New profile posts

Wow they look great though! I don't mind paying that price, but 1/4 is a bit too big for me :/

Can't wait for my Cordelia!!
I would've gotten both of these in a heartbeat..if it weren't for the 1/4 scale.. :deadsad:
Ofc I don't mind :3 I'm not around much atm because I've got lotsa family stuff to attend and also am currently obsessed with abyss mode on blazblue cpe xD but if I plan onl being around/have the free time to chat then I'll be sure to let you know :3 Hope you've been having a good week so far :D
should be simple enough. i just really need some kind of big changes in life, and a new job definitely has to be one of them
Well resumes are rather simple to create, just make them simple and to the point. Too long and they probably won't read them. Just highlight your skills learned from your past jobs, and make sure to provide refeences, or at least mention they are available upon request.
i'm gonna try fedex. all the others would need me in different cities. i just need to create a resume, because i've never actually needed one before XD
Cho đến làm thế nào thuê căn hộ golden land đồ cơ bản để kiếm được nhiều tiền nhất, hay sự nghiệp kinh doanh thuê căn hộ golden palace mễ trì bất động sản nào nào phù hợp với họ. Tuy vậy, chủ để thuê căn hộ chung cư hòa bình green city phổ biến nhất vẫn là các căn hộ chung cư cho thuê . Làm thế nào để tôi có nhà cho thuê Làm thế nào họ có thể thuê nhà của tôi đã chọn?

Sự giao thoa các phong cách thiết kế kiến trúc thuê chung cư hà đô park view đồ cơ bảnhiện đại. Thị trường bất động sản, bên cạnh các chủ đầu tư trong nước là sự tham gia, góp mặt của các chủ cho thuê nhà times city đầu tư tên tuổi lớn trong lĩnh vực bất động sản thế giới. Tất cả đang làm thay đổi hàng ngày bộ mặt đô thị Thủ Đô.
yes and for safety reasons i uploaded it to my google drive too :D
(oh i went to discord if you wonder :D)
Please forgive me for teasing you like that,it sounded like i don't believe you :(
nah, knowing someone who works there doesn't help at all. i know a few people who work there, and they can't really do anything for you.
You can always join the military. Free health care, education and housing. Plus living overseas is nice.

That's what both my brothers did.
Getting into USPS as a full time employee is difficult unless you know someone who works there, but if you get it then it's the type of job you keep for the rest of your life until you retire since you basically work for the government, and has free health care, paid vacations and all that.
no i can't really ask for a different shift. if i did, i'd end up working both shifts

i'm considering a job like usps, ups, etc.
Well I work 3rd shift there too since it pays the most.

Can you ask to work a different shift?
nah, i don't like big cities. too many people :/

i do feel like i need a new job though. 3rd shift is getting to me :/
Do you have a distribution center in your area? The pay isn't too great though, but has solid medical benefits and time off.
So you won't join? We could've chat easily together there....