Why does an anime character eat and display a cute face like this?

Oo Suguri

Developing anime soul.
Trusted Member
Jun 19, 2014
It is a total mystery to me why an anime character can be this kawaii.

Eat, be bright, display a cute face in front of every one... How adorable. Is this really what an anime life looks like?

I have proof, you can see my picture in this thread (look at the anime girl at the left).

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Be honest; wouldn't you rather watch that eater than this eater?

Yeah, the choice does seem obvious...but there was no need to share a photo of me with everyone
Thanks for your responses!

How nice~ The story writer and the artist worked together to bring such a cute anime character to life.
There are truly beautiful anime girls in the anime world. I cannot afford to look away the moment cute anime girls come to my awareness.

Extremely lovely.
Sugoku kawaii.
Totally adorable.

I am excited to raise my aesthetic standards by looking at beautiful anime girls. I am enjoying a lovely anime life myself and it will pay off.

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