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Great! Nice to meet you! I am from India.
What kind of Otome games do you like if I may ask?:D
You'd be shocked to see that I have more than you do:D
I usually play them both at the same time sometimes XD.
Just add them to your list okay? and tell me when you play it.
well i already have a long list of Japanese otome games(around 40 xD) and the ones you sent me so i don't know when i will get to play them :D
Haha well you should have started with the Fantasia series I sent you though just saying as its what made me get into this bishie world :D
That's okay:) just tell me when you start reading them okay?
Can I give you some more games?:D
i played two of the otome games you sent me (if they are considered as challenges) as i told you one of it was Get Dumped i finished it fully. I kinda like to get the guy at the end so it won't be my favorite game ever :( and the other was Love and Romance - A Study of Intimacy i liked it more. it was decent even tho i'm more into the japanese ones, About the mangas nowadays i was not in the manga reading mood so not progressed with them that not means i forgot them or giving up or anything of course
*phew* That's good to know!:D
Oh, I see.
Er...its probably been a while but did you finish the challenges I gave you:D
Hmm do you think you can make me upset by something like this? Don't worry it's hard to upset me :D
Hmm what am i playing? Nothing much i play some phone games and before i realize the day is over xD. Hmm.. maybe i can say that i play Starry Sky in spring again but not too much.
Oh. I hope I didn't upset you by asking!:( So sorry!

On a side note: What games are you playing? or played lately?
You know i'm not looking for mistakes when i read comments so you should ask about them someone else (Sorry for not being too much help)
Only Hungarian and English
If its not a problem, may I know what they are? (just a small hint is enough)
Oh, may I know what languages you speak?
Hmm. maybe here and there are some grammatical mistakes but i would not worry about them this much as even native speakers make mistakes.
Haha XD I am not telling you to teach me completely!
Just asking whether there are any mistakes when I write to you, like grammatical errors or the words getting jumbled.
hmm. but your english is fine as it is now. And well online learning is not that easy.
Oh man...and here I thought that you could teach me English sometimes. Sorry about that!
I am good too:D I will be having holidays till the 31st of this month and afterwards its back to college.
May I ask do you like cats or dogs?:D (I am kinda curious XD)
Hmm... I kinda don't remember that i said that but maybe my memory is foggy. Well the "perfect " is uhm how should i put it. let's say that usually my english is pretty good. (not perfect as there is no such thing as perfect.)
Oh...but I thought you said that you were perfect in English in a post last time.
Hmm. Well you know how the saying goes: to err is human; to forgive, divine. messing up my English here and there only show that i'm not perfect :D it me or is Gama-chan's English getting a bit jumbled sometimes these days? (previous messages)
(Sorry about pointing that out! I hope I was not rude!)