New profile posts

We actually have a big, forested park and plenty of trees in our city, too. I think you might remember that pic I sent you a while back? I remember yours a bit, too.

Well, Summer is pretty much upon us, now. I'm fully prepared for the muggy heat! How are things where you are?
Sounds like you live in a pretty forested area. I personally would love that, but I guess that's just me.
Well, if that's the case, it must be VERY loud! Yikes...

They just cover up the true beauty of the face! I'm not really a fan of body tattoos in RL, either, but am much more accepting of them.
... Just not so much that it covers up most of your body. That's nasty.
Ahh, man, screw you! lol! I love trees! Nice to look at, provide shade, how can you go wrong?
A train, eh? Hope you don't live too close to the tracks, that can be annoying as hell.

Nope, sure don't! War-paint is fine, in moderation, but no, I don't like face tattoo's; especially in RL!
Oh, duh, war-paint! Of course, just like Ki's and others, too, I don't know what I was thinking.

Sounds like you spend quite a bit of time cooped up in that 'prison'. Can you at least look out the window and take in the outside world? I always find that relaxing.
In that aspect, I wish I was like you. Unfortunately, genetic code says otherwise... Not happening, lol!
Good movies are less and less, nowadays. For a time, I could have given you sage advice about movies, but I don't watch as many as I used to.
Plus, depends on what you're interested in!

So her facial tattoos are a reflection of that "demon-like" deadliness, I take it? Whatever the case, it works, heh heh.
yep, both are terrible... We haven't a a good president since Bill Clinton :/ /me votes ♥ Sky for US President

Watching Slovakia vs England soccer game.
Well, Trump's a racist and Hillary's apparently a criminal for using a non-encrypted email server.
I hope so too, I feel a exit vote would be bad for the global economy since UK is a huge part of EU. Well it's up to the voters.

On my side who do I vote for? Trump or Clinton? It's like a bad joke :/ fucked whoever I vote for.
23rd, this Thursday. I'm voting stay, otherwise our country is fucked.
Why do you want to get older? :alice_shock:

Im not really sure what he was thinking.. He might be a real nutcase who truly believed himself a messenger of god... but ill deny that at every step... Actions are louder than words :kurochan_shifty:

I suppose they should put effort into looking nice at least :lapi_present:
My sis said to go watch it too... :miku_tehee:

Just had an eggplant dish today... or at least everyone else at the table did :kurochan_thumb:

Probably before the world ends at least :miku_cheer:
I went out and took a long walk. When I came back, I watched several movies in a row. I'm a little better, but deep down, I know this is going to sting for a long, long time.

Aka, the traveling assassin for hire, eh? I see she's wearing that Japanese swimsuit you made!
Sexy, but kinda scary...
I'm sorry, buddy, but I gotta get my mind right. I can't talk to you like this, I don't want to bring you down.
I'll get better, no worries.
Take care, talk again, soon, hopefully I'm better.
Mouth hump? I've never heard that expression used, before. Feast? Sounds like a b-movie, if I ever heard one.
Where the hell do you find these movies?
At this point, I'm not quite sure much of anything will cheer me up, but you're more than welcome to try.
Buddy, I'm going to need you now more than ever... My team just lost the NBA Finals, and I'm about as disheartened as a man can get.
Needless to say, you won't need to be worrying about me having a "bad sports mood" once I, hopefully, get over this bullshit.
*raise hands* me me oh me! :alice_hi:

He regretted being a he thought of those ways to get money...hope she'll recover soon~ cut off all the communication ways to reach them, to keep your mom safeee XD

That's the best way to avoid more contact with him~ :wasclose:

Well they need to have good looks too if they wanted to confess in public :nyanmusu_yousee:
It's really nice :bigeyes: even my little brothers watch it :bigeyes:


Not convincing at all, how far!!! :kurochan_tantrum:
Do you have an Asia Region PSN account? Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong etc... If you do then you can download the demo on your PS4 so you can try it out. While I have the game on PS4, it's suited perfectly for a handheld like Vita as well, so kinda a hard choice. Muramasa plays perfectly on Vita, and looks beautiful as well. So Odin Sphere should look and play well on Vita too.

One thing I should mention about Muramasa on the Wii. Muramasa on the Vita is a HD Remaster of Muramasa on the Wii. So the Vita version has new bosses/enemies/weapons/skills plus it has 4 new DLC characters not available on the Wii.

Thanks, had them both on pre-order for a while. Really love that Artbook too.
Who wants to get older? :akazukin_down:

I dont think he was anything more than a narcissistic... Not sure if he got satisfaction out of it but he sure did get money... My mom doesnt regret it..... shes too brainwashed to... I think the main reason she stopped talking to them is because they moved away and she cant see them anymore... She went back to a normal church as well so...
I just ignore him whenever he tries to "teach" me... You cant argue with idiots because theyll spout illogical garbage in an attempt to argue back... :kurochan_sigh:

Heh... its always sweet when someone confesses... unless theyre a creeper :kurochan_fear:
Ill see if I can x3

My mom makes it every so often so yeahhhhhh :nekopara_sigh:

In the far future~ :kurochan_thumb:
Well, skinny guy's gotta eat, too! What did you think it would be, eh?
Anyway, talk later, then! :)
*Sniff* *Sniff* I smell the remnants of baked pizza and Dr. Pepper!

Aww, shucks! x/
Not a big deal, you'll get there, soon enough!
Land lore? More info on the different lands, I take it?
You do have a heck of a lot of info on your land, way more than I do!

Hey now!
...Yeah, you're probably right, lol.