now we feel very comfortable with it.
  • Some people mentioned the CGs were very VERY dark and they couldn't see a thing.
  • Also we saw people that liked the game but ran away from that very generic 3D CGs. And because we wanted our very own style this gave us the "strength" we needed to take this important step.
  • The third Feature: We think this one has been the most important one

The "Pros"
  • We achieved our very own personal and original art style.
  • The render speed. With this new style we reduced drastically the render times (no more 8h+ waiting for a single render yay!).
  • Without this change it wouldn't be possible both new features 1 (H-attacks) and 3 (read below :P).
  • No more "darkness" renders. Now the renders have a cartoonish style of illumination and this prevents any kind of impossible-to-see-renders ^^.
  • A kind of mix between 2D and 3D we hope it'll attract more people.

The "Cons"
  • A Patron's only "cons"
  • This change like the other 2 features needs to be included in the Chapter 1. But this will require some time. So we decided we'll be updating it little by little after the release of the Chapter 2.

A thing we didn't mentioned but that you probably realized (if you visited our Patreon recently) is that we redesigned some bits of Mai :P. New hairstyle, new orange short sleeves instead of those problematic torus on her shoulders and an all new gloves design.


We really hope you like this new art style.

3 of 3

And the final new feature is... yeah: Animations.

Thanks to the new art style we can now add animations to the game.

This will be a mix between Static and Animated CGs. And if it's possible we'll be able to add animations to the H-Attacks too.

Note: The quality of this gif is not the final one. This is highly compressed to be able to upload it. There's also a lack of framerate in this gif.

We really hope you like this new feature ^^.

So that's all for now. Please keep in mind that the demo is still from the old version (no H-Attacks, no new CG style and no animations) sorry.
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Time for Chapter 2 Release Date :)

The date is 5/13/16

We found some bugs while betatesting and that's what delayed it from what we have planned (it had to be out this month...). Hopefully there won't be anymore problems/delays.

We also made some changes to the Patreon, so i ask you to go and take a look at it (the rewards specifically). Maybe you'd like to take the advantage of one of those limited rewards. "Later could be too late" :P

*Note that the rd is subject to change based on our (shit) net speed for the upload.
Ok, so, more news here:

- Chapter 3 is out now. And so we're already working in Chapter 4.

- We already finished writing the story and after organizing it we decided to make the game 5 chapters long. So this means 2 chapters more to see the conclusion of the game.

- The game will have a New Game + feature where you can replay it with your level and inventory from a previous walkthrough.

- And obviously as we already confirmed, the most important feature to make the New Game + option more useful is the different endings. It will have around 4 different endings.

- Oh and last but not least, we have now charge upfront option on patron activated so if you want to get chapters 1, 2 and 3 right now just pledge, get your pledge processed and receive your reward asap.

Enjoy and regards :D
Hi everyone,
Chapter 4 and its extras are finished and tested. We really did a speedrun with this one to get it released asap.

Here is the release date:

11-15-2016 for Crocodile Patrons.

This means:

11-1-2016 (2 weeks earlier) for Fox and Hound Patrons (already out!)
11-8-2016 (1 week earlier) for Eagle and Jaws Patrons.

Here is the changelog for this version:

+Change: Added Chapter 4.
+Change: Some graphics of the Title Screen are updated for this version.

PS. Remember that because we have now Charge Upfront you can get it right now.

Regards <3
Ok guys, so Chapter 4 of Punished Mai is officially released :D
As always you can find all the info here

Hey everyone,
so in our latest patreon post, we had a little long chit-chat about our current work and the future, also our hopes for this year.
We also dated the release for the final chapter of Punished Mai:

1-20-2017 That's the official release date :)
So the moment has finally come!
Punished Mai is complete and out!:)
We'll be "releasing" a long post about the game soon, because ther's been thing about the game development we'd like to share. But right now it's time to start working on the next projects :D
Yo guys!

It' been a long time but the day has finally come: Punished Mai GOLD edition is available now.

We've also planned a couple of retrospective/emotive posts about Punished Mai coming soon.

