Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 0 + Movie 1999 [VHS 480p]


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Trusted Member
Oct 22, 2017

Main TitleYuu Gi Ou (a593)
Official Title
Title Card
YU-GI-OH! 遊☆戯☆王[ゆうぎおう]
TypeTV Series, 27 episodes
Year04.04.1998 until 10.10.1998
SeasonSpring 1998
Tagsaction, comedy, fantasy, manga, proxy battles, shounen

Mutou Yuugi is a somewhat frail young boy who happens to be a big fan of gaming of any kind. But when he solves an ancient Egyptian puzzle he is granted all the powers of darkness. Now when confronted with danger and injustice, he transforms into a much darker and dangerous form, and proceeds to dish out the justice and punishment for those who so richly deserve it, by defeating them in a game of cards.

Box Folder - tv series
onedrive folder - movie

yami no game is the only yugioh series that worth watching

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