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Hit level 80 yesterday. Man, the Time stop hourglass is SO convenient <3

Ok so if I get it right: I need to get a Singapore/Taiwan account, buy the PSN card for whichever region, log in on PSN Store and buy the DLC.
And if I log-on again with my EU account I will have the DLC available for my Fortune game? (Kinda new to stuff like this so sorry for the noob questions D:)
Oh and I hit my first 310K at the end of my vacation with Nyo and Kasumi :3
:lmao: I suppose it was only a matter of time, eh?
Best hope it doesn't continue to be one!

Again, you are a lucky man. Embrace the booty, but not physically. Admire it, and nod your head in approval.
Someday, though... You may just have to take action.
It is...
Cột đèn cao áp cánh buồm được thiết kế cột đèn cao áp chắc chắn, với đặc thù cột đèn sân vườn có thể sử dụng nhiều nắp hố ga loại bóng đèn cao áp cột đèn sân vườn, và độ chiếu sáng đèn sân vườn rộng nên rất phù hợp nắp hố ga với các loại công trình đèn cao áp như đường phố, đường cao tốc, cầu cảng, bãi đỗ xe cột đèn cao áp, khu công nghiệp, khu đô thị.Các cột đèn sân vườn và đèn cao áp.
Hmm... Yeah, but you can't be 100% sure at such mind-fucked ones, that they directly or not with this terror-organization involved are. But who knows.
I recognize that I do, though to be honest, I'm much, MUCH better than I used to be about getting over such things. The anger was extremely brief, and not a terribly common occurrence. Now, it's just disappointment and slight sadness.
I'll be fine, no biggie.

Thanks, I'll do just that. You do the same with your sleep!
Heh heh, I think you should. Who knows, might end up being fun?

Quite right, for science!

I will, I think! Thanks, again!

A TMV, you say? I'm very curious to know what that might be, actually. I suppose I'll find out, soon enough.
Talk lata, buddy! Sleep well!
I couldn't tell you how often I've been like this around you or not... Kind of a blur. I'll just be glad when my team finishes this stupid series so I don't have to stress over it, anymore.
(Sigh) It can't be helped, no matter how hard I try, I take it very seriously. We had a chance to win, tonight, but we've lost. We still only need to win one more game and have 2 more tries to do just that. (Best out of seven/First to win four)
I'm probably going to calm myself down with a book in a little bit, actually.
On the contrary; if my team were to win this game, we would have won the NBA Finals, and hence, be Champs.
I won't get into details. Angry sports mood is in full-throttle. -_-
Well, I don't know why I haven't mentioned this before, but I'm watching the NBA Finals right now and my team is playing like complete shit.
So... Not in the best of moods, right now.
Well... I don't know, just yet. My mind is in a severe funk, right now.
Heh heh, but she was gentle, at least... All tongue and gums! :P
Ahh, very true! The last thing I remember was Daionna giving her a taste test!
(Sigh) I know, I know... Pretty much been a slacker, lately. Got hit by the 'blahs' about 20-30 minutes ago, too.
So yes, what that one would say is 100% accurate! I don't even remember what I was going to do for the retaliation...
Err... Sorry, couldn't think of anything to say! :/
Second wave? XD :kurochan_peek:

Learning...but yeah it gives me the chills :kurochan_uwotm8:

The flavor comes from the msg :chuuni_kraken:

Thats why sushi isn't my typical thingy :akazukin_sweat: always order udon noodles:lapi_laugh:
I'd say that's a fairly solid hint you've just given me! lol Harriette, Harriette, Harriette... Got it!

I also noticed how red Zin's fine booty was. I wonder what caused that, hmm? It seems a little fuller, too, but I could just be imagining things.
Oh, I don't doubt Zin's kinky abilities, that's for sure!
Nah, no smug look for me. I won't divulge such knowledge, thank you very much!
Yes, but how does one find an attractive asian gamer? Not that I've been making an effort to look, honestly.

Oh, wow, is that Zin, as well? I've only heard the Red Witch's name once... I know it started with an H... -_-
But, yes, he's a crusty looking bastard, but can't blame him for looking so smug!
Errm... Clearly you have a perspective of gamer-girls that I am severely lacking! O_O
But, as I've mentioned before, I've been out of the gamer loop for years, and never really embraced online gaming.

Ahh, my nose is quite refreshed, now, lol.
No you are good, but as I mentioned if you actually want to buy DLC in this game then you need the PSN Card of whichever other PSN account you decide to create.

This is indeed gonna be a huge pain. At least I found our a little earlier. Would be super pissed if I found out when the DLC releasesd :/
Ooh, thank goodness. I really thought I was screwed xD

Just got to 79 as I said..this is going to be a pain.. :dead:
Yeah, since yesterday: There are (after current info) about 50 died, and about equal so much injured. - But this doesn't surprise me actually, that this sooner or later happen would...>_>
well seems you dissapeared again :( well i was happy to talk with you today. looking forward to the next time :D Take care till then Ali-chan *hugs*