But now let's talk about this version. This is the content it has:

  • Punished Mai GOLD Edition (The game. ^^ Below you can see the change log.)
  • Punished Mai GOLD - Artbook (139 pages, pdf, artbook)
  • Punished Mai - Character & Monster Design (51 High quality renders of characters and monsters)
  • Punished Mai - Exclusive ArtWork Collection (the previous released artworks + 3 new ones. 10 High-res renders in realistic style)
  • Punished Mai - H-Attacks Artworks (96 High quality renders used to create the H-Attacks of the game. Pixelated version is also included)
  • Punished Mai - OST (The 32 previous tracks + 10 unused tracks + 5 samples used for promotional purposes. Also include all the previous covers + a new one for this edition)
  • Punished Mai - Promotional Materials (A variety of folders including different material that we used to promote the game)

Ok, now it's time for the changelog.


  • +GOLD Edition
  • +Added: New difficulty level: Punishment.
  • +Added: A secret boss battle.
  • +Added: A scene gallery.
  • +Added: A system to unlock the CGs for the scene gallery.
  • +Added: A small CG collection with 8 collectible images on the scene gallery.
  • +Change: Increased the level max to 20.
  • +Change: Increased the max ammount of PH.
  • +Change: Some graphics of the title screen.
  • +Change: Made some adjustments and code cleaning.

That's all. Now time for a raffle.

Ok guys this will be a three in one raffle ^^

The Prizes:

  • 3 copies of Punished Mai GOLD - Artbook (139 pages, pdf, artbook)
  • 1 copy of Punished Mai (the game, regular edition, ver. 2.4.3 the latest one) + All the extras of the regular edition (OST, Artbook and Artwork collector renders).
  • 3 copies of the Punished Mai (the game, regular edition, ver. 2.4.3 the latest one)

Who can participate?

  • For the first prize - Only patrons, on any pledge (except FOX, obviously as they already have everything).
  • For the second prize - No-patrons (this means everyone for free) and Patrons that doesn't have all the extras.
  • For the third prize - No-patrons (this means everyone for free) and Pigeon Patrons can enter.

How to participate?

Easy, contact us in one of our social networks and send us this message (preferrably in the Patreon's post comments, posting here or in twitter):

'I want to enter in the Punished Mai Raffle. My nick/name is: xxxx'

Where xxxx is your nick/name. We'll publish the list of winners so take that into account.

We'll get in touch with the winners privately to send the prizes.


  • The deadline to enter is July-31-2017.
  • The raffle will be done during the next week.
  • The winners' list will be published August-7-2017.

Good luck everyone and don't forget the deadline. :D
So time for the winners (didn't expect any interest from here :( )

3 copies of Punished Mai GOLD - Artbook (139 pages, pdf, artbook):

(Note: There was only one entry to this prize, therefore only one winner)

Winner: Jeremy

1 copy of Punished Mai (the game, regular edition, ver. 2.4.3 the latest one) + All the extras of the regular edition (OST, Artbook and Exclusive Artwork collector renders).

Winner: Darkus Wargate

3 copies of the Punished Mai (the game, regular edition, ver. 2.4.3 the latest one)

Winner: Robdelobe

Winner: ChikenMcCluckCluck

Winner: MasterRycharde

Congrats to the winners and thanks for participating to everyone.

We'll be sending the prizes during this week ASAP.
As alive as something can be lol!

After a long time, a new version of Punished Mai has been released: 2.4.4
Have some bug fixes and a few changes. This will be (unless any new bug is reported) probably the latest version and then the release in stores will come.

Also a SFW version got released too for those interested in a "clean" version... I don't know any hahaha.

In a few days a new version of Punished Mai GOLD Edition will be released too. Remember that GOLD edition won't be available in stores just in Patreon as this is a special version for supporters with many extras.

For all the details, please go here

We also have a discord now! Including a public channel. If you're interested, please join here

A complete revamp of our Patreon has also been made, there you can check our new projects (some of them unannounced yet in here).

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TasogareHentai wrote on Shine's profile.
Sorry for interrupt, but can you please update this game? Thanks in advance.✨shine✨-240928-すにぃる-abyssal-corruption-rj01234893.1552783/
Puxli wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hey! Could you re-upload RJ298049 and RJ362239 mp3 files?

Appreciate it, thanks!
sikany wrote on Otokonoko's profile.
Hi could you please upload a new update file for RJ01227025?
olfi wrote on xenolin's profile.
Thank you for the last time. I'm sorry to ask again, but can I make a new request? I'd like to make the ``H-scese video'' of 真・恋姫†英雄譚-series&真・恋姫†夢想-革命-series.
Jelly-filled Donut wrote on Shine's profile.
Shine, do you have the update for this? It has additional content and bug fixes. Please and thanks.
まものす to v24.08.25 (Ver1.20)