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Getting into USPS as a full time employee is difficult unless you know someone who works there, but if you get it then it's the type of job you keep for the rest of your life until you retire since you basically work for the government, and has free health care, paid vacations and all that.
no i can't really ask for a different shift. if i did, i'd end up working both shifts

i'm considering a job like usps, ups, etc.
Well I work 3rd shift there too since it pays the most.

Can you ask to work a different shift?
nah, i don't like big cities. too many people :/

i do feel like i need a new job though. 3rd shift is getting to me :/
Do you have a distribution center in your area? The pay isn't too great though, but has solid medical benefits and time off.
So you won't join? We could've chat easily together there....
I'll make sure to tell KK that Vel-chan gave me her okay to send her the bugs (=´▽`=)

But without bugs we wouldn't have nice things like (some) cute stickers :gokiko_uguu:

* Ignis ties Vel-chan up, puts her in his car, and drives to a slaughterhouse. The sooner we begin your yandere training, the better!

B-but why? Those toys would make for great gifts for young grills :korokke_cry:

Vel-chan? A cop?! Oh, I know. This gotta be some sort of roleplaying―right?
* Ignis sits down and holds his cuffs up. So, what kind of punishment are you going to mete out on me? :alice_blush:

Yes. All of them. No exceptions. As for me― * Ignis dons a frilly dress. ―I'm not one of them!

It takes one to know one! Did Vel-chan stalk me to confirm my being a stalker?

* Ignis looks at his bloody footprints.
Oh, my. I hope all those people whose houses I 'passed through' to get all this 'trash' wouldn't mind me dirtying their floor!

I liked math; I even found certain subjects of physics interesting; but chemistry... ;_;
Speaking of which, what are you studying?

If I'm already sweet without the help of a sweetening agent, then I myself am a sweetening agent!
* Ignis extends his arms at Vel-chan. C'mere, Vel-chan! I'll make you sweeter, too!

Yeah, it'd be quite annoying to have a story end badly after having a significant part of it dedicated to depicting pains endured by the characters. I had something like that once, and I swore off all works from the author from then on :( Thanks again for your kind words (*´ω`*) And your feedback was significant; you even spent time pondering on the intricacies. Better than mine, as sometimes I'm afraid I might be criticising a work too much like I did in the first WOW (;・∀・)
Sorry for the late reply!
That's good to hear :D Hope that girl hasn't been bothering you or anything :(

Been busy with uni and stuff, so rather stressed but overall I'm alright, thank you ^^
Oh then mind telling me when you become online there? Since our timelines are different.
(Oh I hope I am not asking too much:()
hmm playing games with VNR have it's advantages and disadvantages. there are times when ig gives a really good translation and then there are times when i say. WUT??
Hmm i'm in the same situation just with PSVita i mean there are soo much otome game i miss out just because i can't afford a vita, it makes me cry xD
I'm not on it atm cost I'm about to get busy haha, I've gotta clean out my rabbits room, then my Guinea pigs too and my hamster and then hoover up afterwards xD I get very sweaty doing all that T_T
I've got plenty of visual novels I wanna play that haven't been translated (mostly 18 rated otome xD) I'm learning Japanese but it's slow going. I guess I could try using VNR though, I have it but I've not used it yet. There's a game coming out on Wii U only that I want called Tokyo Mirage Sessions, I used to have a Wii U but I had to sell it to raise money for my rabbits operation so now I will have to buy one back T_T
so do you have any game you really want to play but can't because of some reason (language, not owning a console)?
Okay! Well, I am going offline as I have to read the mangas Mon-chan said for me to read.:D So, bye!
yes i have some stuff i need to do in the city so i have to leave in around 15 minutes or so.