New profile posts

A sudden attack...:boys2_confused:

i made ame-kun's yandere mode activated? :wasclose:

I accept poems and even short stories xD
Hugging? sure it wont hurt haha xD
Ooh nice! It takes only a few days for you right? Looking forward to pictures :3
gene değişti hepsi senin suçun :D:D:D
ablasının kuzusu beğeni de atarmış =D
sen ne ara girdin foruma haha xD
aslında daha geçen gün başka bi tane kullanıyodum da bunun çizerini çok sevdiğim için değişirdim ^-^
Then again if i would eat sweets every time i'm stressed i would be like erm like an elephant xD
oh so you are picky? now i imagined a scene where you absolutely don't want to eat something but Riku insist on eating it <3

oh then you need to grind to get better equipments, let's start with playing Monster Generation 100 times xD
Nuuh! come back! *knocks*
Well, sweet foods are kind of my resort to avoid stress or frustration at times ^^"
Ooh, I love spicy things too, and sour ones! But not salty much, because I can't adapt well to the taste, and absolutely not bitter DX I'm a bit picky when it comes to food though, my mother would always yell at me not to separate the ones I don't like to eat, err, ahaha

Noooo, my current armor and equipment is not enough to take down the deepest pit of idol hell. I need to strengthen myself or else I'll be eaten alive like pro ones like you! XD
If I were to say my current stats:
HP: 23
MP: 89
Strength: 327
Defense: 107
Intelligence: 487
Agility: 332
Accuracy: 288
Luck: -1

Current job: Stalker
oh you sounds like you love sweets xD 8I'm more of salty and spicy lover guy (like the Trigger Spice Night Fantasy <3 xD)
well i have a lot of work with them but it's so enjoyable xD
but i'm sour not sweet xD

oh you want me to take you to the deepest level of idol hell? *evil laugh*
Ah, no worries, whenever I'm tired I'll always take my rest along with some chocolates, or ice creams, or cakes, or cookies, or marshmallows, whichever is available. I just need to remind myself not to eat too much though XD Or else I'll be high from all the sugars, haha
Ooh, still working on those games list huh~ Lucky! Do share some bishies with me too!
I can tell when someone's sweet or not, I'm an expert on things related to sweets and desserts! Ahaha //slapped
Don't drown too far now, drag me along if you want to dive deeper in it XD
well but when you are tired you should rest :D
yes and I'm looking forward to meet my bishies :D
eh? sweet? n-n-no i'm not :gakuran_blush:
Idol Hell is a pleasant hell so it's good as always :D
Yessu! I'll always come here, even when I'm not tired XD
Ah, too bad. But tomorrow is a weekday so you'll get to meet them real soon!
Aww, you're so sweet!
How's idol hell, btw? ;3
OH! *falls over and hugs back*
bah stupid classes how dare they make you tired? *gotta destroy all the classes* Well don't strain yourself too much to come here if you are tired :D

Hmm well it's just usual weekend everyone is at home so no bishies for me these days xD but well seeing you made my day much better so it's alright :D
*hugs and tackles Gama-chan!!!!*
I'm doing fine today! My classes just started today, kind of bit tired, but worth it, I guess.
How about you? How's your day today? ;>
oh no don't worry about discord, I'm more than happy to get some messages from you here so it's allright :D
that being said *hugs Kei-chan* hope everything is allright :D
It's okay, you're usually at discord, right? I want to online there but it's always loading -_-
Bummer, the internet connection here is not that strong to open discord :<
*brings cookies~*
Yeah, saw the news last night. There will never be another like him. :(
oh so sad i missed you when you came online :(
Yeah Trigger they are really smexy haha :gakuran_blush:
Yes i like to use cute boys as my avi hehe :D oh he likes you more than hamburgers? that's romantic xD
*See your profile icon* OMG, IT'S TRIGGER!! XD
And your Activity avatar is the precious boy Misturu~~ I love when he told me that he like me more than hamburgers, ahaha